Name: ______

Second Grade Homework Choice Board: Week of January 31st
Cut your word sort the first day. Practice sorting your words each day. Keep the words at home in a plastic bag.
Read for 20 minutes every night – check the box below when complete. Then, choose 4 or more activities to work on during the week. These activities should be completed on paper from home. Color lightly the boxes you choose. Please staple the choice board to the completed assignments. Return all homework on FRIDAY!
If your student brings home any subject notebook, please have them review their notes. Please return the notebook the following day.
M T W TH Parent Signature: ______
Check off for reading each night!
Login to your IXL account. Choose 2nd Grade. Practice Mixed Operations for at least 20 minutes. / If you could be in a Native American tribe, which would you choose and why? Powhatan, Sioux, or Pueblo.
Write at least 5 sentences. / Login to your RAZ-Kids account.
Listen, read, and/or answer questions for at least 20 minutes.
Thursday night ONLY! Sort and glue your word study words to a piece of paper. / Using a dictionary, look up and write the meaning for 5 of your word study words.
Challenge – Use the words in sentences. / Thursday night ONLY! Study for your Math Test (double digit addition and subtraction and estimation)
Login to your IXL account. Choose 2nd Grade. Practice Addition/Subtraction - Two Digits for at least 20 minutes. / Pick a book from home. Go on a word hunt for words that are in your word study sort or words that have similar patterns. Make a list of what you find! / Write 4 new words to add to each column in your word study sort.

Optional Weekly Challenges:

1.  Create an acrostic poem using the word FEBRUARY.

2.  Create your own word problem. You will need to use addition and subtraction to solve your word problem (two step word problem).