Official proceedings of the City Council of the City of Marseillesof the meeting of August16, 2017.

The City Council of the City of Marseilles met in the City Chamber of City Hall at the hour of 6:00 P.M. on August16, 2017.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Trager, CommissionerHollenbeck, Lewey,Davisand Buckingham.Absent: none

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeckseconded by Commissioner Lewey that the minutes from the Council meeting of August2, 2017 be approved as displayed and placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeckseconded by CommissionerBuckinghamthat the accounts payable for the first half ofAugust in the amount of $103,071.71 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for the said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeckseconded by Commissioner Davis that the payroll for the first half ofAugustin the amount of $65,729.54be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Lewey seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the monthly department reports for July be approved and placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Kevin Lindeman from NCICG gave an update on the Community Development Grant income surveys. The City needs 75% participation from the people who live on Union and Washington Street and must be at 51% low to moderate income to qualify.

Moved by Commissioner Buckingham seconded by Commissioner Lewey that Resolution 2017-13, a resolution appointing Jessica Smith to the Marseilles Recreation Board be adopted. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Hollenbeck seconded by Commissioner Hollenbeck that the home business license renewal for Michael Underhill DBA Underhill Taxidermy be approved. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis Buckingham, Mayor Trager. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Lewey seconded by Commissioner Hollenbeck that the home business license renewal for Elaine Upton DBA Fantasy Costumes be approved. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the Young Street project be awarded to Illinois Valley Excavating. Total projected cost is $178,571.00. Ayes: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Trager. Nays: None.

Scott Buennemeyerinformed the council the first Freedom Fest Citizens Committee meeting was held Wednesday August 16, 2017. The committee is working on a survey to send out to citizens in Marseilles. Scott also, let the council know the VFW has a program to recognize outstanding firefighters, police, and EMS that go above and beyond. An award would be given to the individual from the VWF for outstanding service.

Mayor Trager said Seattle Sutton will be hosting an open House at the historical site August 27, 2017 1-3 P.M. Labor of Love applications are due August 24, 2017. Commissioner Davis addressed Brad Miller in regards to his question of city employees using city equipment for personal reasons. Miller asked Davis at the last council meeting (8-2-17) why two city employees were using city equipment on a Sunday. Davis told Miller the employees saved the City $800.00 by hauling away a dropped oak tree. Davis stated city employees are allowed to use equipment after hours once it’s approved by the superintendent.

Commissioner Buckingham stated he got Republic Services to donate 5 dumpsters for cleanup days, date will be announced in the future.

Ray Prokaski IMFR President informed the council that he’d like Veronica Yoeu from Venyoeu Marketing to take over the fundraising for the wall maintenance.

Moved by Commissioner Davisseconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the City Council adjourns. Ayes: Commissioners Hollenbeck, Lewey, Davis Buckingham, Mayor Trager. Nays: None


______Lesley Hart______