Board of Directors AGENDA
5/17/2016 /
Location: Country Cupboard – 9:00 Meeting Start

Attendance: Kristi Cellitti, Aimee Bowersox, Patricia Tamecki, Edie Moyer, Juliann Brown, Andy Long , Rita Pollard, Maureen Pugh, Debra Thomas, Shirley Brough,

Absent: Marcia Cooney, Nancy Berghauer, Bob Leitzel, Loretta Hartley, Karen Nogle


·  Secretary (Pollard) – Patti moved to accept the minutes as written. Maureen seconded and all approved.

·  Treasurer (Long) – Andy provided a summary to the written report provided. Two program dues were received and as well as payment for an advertisement. We also received interest on a Certificate of Deposit. The terms of the CD were changed to 36 months and there was a small increase in the interest rate.

The Board agreed that we need to review the membership list. It was recommended that the Board be sent a list of persons whose dues are outstanding for the Board to review for anyone who should be removed (i.e. new job, relocated, etc.) We could then send an email and final notice to those who have not yet paid their dues Rita asked the cost of keeping members with unpaid dues on the rolls who don’t attend meetings. While there is little to no financial cost, they could artificially inflate our membership moving us into the status of a medium chapter that could impact the SHAPE requirements. The impact of making someone inactive, i.e. sending chapter communications was also discussed. We could include both active and inactive members in our email blasts as we choose. Andy will reach out to Loretta as membership to draft a letter to go to members whose dues have not yet been paid.

34 members have dues still outstanding. Several ideas were considered to improve collection of dues. One suggestion was to bill larger employers for all their employees who were members at one time. It was also suggested that we could send a separate invoice with the welcome letter for new members.

Aimee moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Juliann seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

·  Membership (Hartley) One new member, Sally Mabus of Kreamer Feeds was recently approved via email.

·  Program Committee (Cooney) – No Report

·  Seminar/ Education Committee (vacant) – No Report

·  Public Relations Committee (Cellitti) – The minutes have been added to the website. Kristi will update the Join Now area.

·  Labor/Legislative (Nogle) - No Report

·  Scholarship (Bowersox) – Maureen, Andy and Aimee met as members of the scholarship committee to consider how to handle the scholarship program as students have not been applying. Consistent with prior conversations of the board, they considered ideas to use the scholarship money to support members of the chapter. Ideas considered include scholarships to cover registration fees for:

o  the fall PA SHRM conference (three recipients)

o  the spring SHRM Leadership Conference in Washington DC (one recipient)

o  the spring PA Legislative and Legal Conference (three recipients)

Attendance at the National SHRM Conference was not recommended because of the cost including meals and travel but could be considered in the future.

The committee recommended a budget of $2000 to be set aside for purpose of the scholarships. Only SHRMA members would be eligible for the scholarships and the recipients would be selected by a drawing of names with members getting tickets for the drawing based on attendance at meetings. Attendance at fall meetings would earn the member a ticket for drawings for the spring conference with the drawing in January. Attendance at spring meetings would earn tickets for the drawing for the fall conference with the drawing held in May. It was suggested that all members whose dues were paid by May get a ticket for being a member with additional tickets given based on meeting attendance. Alternates would be drawn in case the initial recipient was unable to attend. Members could only win one time per year and the scholarship would cover registration costs only, not travel and not costs for guests. Winners would have to affirmatively respond promptly to accept the award so we could secure early bird rates and would have to let us know if they were unable to attend so we could send an alternate or secure a refund. The Treasurer would get the registration and issue the payment.

The committee will work on this over the summer as we would like to offer the scholarship for the fall. Andy will pull together the meeting attendance #’s and paid membership as of May 31st. f

The early bird rate for the fall conference is $270. The group suggested that we present as many scholarships as feasible within the recommended $2000.

Rita will send a summary of the discussion to Aimee for finalization and to be sent out to the Board for recommendations, review and approval. Once finalized the information will be added to the website updating/deleting prior information.

·  Workforce Readiness (Tamecki/Cellitti) – Central Susquehanna Opportunities holds a career day every other year at the Mifflinburg school district. They had requested assistance this year, but because the request was late we had limited ability to respond, Patti’s agency sent someone to speak to the students. The CS) will reach out earlier in the future so we can determine what support we can provide with speakers about various careers or to conduct mock interviews.

Patti as Workforce Readiness chair responded to a request from Susan Gleason for information about our Workforce Readiness activities.

·  Diversity (Brough) – Shirley was unable to attend a recent diversity breakfast meeting.

Old Business

·  Certification recognition: Debra has identified a number of ideas to recognize newly certified members that might be feasible. She will scan pictures of some of the potential items and the group can choose a couple that we would want to offer. She can then get samples for us to assess. It was noted that we would need some kind of system to track new certifications.

New Business

·  No New Business – It was noted that the Board can communicate via email regarding the need for strategic planning or a summer meeting if needed.

Next Board Meeting

09/20/2016 - 9:00 – 10:00 AM (regular board meeting)

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM