Table of Contents
Official RULES and Guidelines of the
Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association
for the 2014-2015 school year
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
ARTICLE I Vision and Mission 1
Section 1 –Vision 1
Section 2 –Mission 1
ARTICLE II Membership 1
Section 1 –Membership Eligibility 1
Section 2 –Membership Requirements 1
Section 3 –Membership Term 1
ARTICLE III Governing Body 2
Section 1 –Executive Committee. 2
Section 2 –Regions 3
Section 3 –Executive Committee Regional Meetings 3
Section 4 –Committees for Competition. 4
ARTICLE IV School Division Classifications 4
Section 1 –Classification 4
Section 2 –Appeal of Classifications 5
Section 3 –Classification Election 5
Section 4 – Divisional Classification 5
ARTICLE V Eligibility Rules 6
Section 1 –Academic Requirement 6
Section 2 –Age Requirement 6
Section 3 –Grade Level Requirement 6
Section 4 –Conference Requirement 7
Section 5 –Senior Status Requirement 7
Section 6 –Non-Conference School Participation 7
Section 7 –Multisport Participation 7
Section 8 –Gender 7
Section 9 –Penalties for Violations 7
Section 10 –Interpretations and Appeals 8
ARTICLE VI Recruitment or Inducement 8
Section 1 –General Rule 8
Section 2 –Specific Examples 8
Section 3 –Penalties for Violations 9
ARTICLE VII Code of Conduct 9
Section 1 –Philosophy 9
Section 2 –Sportsmanship Expectations 9
Section 3 –Penalties for Violations 10
Section 4 –Procedure. 11
Section 5 –Statement to be Read at All VISAA Events. 11
ARTICLE VIII Ejections or Disqualifications 11
Section 1 –General Rule 11
Section 2 –Guidelines for a Player/Coach Ejection/Disqualification. 12
Section 3 –Ejection/Disqualification Procedure. 12
ARTICLE IX Filming or Recording Guidelines 13
ARTICLE X Official Rules 13
Section 1 –General Rule 13
Section 2 –Exceptions 13
Section 3 –Enforcement of Rules 14
Section 4 –Interpretations, Reports of Violations and Appeals. 14
ARTICLE XI Safety of Players, Coaches, and Fans 15
Section 1 –General Rule 15
Section 2 –Weather-Related Policy 15
ARTICLE XII All-State Selections 15
ARTICLE XIII Valid Expenses 15
ARTICLE XIV Tournament Guidelines 15
Section 1 –General Rules. 15
Section 2 –Tournament Locations 16
Section 3 –Admission to VISAA Events 16
Section 4 –Opt-Out 16
Section 5 –Approval by Executive Committee 16
Section 6 –Commitment to Participate 16
Official RULES and Guidelines of the
Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association
for the 2014-2015 school year
ARTICLE IVision and Mission
Section 1 –Vision. The Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA) will develop a nationally recognized community of student-athletes with unparalleled competitive opportunities for participation and strength of character..
Section 2 –Mission. The VISAA will provide accredited member schools the resources and competitive environment that establish a foundation for excellence based on integrity, sportsmanship and leadership.
ARTICLE IIMembership
Section 1 –Membership Eligibility. All non-public schools located within the Commonwealth of Virginia are eligible for membership. However, membership is not automatic.
Section 2 –Membership Requirements. In order to be considered for membership, a school must:
· be accredited by an approved accrediting agency recognized by the Virginia Council of Private Education (VCPE);
· complete an application for membership;
· pay the appropriate required annual dues; and
· demonstrate the school’s commitment to the vision and mission of VISAA by agreement to follow the rules and guidelines of the organization.
For purposes of determining eligibility for applicants, the VISAA will take into account prior adherence to or violations of VISAA rules and guidelines.
Section 3 –Membership Term. VISAA membership is effective only for one school year, and an independent school’s eligibility for membership in the VISAA is reevaluated by the Executive Committee annually as part of the annual application process.
Section 4 –Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of VISAA member schools will be held annually on such dates and at times and places designated by notice to VISAA member schools. The annual meeting for the 2014-2015 school year is expected to be held in November in Richmond, Virginia. At least one representative from each VISAA member school should attend the annual meeting.
