May 4, 2017, 5:00 PM at

City of St. Johns Council Chambers

70 East Commercial Street

St. Johns, AZ 85936

Members of the Public Present:Gail Nelson, Roger Williams, Mark Wade, Chris Struble, Jason Kirk, Sandy Liston, Amy Mort, Sammie Finch, Larry Tyrell, Greg Was, Jean Kirk and Gary Liston.

1.Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Chair Jerry Campeau at5:01PM.

2.Roll Call:

Jerry Campeau,Linda Martin Mervin Jarvis and Spencer Platt were present. Bryce Hamblin attended via telephone. Staff present Dana Overson, Administrator.

3.Call to Public:No Public comment.

4.Approval of Minutes of Directors Meeting held on February 16, 2017. ACTION REQUIRED.ACTION TAKEN: Spencer Plattmoved to approve the minutesLinda Martinseconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

5.Review and approval of December 2016, January and February 2017 District Financial Statements. Action as Appropriate.ACTION TAKEN: Linda Martin moved to approve the financial reports as presented. Spencer seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6.Funding Applications for FY 17-18 Review, Consideration and Action as Appropriate.

  1. Jerry Campeau, Board Chair: Guide discussion of funding requests (for FY 17 – 18) from WMAS, WMRMC, Greer Fire District and SJEMS. Entertain separate motions stipulating level of funding to be granted in response to each of the funding requests submitted by the above-named entities.

•Application from White Mountain Ambulance Service – $140,000-

$136,000 For staffing and training costs and $4,000 for 2-IV Infusion Pumps

Jerry asked when was the last time WMAS filed with ADHS for rate changes? There have been no increases to date. Linda Martin asked if there were grants for the equipment? Gail has not found any.

•Application from White Mountain Regional Medical Center – $800,000

For Emergency Room Services

Greg reported the dynamics of the sizable increased request is due to the indirect expenses; anticipated operating costs of the ER net loss of 967,000 exclusive of District funding. ER nursing a challenge due to lower wages than surrounding areas as well as the specialized training.Dr. Williams finds challenges recruiting ER physicians as well. The Medicare sequestration also a factor. To maintain high quality care, increases are necessary.

Spencer Platt asked what kind of increase would be necessary for the nurses. Sammie Finch replied 2-3 dollars an hour especially for retention. How many are on staff at one time? Dr. Williams - 2 nurses, one tech, one registrar and one doctor. Jerry Campeau asked if there was an insurance to retain nurses following training? Sammie Finch – yes, there is a contract. Jerry Campeau – The 8% increase of volume should be a good thing and should contribute to the revenue base without necessarily contributing to the expense base. Greg – the wide negative margin with Medicaid and Medicare payments it is still a loss. Linda Martin asked what the extra cost is for traveling nurses? Greg Was- About $15,000 per nurse per quarter + perdiem.

•Application from Greer Fire District – $4,300 Chris Struble & Mark Wade presented. These monitors are the same as WMAS and SJEMS for continuity of care. Linda Martin asked about equipment support. Chris Struble assured there is equipment support although not through Zoll. Mark also assured the board that they have both BLS and ALS staff that will use this equipment.

•Application for SJEMS - $165,000 Medical Services/Advanced Training Jason Kirk presented $150,000 for medical services and $15,000 for advanced training. Jason explained the back in service times are a challenge for SJEMS. Jerry expressed his concern about service to areas outside of our District.

Board discussion ensued regarding the total amount to be considered for FY 17-18 funding without raising the tax rate we have requested in the past. Jerry quoted a 21% increase in requests for funding. Additionally, statue review regarding services/entities eligible for funding were again interpreted. Bryce Hamblin stated opposition for purchasing equipment; his interpretation is that we cannot purchase equipment by statute. Bryce continued to comment, he is looking out for the District. The entities need to plan to reduce the District funding burdens and opposes to any increases for funding. Linda Martin stated that the entities are not private service providers and therefore at the mercy of what they will be paid for their services. No one likes taxes but it is a necessity in her eyes and there is a taxpayer benefit. Mervin Jarvis admitted he was not familiar or knowledgeable about hospital operations or costs. Spence Platt expressed that even private business doesn’t have relief of loss. Jerry Campeau

continued to affirm that we have to look out for taxpayers but we must meet prime objectives for the community with regards to their healthcare, i.e. specialty care is not available but emergency care is essential for our taxpayers. ACTION TAKEN: Jerry Campeau motioned funding as follows:

WMRMC - $650,000

Greer Fire District - $4,300

St. Johns EMS - $165,000

WMAS - $140,000

Motion was seconded by Linda Martin. Yea Vote: Jerry Campeau and Linda Martin. Nay Vote: Bryce Hamblin and Spencer Platt. Abstained: Mervin Jarvis. Motion fails.

Spence Platt commented that with revenues declining each year we need to fund within the same declining percentages.

Bryce motioned: The district to fund as follows –

WMRMC - $525,000

SJEMS - $120,000

WMAS – $120,000


Motion was seconded by Spence Platt.

Discussion: Linda Martin insisted equipment should be funded to first responders. Greer residents pay these taxes and should benefit from these taxes.

Bryce Hamblin will amend his motion to include Greer Fire District funding in the amount of $4,300 with the contingencythe district gets an opinion from the County Attorneythat states the funding is within statute. Mervin Jarvis seconded the amended motion. Linda Martin stated the District has an attorney; why ask for an opinion from the county attorney? Discussion ensued.

Vote: Bryce Hamblin, Spence Platt and Mervin Jarvis, yea. Jerry Campeau and Linda Martin, nay. Motion carries.

7.Administrative Matters and Action as Appropriate: Report from District Administrator:

  1. CNASurety Bond purchased in 2012 has expired; it can be renewed. Jerry explained the warrant system with the county, yearly audits as well as the safe guards in check signing. Bryce Hamblin agreed. No action is the direction of the board.
  2. Baker’s Office City has closed. Our copier servicing will change however we are still waiting to see who they have transferred the service agreements to. Jerry Campeau asked Dana to research an arrangement of a ‘work at home’ and the savings therein adding to our next meeting agenda. Bryce Hamblin added a business referral “Perfect Prints”.
  3. NCHC Lease Amendment for 2017-2018 draft removes the reference of the “Master Lease” and addresses the lease payment amounts through the current term agreement; hopefully a better reflection of current business. Jerry Campeau suggested adding to the next agenda as most have not had the opportunity to review.

8.Other business to come before the board:

  1. Linda Martin will be reporting her attendance at the WMRMC Board meeting at our next meeting.
  2. Jerry Campeau reported changes to the frontier customers titled “double authentication” . Microsoft Outlook will have changes that will need modifications.

9.Scheduling of the next meeting:Tentatively June 22, 2017 in Eagar.

10.Adjournment:The meeting was adjourned at7:00 PM, upon a motion byLinda Martin, seconded by Mervin Jarvis, vote was unanimous.

Minutes approved by the Board of Directors on: June 21, 2017

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