Miss Smith’sNewsletter
Dec. 1st-5th
Dates to Remember:· November-December 3rd-Student Council will host a toy drive for HAAM. Please send in new items from ages 0-16. Thank you!
· Dec. 3rd- Early Release
· Dec. 3rd- Bring in a rock for rock project.
· Dec. 5th- PTO Pay to Play- Holiday Hats or Antlers
· Dec. 10th…Classroom Spelling Bee
· Dec. 18th- Polar Express Day!
· Dec. 19th- Early Release and Holiday Party
· Jan. 9th- School Wide Spelling Bee
· / Homework:
· DON’T FORGET TO KEEP TRACKOF YOUR CHILD’S READING AT HOME! I am attaching a copy of the log in case you need it! J
Million Minute Reading Program.
· Students will have Words Their Way (spelling) homework along with an assessment on Friday. Students will have spelling and sights words each week
· Encourage your child to read to you and review high frequency sight words listed on the next page.
· Practice counting to 600 or higher (goal for the end of the year is at least 1,200)
· Practice adding up groups of coins up to $1.o0
· Practice comparing numbers and ordering numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest.
· Math facts up to 20.
· Practice writing letters and numbers often!
· Reversing numbers and letters is common at this age, but do point out the reversals and show the correct way to write the letter/number.
What are we Learning About?
1. Reading/Language Arts
· Utilizing book clues to help with understanding – pictures and context clues
· Retelling Stories – correct order, important details, setting, and characters
· Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction text
· Daily Five Rotations
· Discussing characters and character traits in stories. (motivations, feelings, and traits)
· Practice inferring about different characteristics of characters in stories.
2. Writing
· Write brief stories that have a beginning, middle, and end.
· Writing Conventions – left to ri0ght, complete sentences, capitals, and punctuation.
· Brainstorming Ideas for writing. Small moments to create Personal Narratives.
· How do writers write? Story writing routine with beginning, middle and end. “Just a Burger” writing.
· Underlining words we are not sure are spelled correctly and moving on.
3. Math
1. Shapes- 2D- sides, vertices, attributes.
2. Continue adding and subtracting to solve real world word problems.
3. Adding by place. Adding 2 digit numbers.
4. Practicing addition problems with Result Unknown- 12+13=? , Change Unknown 12+?=25, and Start Unknown- ?+13=25
5. Practice regrouping when adding,
6. Use money to represent numbers in different ways.
7. Practicing automaticity of math addition and subtraction facts up to 20.
8. Practice doubles facts.
9. Time, Today’s Number, Coins Review
10. Greater than and less than Review
11. Number sentences/equation creation
12. Writing numbers in Expanded and Standard form (i.e. 122- 100+20+2)
13. Using a blank number line, students are able to place numbers in the correct order and describe how they know.
14. Adding 1/10/100 to a number and taking away 1/10 to solve an equation.
4. Science
Rocks! We will learn about different types of rocks and how they form. Please send in a rock by Dec. 3rd for projects in class. We will paint this rock, so please make sure it is not special to your child or your family.
Social Studies –Discuss past/present/future. Talk about timelines. Discuss how technology has changed and evolved from the past to now. / What can I do at home?
· Always practice retelling a story in the correct order and including all important details.
· Students should be writing words that are legible and easily read (even if they are not spelled correctly). Encourage sentence writing utilizing correct punctuation and capitalization. Practice writing complete sentences.
· Students should be sounding out simple unknown words while reading.
Important Reminders
· Remember to have your children to school on time as often as possible. We begin instruction immediately after announcements (around 8:05 AM). Thank you for all your support!
· Please send in the second grade activity fee. ($25) I am still missing a lot. J
· Brain Pop, Jr. Login information:
o Login – SWE1234
o Password – SWE5678
· Bring in your plastic bottles and cans for recycling!
Word Study
Sort 21- Long and Short iShort i (cvc)- bliss, grill, grim, quit, whisk.
long i- (cvce)- grime, quite, rise, twice, white
Long i(vcc- igh)- bright, fight, high, night, sigh
Long i(y=I cv)- cry, dry, shy, sky, try / ““Instant” Sight Words
1. a
2. ball
3. blue
4. come
5. father
6. get
7. have
8. house
9. in
10. it
11. little
12. make
13. mother
14. not
15. play
16. ride
17. see
18. to
19. want
20. will / 21. all
22. at
23. boat
24. but
25. do
26. duck
27. find
28. girl
29. he
30. kitten
31. like
32. now
33. out
34. put
35. saw
36. stop
37. thank
38. there
39. three
40. train
Reading Words of Wisdom: “Research has shown that children who read even ten minutes a day outside of school experience substantially higher rates of vocabulary growth between second and fifth grade compared to children who do little or no reading.” -Anderson & Nagy, 1992
Sight Words