Oldham is launching the grant application process for Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018
Building Confident and Cohesive Communities

Many parts of the Borough are changing fast – hundreds of new homes are being built, new academies have been re-located and many neighbourhoods are becoming more ethnically and socially diverse as Oldham’s population changes.

While these are positive developments, change creates disruption and uncertainty for residents and communities need support to get through this process.

A small minority of individuals act in divisive ways, for example by committing hate crimes or acting in other ways which damage good race and community relations.

We need to challenge this behaviour – we need to:

  • Ensure that people feel safe in their neighbourhoods and that people from different backgrounds get on well together;
  • Tackle hate crime and improve the support provided to victims;
  • Manage threats to good race and community relations in the borough;
  • Create a sense of shared belonging and promote opportunities to participate in the community.

The Community Safety and Cohesion Partnership Board iscommittedtotacklingall hateincidents,whethertheseare motivatedby hatredagainstpeoplebecauseoftheirrace, religion, disability,sexuality,gender identity, or alternative lifestyle/sub-culture. The Partnership willcreatea culture wherebydiscrimination, actualorperceived,ischallengedanderadicated.

We want to build on this by holding events and activities throughout Greater Manchester Hate Crime Awareness Week.
You can help do this by holding an event or activity in your neighbourhood during Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018. Events must:

  • raise awareness of hate crime,
  • encourage reporting
  • celebrate the diversity of Oldham
  • promote Stop Hate UK

Your group can apply for a grant of up to £500 to assist with the event. The funds can be used to cover the costs of speakers, food, arts/crafts, running workshops, developing a play or a film, or any other reasonable costs for holding an activity or event as part of Greater Manchester Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018.

We can help by supplying branded marketing materials such as bags, leaflets, posters, pens, wristbands, stickers.

To be eligible,

  • Your activity/project must be specific to the hate crime themes/culture/diversity
  • You must be part of a group that is either a constituted voluntary, community or faith organisation, a registered charity or registered social enterprise based in and of benefit to people living in the borough of Oldham
  • Able to confirm that at least one or more members of the organisation will attend a Hate Crime Awareness Session on Friday 19 January 2018 10am – 12.30pm.

Please note we cannot fund volunteer time expenses.

Please be considerate and only budget for what you need, this will enable more groups to deliver activities across Oldham.

Any event must take place between Monday 5 February and Sunday 11 February 2018
The deadline for receipt of the forms is Monday 8 January 2018 at 5pm

For more details contact Virbai Kara, Senior Communities Officer.

Health and Wellbeing Directorate

Telephone: 0161 770 3274, Mobile: 07792399806


More information about hate crime can be found here:

To apply: Please return this application by email with the subject line “Hate Crime Awareness Week Grant” by Monday 8 January 5pm to

Main Organisation Contact details
Contact Tel: Contact email

Address where the activity is planned to take place and any partners organisations

Is it a private of public event

What type of organisation are you?

Constituted Group / Registered Charity Number / Other (please state)
Please describe the activity or event you are asking us to support.
Which individuals/communities will be involved or who will you be engaging/working with?
When and where will your activity be delivered?
How many people will benefit from this activity?
How will your activity raise awareness of Hate Crime, encourage reporting to Stop Hate UK Helpline and/or celebrate difference and diversity in the Oldham Borough?
If you are working with vulnerable adults or children you will need a Safeguarding Policy
(If you are successful we will need to see a copy of this)

Event Budget

Please tell us how you intend to spend the grant if awarded. You should be specific about all costs and provide a descriptive breakdown on how you arrived at the total. Please keep food costs to a minimum. Equipment should be value for money and actual costs and not estimated. (We expect the majority of the grant to be spent on the activity)

Please be considerate and only budget for what you need, this will enable more groups to deliver activities across Oldham.

Item Description / Cost (£)
Total Cost

Do you have an organisation bank account?

Account Name
Account Number
Sort Code


Please ensure you have answered the questions and read the terms and conditions of this grant. Please keep a copy of this for your records.

Signed Declaration of Understanding - this section should be completed by the contact person
By signing or typing your name below you declare that you have authority to make this application on behalf of the named organisation and that you have read and fully understood the terms and conditions. By signing you also enter into an agreement with Action Together to take full responsibility for the following conditions associated with a successful grant: -
  • Ensure that the event will take place between 5-11 February 2018
  • Your group attends a Hate Crime Awareness Session as advised
  • Ensuring the grant money is spent as set out in this application and checking with Action Together before any necessary alterations are made.
  • Providing a brief monitoring report about your event, including photos and participant feedback where appropriatebefore Friday 23 February 2018


Terms and conditions

  • Any event MUSTtake place between Monday 5 February and Sunday 11 February 2018
  • Should you be unable to demonstrate that all funds have been used as stated on your application we may request that the award is returned in full.
  • It is your responsibility to keep an accurate record of your expenditure. However, you will need to provide copies of receipts to show that the award was spent as agreed. You will be required to provide delivery notes, invoices, VAT receipts and receipts for any kind of expenditure incurred by the project.
  • You will be required to get a written agreement from Action Together before making any changes to the project.
  • If you use less than the whole award on the project you will be asked to return the unspent amount to Action Together immediately.
  • You will need to use the ‘Let’s End Hate Crime’ and ‘Stop Hate UK’ branding at all times, PDF versions of logos are available on request if you are producing leaflets etc. You will also need to acknowledge the support of Oldham Council, Greater Manchester Policeand Action Together if you wish to publish documents that refer to the project or in spoken public presentations.
  • You will need to complete an evaluation form at the end of your project, including highlighting outcomes. This needs to be returned to Action Together before Friday 23 February 2018
  • You must tell Action Together immediately in writing of anything that significantly delays, threatens or makes unlikely the project’s completion.
  • Action Together and Oldham Council may share information about your award with any parties of their choice as well as members of the public who make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Details of the project may be broadcast on television, the OMBC and VAOldham websites, detailed in the newspapers and through other media. In line with Data Protection Act we may give the information that you provide to other relevant bodies.
  • Action Together will not increase the award if you spend more than the agreed budget.

To apply: Please return this application by email with the subject line “Hate Crime Awareness Week Grant” by Monday 8 January 5pm to

Applicants will be informed of the panel’s decision no later than Monday 15 January 2018.

Successful applicants will be required to attend a Hate Crime Awareness session on Friday 19 January, 10am-12.30pm at Action Together, Manchester Chambers, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1LF