The Principals
Sub: ‘Veethika’ 2016-17, an Inter-school Fest
Dear Sir/Madam
It is our pleasure to announce that our school is organizing an inter-school fest, titled Veethika, on May 5th, 2016 within our school premises.
Veethika is our initiative to create a platform for young learners from various schools across Delhi-NCR to showcase their talents and also to encourage enhancement of their skills and talent. We hope to provide a space for these students to grow through both self-competition and healthy competition with their peers in events ranging from fancy dress competition, poster making, craft work, clay work, music and many more such activities.
The fest, Veethika, will be a true success only if all of us come together to motivate our students to participate enthusiastically. Therefore, we hope to create a comfortable and positive environment for students to display their skills.
Please refer to the attachments for details of Competitions and Participation Form.
The host team will participate but not contest for any position.
We look forward to a shining display of talent by every participating school to create a truly memorable experience for all the students. Kindly send your entries latest by April 25th, 2016.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
DAV Public School
Pratap Vihar, Ghaziabad
D.A.V Public School
Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Inter School Fancy Dress Competition
- The dress chosen by you should be according to the theme.
- The participants should come properly dressed for the competition.
- Judgment will be based on costume, dialogue delivery, time duration 1 minute on stage, confidence, posture, expression, theme
In case of any query please feel free to contact Ms.Sneh Sharma, 9899499335
D.A.V Public School
Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Inter School Clay Competition
Time - 8:30
Duration - 2 hours
Group 1 (Clay modeling competition)
Group 2 (Clay modeling competition)
- Clay modeling tools (for using) will be allowed in the competition but will not be given by the host school.
- Clay will be given by the host school.
In case of any query please feel free to contact Ms. Ruby Rani-9654240677
D.A.V Public School Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Inter School Craft Competition
Time - 8:30
Duration - 2 hours
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Inter School Group Song Competition
Time - 8:30
Theme - Devotional/Patriotic Song
Classes - V To VIII
Time limit - 4-5 Minutes
No. of participants - 8 To 10(with instrumentalists)
Maximum No. of
instruments to be
used - 3
- No filmy or album songs are allowed.
- No electronic instruments are allowed.
- Instruments can be played by teachers and students both.
- Judgement will be done on the basis of rhythm, melody, coordination and overall presentation.
- Judges decision will be final.
- Children are supposed to wear school dress.
In case of any query please contact- Mayank Upadhyay, 09997435070.
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Inter School Painting Competition
Time : 8:30 a.m.
Duration : 2 Hrs.
Group 1 (Painting Competition)
Group 2 (Poster Competition)
- Sheets size A3 for group 1 and sheets size Half Imperial for group 2 will be provided by the host school.
- Other relevant material like poster colors, brushes, pastel colors, markers etc to be brought by the participants.
In case of any queries please contact Mr. Dushyant Mani-9871961226
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Veethika 2016-17
Event Yoga Competition
Time : 8:30 a.m.
Group : Under 13
No. of participants : 05
- Participants should be in yoga costume.
- Music system will be available at the venue.
- Each team is supposed to perform 7 asanas, out of which 5 (draw system, 2 of their choice.
- List of asanas is also enclosed for your reference.
In case of any query please contact Mr. Sanjay Sethi, 9871453918
Mr. Rishi Raj Bisht, 9990018259
Ms. Vaishali, 9958438601
Ms. Archana Rawat, 9015969551
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Veethika 2016-17
Registration Form
Event : Yoga Competition
Name of the school : ______
Group : Boys
S.NO. / Name of participants / Class1
Name of the teacher accompanying : ______
Ph : ______
Seal and signature of the school principal : ______
Ph : ______
Group : Girls
S.NO. / Name of participants / Class1
Name of the teacher accompanying : ______
Ph : ______
Seal and signature of the school principal : ______
Ph : ______
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Registration Form
Event- Group Song (Devotional/Patriotic)
Name of the school- ______
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
No. of accompanists - ______
Instruments Used - ______
Teacher accompanying - ______
Seal and signature of the school principal - ______
Date - ______
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Veethika 2016-17
Registration Form
Event : Clay modeling competition
Group 1 (clay modeling)
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Group 2 (clay modeling)
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Teacher accompanying : ______
Phone : ______
Seal and signature of the school principal : ______
Date : ______
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Veethika 2016-17
Registration Form
Event : Poster making competition
Group 1 (Painting competition)
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Group 2 (poster competition)
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Teacher accompanying : ______
Phone : ______
Seal and signature of the school principal : ______
Date : ______
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Email I’d:
Participation Form
- Name of the school : ______
- Address of the school : ______
- Email address : ______
- Categories of participation( tick against the appropriate box)
Fancy Dress Competition
Clay Modeling Competition
Craft Competition
Poster Making Competition
Group Song Competition
Yoga Competition
Details of the participants: (Write in capital letters)
S.NO. / Participant / Event / Class & Section / Phone No.1
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Veethika 2016-17
Registration Form
Event : Fancy Dress Competition
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Teacher accompanying : ______
Phone : ______
Seal and signature of the school principal : ______
Date : ______
D.A.V Public SchoolPratap Vihar Ghaziabad
Veethika 2016-17
Registration Form
Event : Collage making competition
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Event : Doll Making
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Event : Paper Quelling Competition
S.NO. / Name of participant / Class1
Teacher accompanying : ______
Phone : ______
Seal and signature of the school principal : ______