Eucharist: Derived from the Greek word meaning “thanksgiving!”
+Agape – friendship love – Greek; show fellowship; meal.
1. Mass: Missa – from Latin – to be sent.
(term to dismiss the catechumens after the homily)
2. Rite: A cultural celebration of faith; a ceremony performed. This reflects
The “Roman Rite” (there are 23 rites in the Catholic Church
worldwide). b. A ceremony performed, e.g., the rite of baptism.
3. Basilica: first churches called Basilicas (the Bishop’s Church), later to be
known as Cathedral – cathedra (the Chair).
4. Diocese: A geographical area of local churches headed by a Diocesan Bishop,
the area is called a “See”; the Bishop’s Church, the Diocesan Cathedral, is where the Chair is located.
5. Roman Missal: formerly known as the Sacramentary (Mass Prayers)
+Rubrics – liturgical directives and norms (red).
+Orations – prayers of the Mass.
6. Presider: Leader of Presidential Prayers: first and foremost, the Eucharistic
Prayer, others include the Collect (opening), the Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful), the Prayer over the Offerings and the Prayer after Communion.
The Presider is celebrant of the Mass.
7. Mass parts: Liturgy of the Word (Three weekend cycles (A,B,C) for scripture)
(Two cycles [I & II] for weekdays)
Liturgy of the Eucharist (Four Eucharistic Prayers; Two for Reconciliation
Prayers and Four for Various Needs of the Church)
8. Music parts: Entrance Chant (Opening hymn)
Responsorial Psalm/Gospel Acclamation
Presentation & Preparation of the Gifts
Mass parts (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Great Amen)
Communion Chant (Communion hymns)
Song of Praise or Sending Forth
9. Liturgical Year: Advent (4 Sundays)
Christmas Time (Nativity to Epiphany)
Ordinary Time (34 weeks in each year)
Lent (Ash Wednesday to Passion Weekend: 6 Sundays)
Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday to the Easter Vigil)
Easter Time (Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost – 7 Sundays)
+Solemnities & Feasts & Memorials (celebrating various days
for the Blessed Mother and the saints).
+Holy Days of Obligations in the USA: 6 + 1
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother
(December 8)
Nativity of the Lord: Christmas (December 25)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (January 1)
Easter Sunday (date changes each year)
Ascension Thursday (date changes each year)
Assumption of Mary (August 15)
All Saints Day (November 1)