Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology

Face-to-Face Common Syllabus

Fall 2017

MATH 0143 -- Math Fundamentals

This course emphasizes areas of mathematics that are directly applied to practical, real-world situations. It prepares students for entry into a college-level mathematics course. It places emphasis on mathematical skills at the pre-college level. Topics include: application of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, problems with percent, ratio, and proportion.

Course Purpose:

The purpose of Math Fundamentals is to strengthen basic math skills in order to better prepare students for future mathematics courses.

Type of Course: Theory

Credit Hours: 3; Total clock hours of theory per semester: 0;

Total clock hours of lab per semester: 0; Total clock hours of clinical per semester: 0 .

Class Length: Full Semester

Class Days and Times: TR 9:30-10:55 p.m.

Prerequisites: None

Instructor Name: Susie Mauldin Instructor Phone: (918) 293-4782

Office: Noble Center (NCAT) 204A Instructor Email:

Contact: My preferred method of contact is email. Please allow 24-48 hours to return your correspondence during the normal work week.

Instructor's Office Hours: MTWRF 7:30-8:25 a.m. Please email to set up date and time for all


School Name: Arts and Sciences School Main Phone: 918-293-4768

Required Text, References, and Materials

Texts: Hawkes Software/Access code

References: None required other than those available in the library, on campus, and on the Internet.

Materials: Pencils, calculator, and notebook paper (You MUST provide your own pencil every day!).

Uniform/Tools: N/A

Estimated Cost for Materials: $ 96 Hawkes Software/Access Code

Estimated Cost for Uniform/Tools: $ N/A

Optional Resources: N/A

Upon completion of the course, students should:

Course Objectives / Assessment of Objectives
Solve order of operations. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Compare decimals, round decimals, add decimals & whole numbers, add two decimals / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Identify prime and composite numbers and factors of composite numbers. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate multiples of whole numbers, proper and improper fractions. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate simplifying fractions, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers to improper fractions, improper fractions to mixed numbers, and order fractions. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate fractions, mixed numbers, unlike fractions, and unlike mixed numbers using addition. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate fractions, mixed numbers, unlike fractions, and unlike mixed numbers using subtraction. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate fractions, mixed numbers, unlike fractions, and unlike mixed numbers using multiplication. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate fractions, mixed numbers, unlike fractions, and unlike mixed numbers using division. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate decimals to mixed numbers, decimals to fractions, fractions to decimals, and mixed numbers to decimals. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate decimals to percent, fractions to percent, and percent to fraction. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Calculate percent of a number, percent when total is known, and total when percent is known. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test
Identify and calculate proportions. / Daily assignments, Chapter test, *Post test

Aspects of the course objective assessments may be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. If applicable, an asterisk (*) above indicates this assignment is used in the university assessment program.

Course Activities

In this course students will:

Ø  Participate in fundamental coursework which consists of classroom and online instruction.

Ø  Complete individual homework assignments and take end of unit exams.

Ø  Demonstrate a sense of community responsibility and a work ethic based on consistent class attendance and punctuality, and group activities.

Ø  Evaluation - Grades will be based on the quality and completion of these tasKS:

Minimum of 80% mastery for every objective. There are 24 objectives for Math 0143.

Receipt of a P (Pass) signifies that the minimum 80% mastery for all objectives has been met, a passing grade (70%) on the final exam was achieved and participation points were obtained, resulting in a P (pass) on your transcript.

Receipt of a NP signifies 79% or below on some objectives or not all objectives/course requirements were met, the final exam did not receive a passing grade and/or participation points were not obtained resulting in a NP (No Pass) on your transcript.

Receipt of an I (Incomplete) signifies that additional coursework is needed to finish the course. An I may not be awarded, if a student is failing the course. Also, the student must have completed 3/4 of the required coursework and not have excessive (more than 5) absences.

*The student’s grade for this assignment will be used in the university’s assessment of student learning. A 70% competency or higher receives a Pass rating. This Pass/Fail rating is independent of the student’s course grade.

Daily and/or weekly quizzes, small weekly assignments and similar type projects:

Normal return time to student by next class meeting or no later than one (1) week.

