Day 9 July 21, 2014

I need to now back track just a little here and tell you that one thing you do NOT want to do on Facebook is to try to post to other people’s PAGES.

Posting to YOUR page is fine. Putting up multiple pages for yourself to post on is fine. Posting to groups within their guidelines is fine. Posting to your own timeline is fine.

What is NOT fine is posting to other people’s pages--ESPECIALLY if you are talking promotions for your own books!This can easily get you banned on Facebook or at least put in Facebook jail for a week or two. Don’t let that happen to you. Just don’t post on other people’s pages! Simple as that.

Also, don’t post multiple posts of the exact same thing on multiple groups. This can also get you in FB jail. It’s not worth it, and there’s no reason to end up there.Variety is the spice of life, and you can easily create a lot of variety in your posts. Remember 3-5 different posts about each book, 3-4 different posts about each blog post, you will have 100's of different FB posts in no time. USE THEM!

Day 10 July 23, 2014

Today's post is really long. Feel free to print it out or cycle back through it several times to fully understand how to put all of this into action for your own marketing. Questions and comments are always welcome.

Combining the Facebook Strategies

The pieces of promoting on Facebook that we have discussed so far include:

1)Direct posts about your book to groups, your page, and your timeline

2)Posts about your blog posts to groups, your page, and your timeline

3)Posts about first chapters and excerpts to groups, your page and your timeline

So now we have three options of overall posts to make and (hopefully) multiple things to post about under each one, let’s put this together and see how you can post a LOT about your books and your work on Facebook in a way that draws people in rather than annoying them with the same thing over and over again.

Step One – Organizing Your Posts

If you have multiple posts about each blog and book, you will quickly become overwhelmed. So first, let’s get organized.

I have one Word FB marketing doc for each of my books (I have 25 books, so it is MASSIVELY important for me to be organized about this).

The first thing I do when I create my Working Doc for a book is I create the Amazon tag, jump link, and title. For example at the top of my doc, I would put:

AWIP Working Doc

A #1 Best Selling New Adult Christian Romance on Amazon!

*~*~* A WORK IN PROGRESS *~*~*

(for the link, all you need is the -- put your ASIN there and you don’t have this super-long link but you WILL have a link that works)

Now, go to Amazon and pull say 5 to 10 good review quotes. Copy and paste them into your doc like this:

“Have you ever read a book that you can read over and over again? A Work in Progress is one such book. Staci Stallings weaved an amazing story with every single word that was written. There are real lessons within these pages that make you aspire to become a better human being.”

“Do you ever feel like the odd man out? Do you see everyone else as "having it all together" or being "the total package"? This book explores those feelings from a lot of sides.”

“Most people aren't aware that the people that seem to have it all- looks, money, being popular- feel just like they do. And they are really envious of us! Because they think we have something they don't. This book also shows us the One that REALLY loves us- where we are at, the way we are and are calling us to Him. This book works as a comfortable read but is thoroughly inspiring and uplifting. I was sad to see it end.”

(You will probably have to put the quotes around them after copying and pasting them!)

Then copy and paste the Amazon tag, jump link and title under each one…

“Have you ever read a book that you can read over and over again? A Work in Progress is one such book. Staci Stallings weaved an amazing story with every single word that was written. There are real lessons within these pages that make you aspire to become a better human being.”

A #1 Best Selling New Adult Christian Romance on Amazon!

*~*~* A WORK IN PROGRESS *~*~*

“Do you ever feel like the odd man out? Do you see everyone else as "having it all together" or being "the total package"? This book explores those feelings from a lot of sides.”

A #1 Best Selling New Adult Christian Romance on Amazon!

*~*~* A WORK IN PROGRESS *~*~*

“Most people aren't aware that the people that seem to have it all- looks, money, being popular- feel just like they do. And they are really envious of us! Because they think we have something they don't. This book also shows us the One that REALLY loves us- where we are at, the way we are and are calling us to Him. This book works as a comfortable read but is thoroughly inspiring and uplifting. I was sad to see it end.”

A #1 Best Selling New Adult Christian Romance on Amazon!

