Old Dominion Chapter SGMP
Request to Host SGMP
2016-2017 Chapter Meeting
Responses due
Friday, February 12, 2016
Request for Proposal 2016-2017
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General Information
The Old Dominion Chapter of the Society of Government Meeting Professionalshas nearly 100 members who either plan government meetingsor supply services to government planners (hotels, convention and visitorsbureaus, etc.). The purpose of the monthly chapter meeting is to providehigh qualityeducational programs and networking opportunities for ourmembers. Some40 to 50 members attend each Chapter meeting and a board meeting is also held on the same day.
Since at least half of the attendees plan a variety of government meetingsand conferences, this is an excellent opportunity for supplier members toshowcase their properties, make a positive personal contact with interestedplanners, and demonstrate support for the Old Dominion SGMP.
Hosting an SGMP Meeting at Your Facility
To make it easier for government planners to attend,the majority ofmonthly meetings are held in the greater Metro Richmond area. The Old Dominion SGMP Boardof Directors also holdstwomonthly meetings outside of Metro Richmond area, butwithin 100 miles of Metro Richmond to showcase new properties and show value tosupplier members.
Benefits of Hosting
- Having a direct link to your property in the monthly meeting announcement
- Having a direct link to your property and the property logoon theChapter’s website (30 days)
- Making welcoming remarks at the meeting
- Displaying and distributing promotional materials about your property
- Offering a tour after the meeting
The host provides complimentary:
- Meeting room space
- Board room setup (12-15)
- General meeting (40-50)
- Audio visual equipment
- Screen
- Projector
- Podium
- Microphone
- Networking Reception
Hosting an SGMP Meeting at a Non-Member Facility
Non-member facilities can host chapter meetings if no member facility is available.
Request for Proposal 2016-2017
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Meeting Specifications
Board Meeting: 1:00 – 2:30 PM, conference style for at least 15 people
Registration: 2:30 – 3:15 (table with 2 chairs)
Chapter Meeting: 3:00 – 4:30 PM, crescent rounds for 40-50 people
Networking Reception: 4:30 – 5:30 PM
Food and Beverages: Reception Style (host discretion)
Proposal/Decision Process
Selection criteria, in order of importance:
- Active member of Old Dominion SGMP who displays an interest in theorganization through participation at monthly meetings, working oncommittees or projects, advertising in the newsletter or on thewebsite, or donating to the annual auction/monthly raffles
- Evidence of ability to provide meeting space, audio visualequipment, food and beverages, and lodging as requested in thisRFP
The Education Committee will acknowledge proposals as they are received,review proposals, select the meeting locations, and notify members whensites are selected.
Dates of Programs & Special Events
The Old Dominion SGMP monthly program dates are as follows:
October 5, 2016
November 2, 2016 / Silent Auction (exhibits)*
December 7, 2016 / Richmond
January 4, 2017
February 1, 2017 / Culinary Auction (exhibits)*
March 2017** / Chapter Education Conference
April 5, 2017
May 3, 2017 / NEC, June 6-8, 2017
Orlando, Florida
June 2017** / Awards Banquet
Request for Proposal 2016-2017
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*Note special events require additional square footage of meeting space. Exhibit must be in the same room as general session. **March Chapter Conference and June Banquet are separate RFPs.
Request to Host SGMP Meeting
Preferred Date: Optional Date:
List any services the Supplier Member is willing to offer as the host facility (be specific and detailed, listing all services being offered at cost or complimentary):
Responses may be submitted via email to . Please call (804) 786-7592 if you have additional questions. Responses due by Friday, February 12, 2016.