Extensive assignments, large lab projects, extensive quizzes, exams and similar type

projects: Normal return time to students in one (1) to two (2) weeks.


Students should have adequate reading and problem-solving skills that will facilitate understanding of the material required in the course.


Students may use any/all course materials, including e-book, calculator and notes, while participating in classroom activities.


This is a self-paced course. Late work penalties are as follows:

1. / / % penalty for up to / / day(s) late
2. / / % penalty for up to / / day(s) late
3. / / % penalty for up to / / day(s) late
4. / / % penalty for more than / / day(s) late

However, all 24 objectives and Final Exam must be mastered on or before the last day of class in this semester.


Chapter tests and Final Exam will be taken only in the classroom. It will be considered academically dishonest if a test is taken outside the class. See Academic Dishonesty.


All cell phones must be turned off or silenced and put away during class time. You may bring bottled drinks to class, but they must have a screw on lid.


View the Syllabus Attachment, which contains other important information, by visiting http://osuit.edu/center/student_syllabus_information

Course Schedule
Course Outline Schedule / Topic / Assignment / Due Date
Week 1 / Syllabus, Class expectations
Ice Breaker/Bring Access Codes / SEP 7
Week 2 / Reading/Writing Whole Numbers &
Add/Subtract Whole Numbers
Multiplication with Whole Numbers / Objectives 1.1&1.2
Objective 1.3 / SEP 10 SEP 13
Week 3 / Division with Whole Numbers
Rounding and Estimating Whole #’s
Exponents & Order of Operations / Objective 1.4 Objective 1.5 Objective 1.6 / SEP 17
SEP 20 SEP 24
Week 4 / Problem Solving with Whole Numbers
Tests for Divisibility Prime factorization & factor of composite numbers / Objective 1.7 Objective 1.8
Objective 1.9 / SEP 27 OCT 1 OCT 4
Week 5 / CHAPTER 1 REVIEW CHAPTER 1 TEST / Objectives 1.1-1.9 / OCT 3 OCT 5
Week 6
NO CLASS OCTOBER 10 / Introduction to Fractions & Mixed #’s Multiplication/Division with Fractions & Mixed Numbers Least Common Multiple (LCM) / Objective 2.1
Objective 2.2
Objective 2.3 / OCT 11 OCT 15 OCT 18
Week 7 / Addition/Subtraction with Fractions ______Addition/Subtraction with Mixed #’s / Objective 2.4 Objective 2.5 / OCT 22 OCT 22
Week 8 / Order of Operations w/Fractions & Mixed Numbers CHAPTER 2 REVIEW CHAPTER 2 TEST / Objectives 2.6 Objectives 2.1-2.6 Objectives 2.1-2.6 / OCT 25 OCT 26 OCT 26
Week 9 / NO CLASS / NO CLASS / OCT31-NOV 1
Week 10 / Introduction to Decimal Numbers & Addition/Subtraction w/Decimal #’s Multiplication w/Decimals / Objectives 3.1 & 3.2 Objective 3.3 / NOV 9 NOV 9
Week 11 / Division w/ Decimals ______Decimals and Fractions / Objective 3.4 Objective 3.5 / NOV 14 NOV 14
Week 12
NO CLASS NOV 23 / CHAPTER 3 REVIEW CHAPTER 3 TEST Ratios & Proportions Solving Proportions / Objectives 3.1-3.5 Objectives 3.1-3.5 Objective 4.1 & 4.2 / NOV 16 NOV 16 NOV 21
Week 13 / Decimals to Percents Fractions to Percents / Objective 4.3 Objective 4.4 / NOV 28 NOV 30
Week 14 / Solving Percent Problems using Proportions P/100 = A/B Solving Percent Problems Using Equation R*B = A / Objective 4.5 Objective 4.6 / DEC 5 DEC5 DEC 7
Week 15 / Discount, Sales Tax, Commission CHAPTER 4 REVIEW CHAPTER 4 TEST / Objective 4.7 Objectives 4.1-4.7 / DEC 12
DEC 14

Schedule is subject to change at instructor discretion.

Updated: August 2017Face-to-Face Page 4 of 5