ARTICLE IIIGoverning Body
Section 1 –Executive Committee.
A. General. The business and affairs of the VISAA shall be managed and controlled by the Executive Committee of the VISAA (Executive Committee).
B. Terms. The number of Executive Committee members, their terms of service and election to fill vacancies shall be governed in accordance with the VISAA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The Executive Committee shall consist of four classes of members for the purpose of staggering terms of service. Terms of service are staggered in order to provide a pool of experienced Executive Committee members present at any given VISAA meeting. Each class of members is elected for a four-year term of service.
C. Classification of Members of the Executive Committee.
· Eastern Region (Class I) – commenced in 2010 with an initial term expiring at the first meeting in 2010 of the Eastern Region.
· Central Region (Class II) – commenced in 2010 with an initial term expiring at the first meeting in 2011 of the Central Region.
· Western Region (Class III) – commenced in 2010 with an initial term expiring at the first meeting in 2012 of the Western Region.
· Northern Region (Class IV) – commenced in 2010 with an initial term expiring at the first meeting in 2013 of the Northern Region.
· Each VISAA member school is entitled to three votes in the election of representatives from the school’s region, which must be cast one vote per nominee. Each region will elect three representatives consisting of two athletic directors or assistant athletic directors (or one athletic director and one assistant athletic director) and one Head of School or Assistant Head of School or other full-time school representative in a comparable position of authority. At least one of the two athletic directors or assistant athletic directors shall be female; provided, however, that if no female athletic director or assistant athletic director is nominated for election in the applicable region, the two athletic directors or assistant athletic directors (or combination of one athletic director and one assistant athletic director) may be male. The 12 regional representatives thus elected will comprise the Executive Committee.
D. Officers. The Executive Committee shall appoint the following officers annually:
· Executive Committee Chairman;
· Executive Director;
· Assistant Executive Director;
· Secretary; and
· Treasurer.
The Executive Committee may appoint such other officers and agents with such powers and duties as it shall deem necessary.
E. Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the officers shall include:
· organizing the work of the VISAA Executive Committee;
· preparing the agenda for regular and special called meetings; and
· executing any other matters relative to the business of the Executive Committee as directed by the Executive Committee.
F. Schedule of Meetings of the Executive Committee. The regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held three times annually during the school year in the months of September, January and May on such dates and at times and places designated by proper notice to the members of the Executive Committee.
G. Special Meetings. Special or other meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at places and at times fixed by resolution of the Executive Committee, or upon call of the Chairman of the Executive Committee or a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
Section 2 –Regions. The state organization is divided into four regions. The regions are identified as Eastern, Central, Western and Northern.
Section 3 –Executive Committee Regional Meetings. Each of the four regional divisions of the VISAA shall hold at least two regional meetings annually during the school year, preferably in the fall and spring. The regional meetings are open to school representatives from all athletic conferences of the region. The purpose of the regional meeting is to receive information from schools in the region. All information considered pertinent should be requested to be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled VISAA Executive Committee meeting. Regional meetings shall be chaired by the VISAA Executive Director or his or her designee.
Section 4 –Committees for Competition.
· The VISAA shall establish Competition Committees or recognize previously established Competition Committees for the purpose of establishing state championship competition in the various sports.
· The Executive Committee shall designate a Director of Sports Committees (or similar title). His or her duties and responsibilities should include, among other things, coordinating all activities of the Competition Committees and assigning representatives from the Executive Committee to serve as the Executive Committee’s liaison to Competition Committees after consultation with Executive Director and Executive Committee Chairman.
· All Competition Committees should be made up of representatives of the four regions of the state, include at least one Athletic Director, one member of the Executive Committee and be chaired by a full time employee of a VISAA member school.
· Each Competition Committee should establish written criteria for serving on the committee. The Competition Committee should specify the length of terms of service and rotation of members on the committee.
· Each Competition Committee shall submit this information to the Executive Committee.
· Regular polls shall be conducted by each Competition Committee for sports that use polls for selecting teams (or determining team seeding) for VISAA championship events.
ARTICLE IVSchool Division Classifications
Section 1 –Classification. VISAA member schools will be classified into the following divisions depending upon number boys or girls enrolled in grades 9-12.
· Boys’ Divisions
o Division I – 181 and higher
o Division II – 101 – 180
o Division III – 100 and under
For sports that field two divisions, the breakdown is the following:
o Division I – 161 and higher
o Division II – 160 and under
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for 2014-2015, VISAA member schools will be classified into the following divisions in football:
o Division I – 231 and higher
o Division II – 151 to 230
o Division III – 95 to 150
o Division IV – 94 and under
· Girls’ Divisions
o Division I – 150 and higher
o Division II – 80 –149
o Division III – 79 and under
For sports that field two divisions, the breakdown is the following:
o Division I – 161 and higher
o Division II – 160 and under
Notwithstanding the foregoing, for 2014-2015, VISAA member schools will be classified into the following divisions in girls soccer:
o Division I – 125 and higher
o Division II – 124 and under
Section 2 –Divisional Classification. A two-year cycle will be used for all sports for determining divisions. Divisions will be based on enrollment numbers for boys and girls provided on the VISAA membership applications submitted in September of the school year prior to the commencement of the new cycle (e.g., for the 2014-15 and 2015-2016 school years, enrollment numbers as provided on VISAA membership applications submitted in September of the 2013-14 school year).
Section 3 –Classification Election. Schools may elect to play in a higher division in one or more sports. Any election under this Section 3 is effective for two school years.
Section 4 –Appeal of Classifications; Addition of Third Division. VISAA member schools and the Competition Committees may appeal to the Executive Committee to adjust divisional classifications or add a third division. Any such appeal must be made by August 1 of the school year in which such adjustment is to be effective and in accordance with Section 4 of Article X hereof. In order to add a third division, there must be 60 or more teams participating in the sport, unless the sport had three divisions before 2008.
ARTICLE VEligibility Rules
A student who does not satisfy the rules set forth in this Article V is not allowed to participate in any regular season competition between VISAA members schools or any VISAA championship event (defined as a VISAA Event).
Section 1 –Academic Requirement. The student must be a regular bona fide student in good standing of the school that he or she represents and must be enrolled and in attendance at the VISAA school that he or she represents at least 30 days prior to the date of the commencement of the VISAA championship in which he or she proposes to participate to be eligible for such VISAA championship. For purposes hereof, the term “regular bona fide student” shall mean a full-time student taking an average of four hoursof classroom instruction per day or at least five academic classes per semester/grade reporting period and is working toward graduation requirements at the school he or she represents. For purposes hereof, the term “school” shall mean a private, preparatory, parochial or other nonpublic school that is accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the VCPE and that does not derive its financial support from state or local taxes.
[Note: Distance learning course may be applied toward a student’s full-time standing at the school he or she represents provided that all of the following criteria are met:
1. The class must be taken on the school’s campus under supervision of the school’s faculty.
2. Tuition for the class must be paid to and collected by the school.
3. The class must fall outside the school’s course offerings (i.e., not a replacement for an existing course offering).
4. The course must be able to be applied toward the school’s graduation requirements (may be an elective, but must appear on the student’s transcript).
Note: The foregoing does not replace or alter the NCAA’s Initial Eligibility Standards.]
Section 2 –Age Requirement. The student shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before August 1 of the school year in which he or she wishes to compete.
Section 3 –Grade Level Requirement. Students in grades 8-12 are eligible for VISAA Events. Students below the 8th grade level are ineligible for VISAA Events.
Section 4 –Conference Requirement. Any student or school team ruled ineligible by a VISAA recognized conference is considered ineligible for VISAA Events. A conference’s determination of eligibility under its rules is not appealable to the Appeals Committee of the Executive Committee or the Executive Committee.
Section 5 –Senior Status Requirement. Attending academic classes while classified as a senior at any school marks the student’s last year of eligibility for VISAA Events. A student who has been classified as a senior at any school, who then transfers to a VISAA member school or another VISAA member school, is eligible for VISAA Events during that transfer year only. The student may not gain additional eligibility thereafter. Post-graduates are ineligible for VISAA Events.