The aims of the Okehampton RFC anti-doping and illicit drugs policies are to promote a safe, healthy and responsible Club environment free from prohibited drugs, whether performance enhancing or recreational.
This prohibited drug policy applies to all members, their guests, visitors and those responsible for and attending private functions held at the club premises. The club has to consider in its handling of situations involving drugs the effect on the reputation of the club, the effect of drugs on members and its ability to operate in a drug free environment.
It is the responsibility of all members to be aware of this policy and to take appropriate action when situations involving drugs are discovered. Any such situation must be reported immediately to a club official, including coaches, and passed on to the Club Disciplinary Committee for immediate action, and if minors are involved, to the Safeguarding Officer. The Police should be called to attend the club to take control of the situation and members should cooperate with the Police as fully as possible in the execution of their duties.
Okehampton RFC supports the Anti-doping and Illicit drugs policies laid down by the England Rugby Football Union. These policies can be found at:
The RFU Domestic Testing Pool consists of the higher levels of rugby in England. However, it is important to note that the RFU can, and does, test outside of this pool, meaning that clubs at the playing level of Okehampton RFC are not immune from testing.
Illicit Drugs are defined as including substances such Cocaine, Cannabis, Amphetamine, MDMA (Ecstasy), and so called legal highs. This is not a complete or exhaustive list.
A Help With Drugs counselling programme exists in Okehampton known as Living Free. It is based in Okehampton and meets every Tuesday evening. The programme has trained counsellors. Contact details for Living Free are in Annex 1 to this document.
Club Drugs Policy - Users:
Anyone found in possession of or using performance enhancing drugs or illicit drugs on the club premises or away from the club premises in that they would have an impact on performance in matches, will be dealt with by the Club Disciplinary Committee:
- If the member is an under 18 player (i.e. a minor), the outcome will involve a ban from playing matches for a period of time. Parents will be notified in advance of the club disciplinary hearing and could/will be invited to attend the hearing.
- If the member is an over 18 player, the outcome will involve a ban from playing matches and from club events and facilities for a period of time and possibly for life depending on the severity of the situation.
- If the member is not a player but falls under other membership categories, the outcome will involve a ban from club facilities and events for a period of time or for life depending on the severity of the situation.
- In all cases 1 to 3 there will be a recommendation (mandatory for under 18 year olds) to participate in Drug Counselling and they will be referred to Living Free which is an Okehampton based organisation concerned with the abuse of drugs and alcohol – see Annex 1.
- If the person involved is not a member of the club attending a club function or event, then they will be subject to a ban from the club either for a period of time or permanently.
- The club will report all occurrences of drug abuse to the Police.
Club Drugs Policy – Suppliers:
Anyone found supplying or selling drugs or in possession of quantities of performance enhancing drugs or illicit drugs on the club premises, or away from the club premises in some circumstances, which could imply an intention to supply or sell, will be dealt with by the Club Disciplinary Committee. (It should be noted that passing drugs to a friend is legally regarded as supplying.):
- The default outcome will normally be for the member to be barred from the club and club events for life. This would be particularly the case if the member was a responsible adult and if a police conviction has been received.
- At the other end of the scale, if the member was an under 18 player and if this was a first occurrence and if they had onlyreceived a police caution, then a measure of leniency and education would be more appropriate. An outcome would be a ban from playing matches for a period of time and a mandatory requirement to participate in a ‘Help with Drugs’ programme. It is the task of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee to determine an appropriate outcome for offences lying between these two ends of the scale.
- If the person involved is a non-member attending a club function / club event, then they will be subject to a life ban from attending the club or any club functions.
- In all cases involving supplying or selling drugs the matter will be referred to the Police by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee in order that criminal matters can be considered.
- The criminal justice system will take into account the individual circumstances of each case, applying threshold and gravity testing to the evidence before considering cautions or charges. The Club disciplinary outcome will take into account the degree of criminality proven when determining the club sanction.
Directors and Committee of Okehampton RFC. 21/11/2016
Annex 1.
LIVING FREE is a support group set up in 2009 by a group of professionals in Okehampton who saw a need for such a group, offering free confidential support and counselling to
people with drug addiction and other related problems.
The group can be contacted on 0300 321 4804.
The group meets weekly on a Tuesday evening and can offer either group or one-on-one sessions.The group aims to provide those who come for help with ’tools’ to use to deal with the stresses faced on a daily basis. These tools include methods to deal with issues, or providing healthy attitudes to adopt towards the stresses members face. In turn these attitude changes will assist in exchanging unhealthy coping behaviours with healthy ones.