Minutes – June 1, 2016 SILGA EXECUTIVE


Minutes of Executive Meeting – Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Meeting held at the Sun Peaks Grand, Sun Peaks BC


President Councillor Chad Eliason

1st Vice President Councillor Shelley Sim

2nd Vice President Director Patty Hanson

Past President Councillor Marg Spina

Directors Councillor Lori Mindnich

Director Karla Kozakevich

Councillor Keith Thom

Councillor Helena Konanz

Councillor Charlie Hodge

Director Mike Macnabb

Councillor Donovan Cavers

Absent Alison Slater, Executive Assistant


President Eliason called the meeting to order at 10:06 am.


Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Marg Spina THAT:

The agenda be adopted as presented.



Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Donovan Cavers THAT:

The draft minutes of the Executive Meeting held in Salmon Arm on January 27, 2016 be adopted.



1.  LGLA Update

2.  Regional District of Kootenay Boundary letter re: Local Government Integrity Commissioner

Moved/Seconded by Charlie Hodge/Donovan Cavers THAT:

SILGA receive the correspondence for filing.



1.  Website launch

a.  ask communities for updated photos

b.  send board member login information

2.  2017 convention – mobile optimization

-Director Cavers to follow up and report back at next meeting

3.  Dropbox Account – not all executive can use dropbox because of firewalls. SILGA will continue to provide documents via email as well.


Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Donovan Cavers THAT:

President Eliason to follow up on the letter to CCBAC.



1.  SILGA email address

Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Charlie Hodge THAT:

SILGA use a gmail account for all emails –


2.  SILGA post office box

Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Karla Kozakevich THAT:

SILGA establish a PO box as a permanent address and mail then be forwarded to the president to be scanned and added to dropbox for email to executive.


3.  LGLA session in SILGA region in fall

·  staff to contact LGLA for hot topics

·  two sessions to be run in both north and south region of SILGA

·  look for cost sharing with LGLA

·  if no hot topics then focus on

-  firefighters playbook

-  downloading of costs

-  how to best implement best practices

-  doctor recruitment (Ministry of Health update)


1.  Finance Report - Executive Director Alison Slater

·  As at April 30, 2016 SILGA had $ 50,038 in the bank and $132,046 in the MFA account.

·  Directors were in receipt of the General Ledger and MFA account reconciliation to April 30, 2016.

Moved/Seconded by Marg Spina/Lori Mindnich THAT:

The Treasurer’s report be received.


2.  President’s Report – Chad Eliason – verbal report

3.  Convention Report

Kelowna 2016

·  Financially the convention showed a profit of $41,763 after both $10,000 retainer to City of Kelowna and $7,595 of attrition costs were paid to Delta Grand. This is compared with $51,596 in profits for the Kamloops convention. This also included CivicInfo costs of $3,500 (new for 2016) for registration fees.

·  The main reason for the good financials were the increase in delegate fees (had 268 delegates/spouses/sponsors etc) attending and the strong sponsorships. Both were $10,000 higher than budgeted. Speaker fees were very minimal this year as favours were called in and LGLA footed the bill for a number of breakout sessions. However, the catering costs at the Delta were very expensive; almost $10,000 higher than 2015 (some concession does have to be made for increased attendance).

·  Staffing hours for Kelowna were 141 for Corinne Boback and 38 for Stephen Fleming. Corinne was responsible for the welcome reception (fantastic job!), delegate gift, speakers’ gifts, school liaison and photocopying. Stephen had no specific responsibilities. Without the time commitment for registration I believe these hours could be lower.

·  The Delta Grand had a number of issues relating to both service and construction. However, they want $7,595 paid in attrition costs as per the contract. This cost would be waived if SILGA agrees to have the convention back at the Delta within the next 3 years. The Delta would like a response by June 15th.

§  In light of the construction issues at the hotel, a letter will be sent to the Delta stating SILGA will pay 50% of the attrition fees.

·  SILGA will have a debrief meeting in Kelowna within the next couple of weeks. Meeting will include host committee and SILGA convention committee members.

Sun Peaks 2017

·  Hotel Rooms and conference facilities have been booked. By changing the configuration of the plenary sessions from when Sun Peaks hosted in 2010, we will have a trade show room that can hold up to 16 booths; other booths can go into the foyer and smaller rooms.

2018 Convention

·  SILGA has received bids from Revelstoke and West Kelowna.

Moved/Seconded by Donovan Cavers/Shelley Sim THAT:

Revelstoke will be the host for 2018. A letter will be sent to West Kelowna encouraging them to bid for 2019 with a more detailed proposal.

·  Host Committee Retainer.

Moved/Seconded by Mike Macnabb/Lori Mindnich THAT:

The host committee retainer be reduced to $5,000 to be effective for the 2018 convention.


4.  Resolutions – call was received by Councillor Konanz from the Mayor of Oliver regarding clarification for resolution procedures at AGM on the following point:

“A member representative from the local government sponsoring the resolution will speak for a maximum of 2 minutes regarding why the resolution is being brought forward.”

At the AGM, the CAO from Sicamous brought forward the resolution, not an elected official. He did not have prior consent from the SILGA President, no point of order was received at the time and the resolution was passed.

Moved/Seconded by Shelley Sim/Marg Spina THAT:

SILGA write a response to Oliver Mayor Hovanes to explain that the point of order had to be made at the AGM as the SILGA resolutions committee wasn’t aware that the speaker was staff and not an elected official. Furthermore, the resolution in question has been already been submitted to UBCM. SILGA is now aware of the point of order and will ensure that steps are taken to prevent this from happening in the future.


5.  Committee Structure – President Eliason to send out email to board to garner interest for boards.

6.  Minister meetings at UBCM

Moved/Seconded by Shelley Sim /Lori Mindnich THAT:

Staff to send all 2016 SILGA resolutions to the appropriate ministry and then request minister meetings.


7.  Association Direction

·  No new projects, do what we do well

·  Rural internet advocacy

·  Additional conservation officers

·  Fire Fighter playbook and arbitration

·  Medical Care - health care recruitment

·  Keep pushing for border inspection stations to have sniffer dogs for Quaaga/Zebra mussels (SILGA had 3 water source protection resolutions in 2016).

Date of Next Meeting – June 29th in Peachland

·  Request Rural Physician Society speak to board at next meeting


Moved/Seconded by Shelley Sim /Charlie Hodge THAT:

At 1:24 pm the SILGA Executive Meeting of June 1, 2016 be adjourned.


Alison Slater

Executive Assistant