OISE Psychology Clinic


Client’s Name:______Clinician’s Name:______Date:______

Documents to include in file (if available):

  • Elementary/middle/high school transcripts
  • Previous assessment reports
  • Previous educational documents (e.g., IPRC, IEP)
  • Post-secondary transcripts and list of currently registered courses (if a student)


  1. What brought you in to do an assessment? (Probe as necessary for “the first clue that there might be a difficulty”, when it first started, symptoms, severity, duration)

  1. What previous interventions have you tried? What was the outcome? (Probe to get an understanding of anything that helped or made the situation worse).

  1. Have you had any previous testing? What was the outcome? Did you receive any accommodation based on it? Please describe.



Note: Clarify if answer is No or Unknown. Ask for more details.

  1. Were you born prematurely? Yes No Unknown
  1. Did you have low birth weight? Yes No Unknown
  1. Tell me about any birth or pregnancy complications that you are aware of:




  1. Review any areas development difficulties from infant until pre-school. (Probe separation, divorce, separation anxiety, illness)




  1. Describe your language development ______


  1. What language was spoken at home? ______
  1. Did you have any difficulty learning to talk? Yes No  Unknown


  1. Did you receive any Speech and Language Assessment or Therapy Yes No  Unknown


  1. Did you attend pre-school or an early education program? (Probe for any developmental anomalies)



  1. Tell me about any difficulties you experienced in your early language and motor development:





  1. How many schools did you attend?
  1. What was the reasons for changing schools?______
  1. Did you have frequent or extended absences from school?______
  1. Did anyone tell you that you had behavioural problems?______
  1. Did you receive any special education/remediation/resource assistance/specialized tutoring?
  1. What grades or courses (if any) did you repeat?______
  1. Were you ever diagnosed with a disability or disorder which explained why you had trouble learning? If so, what?


  1. Describe your early classroom experience______



  1. Review any problems learning in school. (Probe for tutors, special classes, special education. When did they start and for how long).




  1. Where did you go to high school?______
  1. What was the primary language?______
  1. Was it a private school?______
  1. What languages did you learn?______
  1. What were your best subjects throughout high school?______
  1. What were your worst subjects?______
  1. Did you ever receive any help (remediation) in elementary or high school?______

If Yes, when?______

If Yes, what type of help did you get?______

  1. What were your strengths in school aside from grades?______


  1. Did you have any challenges that stand out to you i.e. ways you felt different from your peers? (Probe: pace, presentation, essays)______


  1. Describe any behavioural problems in or outside of school______


  1. Was school generally a positive or negative experience?______
  1. What was school like for you socially? What kind of social network did you have?______


  1. Did you do homework? If so, did you do it on your own? Who helped you?______


  1. List any grades or courses failed in elementary or high school______
  1. Did you miss a lot of high school? If so, when and why?______


  1. What extra-curricular activities did you do?______


  1. How did handle school transitions? Please describe.______



  1. List any post-secondary courses you have taken or are taking and the marks received:______



  1. List any problems you are having in school now?______


  1. How have you tried to reduce these difficulties? How successful were these efforts?______



What type of method best suits your learning style (i.e. visual, auditory, experiential)?______



Do you think your reading speed is slow, fast, or average?______

Do you misread words?______How often?______

Do you have problems understanding what you read?______

Do you lose your place when reading or use your finger/marker to help keep your place?______

How long can you sit and read at one time?______

2. Writing

Do you have problems expressing yourself in writing?______

Do you have difficulty organizing your writing?______

Do you ever miswrite words?______

Do you ever forget to write word endings, verbs, etc.?______

Do you have problems with grammer?______

Do you have problems spelling?______

3. Speaking

Do you have difficulties expressing yourself verbally?______

Do you prefer written or verbal expression?______

Do you ever mispronounce words (give examples)?______

What languages do you speak?______

What was the first language that you learned to speak at home?______

If English is NOT your first language, at what age did you learn English?______

Describe any problems you had in learning English______


Describe any learning problems you had (have) in non-English language(s)______


4. Hearing

Do you ever mishear words, or mix up words that sound the same?______

If yes, give examples______

Do you have problems listening and writing at the same time?______

5. Math

How are you at Arithmetic?______

Do you know your times tables?______

Do you ever misread/miswrite numbers?______

Do you have trouble making change at stores?______

6. Memory

Did you have problems with memory in school?______

If everyday life?______

What is your memory like for names?______

Memory for faces?______

7. Other

Are you comfortable using a computer? (If not, why?)______


Describe your usual approach to studying, including time spent:______



How well do you organize and budget your time?______




Describe your employment history.

