BSc. (Hons). Occupational Therapy
Name of Student
Name of Practice Placement Educator
Address of Practice Placement
Dates of Practice Placement to
Number of Hours Completed
Reasons for Absence
A student must be deemed to be professionally suitable in order to pass the practice placement. Educators are referred to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Occupational Therapists (2010) and the HCPC Standards of Proficiency for Occupational Therapists (2013).
Please tick the appropriate box below to indicate whether the student has demonstrated consistent high standards of professional and personal conduct (HCPC 3.1).
Please tick the appropriate box below to indicate whether the student has successfully met the learning outcomes.
Practice Placement Educator’s Comments/Advice to the Student re. his/her overall performance
Student’s Comments:......
Signature of Practice Placement Educator
Signature of Student
Signature of Academic Practice Placement Organiser
Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Each of the following learning outcomes are based on the Health and Care Professions Council’s Standards of Proficiency for Occupational Therapists.
For each learning outcome below, please mark on the scale the point which you feel reflects the student’s performance. If the student is less able to achieve the learning outcome, mark to the left hand side of the scale, and if the student is more able to achieve the learning outcome, mark to the right hand side of the scale.
In the comments box, provide feedback to assist the student in their understanding of the point at which the scale is marked. Comments provided may indicate strengths which the student has and areas of development which may need to be addressed in subsequent placements. You can use the electronic version of the forms to expand the comments boxes to add detail.
Learning outcome 1
Unable to demonstrate the ability to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising their own professional judgement under the direction of a placement supervisor. / Able to demonstrate the ability to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising their own professional judgement under the direction of a placement supervisor.Comments:
Learning outcome 2
Unable to demonstrate effective self management of work load and resources. / Able to demonstrate effective self management of work load and resources.Comments:
Learning outcome 3
Unable to demonstrate the ability to work in partnership with other staff, service users and carers. / Able to demonstrate the ability to work in partnership with other staff, service users and carers.Comments:
Learning outcome 4
Unable to demonstrate effective and appropriate communication skills including communication and information technologies. / Able to demonstrate effective and appropriate communication skillsincluding communication and information technologies.Comments:
Learning outcome 5
Unable to demonstrate knowledge of when it is appropriate to share information to safeguard service users or the wider public. / Able to demonstrate knowledge of when it is appropriate to share information to safeguard service users or the wider public.Comments:
Learning outcome 6
Unable to demonstrate the ability to gather appropriate information. / Able to demonstrate the ability to gather appropriate information.Comments:
Learning outcome 7
Unable to demonstrate the ability to select and use appropriate assessmenttechniques. / Able to demonstrate the ability to select and use appropriate assessment techniques.Comments:
Learning outcome 8
Unable to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to determine appropriate actions. / Able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to determine appropriate actions.Comments:
Learning outcome 9
Unable to evaluate research and other evidence to inform their own practice. / Able to evaluate research and other evidence to inform their own practice.Comments:
Learning outcome 10
Unable to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional Judgements. / Able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional Judgements.Comments:
Learning outcome 11
Unable to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales. / Able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales.Comments:
Learning outcome 12
Unable to conduct appropriate interventions or other actions safely and skilfully / Able to conduct appropriate interventions or other actions safely and skilfully.Comments:
Learning outcome 13
Unable to demonstrate the ability to keep accurate comprehensive and comprehensible records in accordance with legislation and guidelines. / Able to demonstrate the ability to keep accurate comprehensive and comprehensible records in accordance with legislation and guidelinesComments:
Learning outcome 14
Unable to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly. / Able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly.Comments:
Learning outcome 15
Unable to reflect on and reviewpractice. / Able to reflect on and review practice.
Learning outcome 16
Unable to apply the theoretical concepts underpinning occupational therapy. / Able to apply the theoretical concepts underpinning occupational therapy.Comments:
Learning outcome 17
Unable to know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice. / Able to know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice.Comments:
Learning outcome 18
Unable to demonstrate the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment. / Able to demonstrate the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment.Comments:
Learning outcome 19
Unable to understand the importance of participation in supervision and mentoring. / Able to understand the importance of participation in supervision and mentoringComments:
Learning outcome 20
Unable to understand thestructure and function of health
and social are services in the
UK / Able tounderstand the structure and function of health
and social are services in the