*~*~* A WORK IN PROGRESS *~*~*

If I now add whatever “Special line” I want at the top and some hashtags at the bottom, I’ve got three unique FB posts for "A Work in Progress" all ready to copy and paste to the groups. (I have between 5 and 30 for each book of these in my working docs.)

Do one of these working docs for each of your books. The more books you have, the fewer posts you have to do for each one. The fewer books, the more quotes you’re going to want to use. Also, you don’t have to use the whole review. Just enough for interest but not so much that it’s overwhelming.

STEP TWO – create a Word doc with your FB posts for your blog posts.

List the blog post title, then write 3-4 posts about it.

BLOG TITLE: What is Your Default?

What trouble are your default emotional settings getting you into? How can you reset them? Find out! #motivation

Your default settings are running (ruining?) your life. What are they? How do you reset them? #parenting #inspiring

If you have many blog posts (that link to your books) ready to go, 2-3 posts is great. Your goal would be to get around 50 – 60 FB posts about your blog posts. Or be working toward that.

STEP THREE – create a Word doc with your FB posts for your first chapter and excerpts posts.

List the title of the book and then 2-3 FB posts about the first chapter with the link, and 2-3 FB posts with the link to the excerpt.

STEP FOUR – When I had a whole bunch of these pieces created, I then started putting them together. To make it easier, I created a combination doc that looked like this:

Day 1


Stuck in your "tent" of the rut of ho-hum? Maybe it's time to Step Outside... #Christian

“It will pull you in and touch your heart. It will show you how you can lay those things that are preventing you from loving Jesus at the foot of the Cross. It will inspire you and give you hope.” FOR REAL

What do you want your kids to say about you? #legacy

“A beautiful story that points out not only what the firemen go through but what their family and friends also go through. Thank You for a great read.” TO PROTECT &SERVE #1 Amazon Best Seller!

“I'm still smiling, thinking about what clever ways she weaved this story.” WHITE KNIGHT #books

Day 2


Go as far as you can. When you get there, you can SEE FARTHER. #inspirational

Transformation... Change OVER TIME! If you want change, it won't happen overnight, but it CAN happen. #motivation

Even our rejection doesn't keep God from loving us. #God

“Very few books have captured my interest as this one did. I found that I couldn't put it down. I devoured it in less than two days, reading every chance I could.” WHITE KNIGHT #ebooks

“There were a LOT of issues brought up in this book but they were handled in such a way that it didn't overwhelm the senses. They just sort of followed a natural chain of events.” FOR REAL #book

Day 3

TRANSFORMATION is possible! Some things to think about... #life

Don't stay in the tent! You can't imagine what God has in store for you when you STEP OUTSIDE. #grace

Do you "hedge your bets" with your prayers? With God, there's no need for Plan B. #inspiring

What Reviewers are saying: “She built such a strong community of friends that it made me wish my husband and I were part of this tight circle. I could envision us hanging out with them, being accepted for who we are, and building memories right alongside everyone else.” WHITE KNIGHT #Kindle

“If you ever struggled with your weight and compared yourself to all of those beautiful girls with perfect figures and felt as though no one was ever going to care about you, then you will be able to relate to this story about a girl named Melody.” FOR REAL #ereader

Then I just open the combination doc and start posting for the day. I post to my page, my timeline, and groups. Often times I post to multiple groups, just pulling randomly from my Book Working Docs, but this gives me a systematic way of combining the promotion of all of the content I have rather than drilling one book and having people get sick of it.

Also, I can post one day and skip a day or have a light posting day where I just put things on the groups not on my page or timeline.

With this many pieces in place, you can move things around and different people will see it.

I think right now I have about 65 days of posts ready to go. I need to make more. So many pieces so many combinations… so little marketing time! 

A very short word about income streams. I view each book as an income stream. Some of my income streams do much better than others. My goal is to get all of them working for me, not just one or two. So posting about the different books on different blog posts and then different books to the groups gets all the books into play rather than just my “favorites.”

Happy marketing!

Staci Stallings
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