Company / Role / Responsibilities / Length of Role / Reason for leaving (voluntary/involuntary)

What did you like about your jobs?______


What did you dislike about your jobs?______


Did you have any accommodations?______



  1. Are you right or left handed?______
  1. Do you do everything with that hand?______
  1. Did you always use that hand?______


  1. Do you frequently get lost?______
  1. Do you have a good sense of direction?______
  1. Are you good at picturing something in your mind?______
  1. Can you understand maps, charts, diagrams?______
  1. Do you have any problems with fine motor co-ordination (e.g. threading a needle, using keys/tools)?


  1. What is your handwriting like (i.e. neat/sloppy, fast/slow)?______


  1. Do you have any problems paying attention to something or concentrating?______

If Yes, explain (give examples) and go on to the following questions.______


  1. How old were you when problems with attention began?______
  1. Have you ever been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder?______

When?______By whom?______

  1. Have you ever taken medication(s) for attention problems (specify)?______



  1. Do you or others think that you are hyperactive at present?______

What about as a child?______

  1. Do you have problems being impulsive (e.g. acting or making decisions too quickly, being interruptive, being impatient while wating)?______

What about as a child?______

  1. Have you been in trouble with the law?______


  1. To the best of your knowledge, did your mother experience any problems during her pregnancy with you (e.g. accident, illness)?______

If Yes, explain______

  1. What did you weigh at birth?______
  1. As a child, did you ever experience anything other than the normal childhood illness (e.g. did you ever have seizures, very high fever for a long time, polio, etc.)?______

If Yes, what?______

  1. Have you ever had a severe head injury or lost consciousness?______

If Yes, when and how long?______


  1. List any allergies or medical conditions from which you presently suffer:______


  1. If you are taking medication(s), please give the name(s), dosage, and reason for taking:______



  1. Do you have any vision problems?______

Hearing problems?______

If Yes, do you need to use corrective lenses or a hearing aid?______


  1. Describe use of alcohol and “street” drugs:______

Has your pattern of drinking or drug use changed?______How?______


  1. Have you ever experienced emotional or psychological difficulties (e.g. depression, anxiety)?______

If Yes, specify:______

Did you get treatment? If Yes, specify______

  1. Are you having any difficulties with stress, anxiety, depression, or other problem(s) now? Specify______




  1. Do you have any difficulties with peer and/or intimate relationships? Specify______



  1. Do you feel that your learning problems have an impact on your relationships (i.e. understanding the use of humour, sarcasm, social convention)? If yes, specify______



  1. What are your hobbies?______


  1. What are your future plans or goals?______



  1. How are you hoping to use the information from the assessment?______



  1. Parents’ occupations:______
  1. Parents’ education:______
  1. Siblings:






  1. Specify if anybody in your family ever had problems with schoolwork (e.g. reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, etc.).______


Did they ever receive any special help?______


  1. Has anybody in your family every experienced emotional or psychological difficulties (e.g. depression, anxiety) which required treatment? If yes, specify______




  1. How would you describe growing up in your family?______



  1. What was your family’s attitude toward school and learning?______



  1. What are your relationships like with your family now?______





  1. Current status:  Single  Married  Divorced
  1. Do you have any children? ______If Yes, how many?______
  1. Does any of your children have problems with school?______


  1. What is your current living situation?______


  1. Is there anything unusual or stressful that would be important for us to know?______





Client File #______

Page 1 of 12 Updated September 2016