All Activity Data Entry Paper Forms
UCEDD-only Programs
Interdisciplinary Preservice Preparation (Training Trainees)
Continuing Education/Community Training
Technical Assistance
Direct Clinical Services/Model Services
Other Direct/Model Services
Demonstration Services
Performing Research or Evaluation
Information Dissemination
NIRS Activity Form – FY13
*Response Required
*Program Type: / UCEDD*Fiscal Year: / 2013
*Core Function: / Interdisciplinary Preservice Preparation (Training Trainees)
*Title of Activity:
No Title
Brief Activity Description (This field may be used to provide brief explanatory information (up to 50 words) on the activity being reported in this record (e.g., date, location, staff members involved, topic/s covered, what took place).)
Staff Involvement
List the first and last name of all staff members who were involved in conducting this activity.
*Type of Activity
(Select one) / Advocacy Capacity Building Systemic Change
*Area of Emphasis(Select one)
Areas listed in the DD Act
Quality Assurance / Education & Early Intervention / Child Care-Related Activities
Health-Related Activities / Employment-Related Activities / Housing-Related Activities
Transportation-Related Activities / Recreation-Related Activities
Areas not listed in the DD Act
Quality of Life Activities / Other-Assistive Technology
Other-Cultural Diversity / Other- Leadership
Other-Please Specify
*Types and Numbers of Participants(Supply number for all that apply)
Number of Trainees (long, intermediate, and/or short-term trainees) by Discipline
Enter number of trainees by Discipline below
Audiology / Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology
Biological Sciences / Medicine: General
Dentistry-Pediatric / Medicine: Pediatric
Dentistry-Other / Mental and Behavioral Health
Disability Studies / Nursing
Education/Special Education / Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Education: Administration / Nursing-Midwife
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood / Nursing-Other
Education: General Education / Nutrition
Epidemiology / Occupational Therapy
Family Studies / Pastoral
Family/Parent/Youth Advocacy / Pharmacy
Genetics/Genetics Counseling / Physical Therapy
Gerontology / Psychiatry
Health Administration / Psychology
Human Development/Child Development / Public Administration
Interdisciplinary / Public Health
Law / Rehabilitation
Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies / Respiratory Therapy
Medicine-Adolescent Medicine / Social Work
Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics / Speech-Language Pathology
Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Other - Please specify discipline:
Trainees Total (sum of numbers above)
Number of
Other Classroom Students
Professionals & Para-Professionals
Family Members/Caregivers
Adults with Disabilities
Children/Adolescents with Disabilities/SHCN
General Public/Community Members
*Discipline of Course Or Class
- Audiology
- Biological Sciences
- Dentistry-Pediatric
- Dentistry-Other
- Disability Studies
- Education/Special Education
- Education: Administration
- Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
- Education: General Education
- Epidemiology
- Family Studies
- Family/Parent/Youth Advocacy
- Genetics/Genetics Counseling
- Gerontology
- Health Administration
- Human Development/Child Development
- Interdisciplinary
- Law
- Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies
- Medicine-Adolescent Medicine
- Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
- Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- Other
- Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology
- Medicine: General
- Medicine: Pediatric
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Nursing
- Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Midwife
- Nursing-Other
- Nutrition
- Occupational Therapy
- Pastoral
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Rehabilitation
- Respiratory Therapy
- Social Work
- Speech-Language Pathology
If Other is selected, please specify Discipline:
Customer Satisfaction For AIDD reporting: Only 10% of participants need to be surveyed; a 40% response rate is expected in aggregate by core function EXCEPT for research/evaluation and developing/disseminating information.
*Is the Center the lead on this activity? /
- Yes
- No
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
*Initial Outcome Measure
UCEDD long term trainees reporting an increase in knowledge or skills and/or change in attitude
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
*Agencies Collaborating on the Work of the Activity (Check all that apply)
Not Applicable/No Collaborating Agency / (Name of agency/ies may be supplied in space provided)
State Title V Agency
Other MCHB Funded or Related Program
State Health Dept.
Clinical Programs/Hospitals
State Adolecent Health
Other Health-Related Program
Health Insurance/Managed Care Organization
Development Disabilities Council
Protection & Advocacy Agency (P&A)
Childcare/Early Childhood/Part C Infants and Toddlers
Head Start/Early Head Start
State/Local Special Education (3-21)
State/Local General Education
Post Secondary Education (Community College-University)
Employment/Voc Rehab
State/Local MR/DD Agency or Provider
State/Local Social Services
Aging Organization
Health Agency - Public/Private
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Agency
Housing Agency/Provider
Recreation Agency
Transportation Agency
Provider Organization
Consumer/Advocacy Organization
State/Local Coalition
Legislative Body
Justice/Legal Organization
Community or Faith-Based Organization
National Association
Independent research or policy organization
Project Affiliation
No Project Affiliation
Primary Affiliated
Project – List Title:
Secondary Affiliated Project – List Title:
*Duration (Report
to the nearest full
Date of Activity
(mm/dd/yyyy) / Not Applicable
Recurring activity?
(For on-going activities, you may just enter the date the activity began)
NIRS Activity Form – FY13
*Response Required
*Program Type: / UCEDD*Fiscal Year: / 2013
*Core Function: / Continuing Education/Community Training
*Title of Activity:
No Title
Brief Activity Description (This field may be used to provide brief explanatory information (up to 50 words) on the activity being reported in this record (e.g., date, location, staff members involved, topic/s covered, what took place).)
Staff Involvement
List the first and last name of all staff members who were involved in conducting this activity.
*Type of Activity
(Select one) / Advocacy Capacity Building Systemic Change
*Area of Emphasis(Select one)
Areas listed in the DD Act
Quality Assurance / Education & Early Intervention / Child Care-Related Activities
Health-Related Activities / Employment-Related Activities / Housing-Related Activities
Transportation-Related Activities / Recreation-Related Activities
Areas not listed in the DD Act
Quality of Life Activities / Other-Assistive Technology
Other-Cultural Diversity / Other- Leadership
Other-Please Specify
*Types and Numbers of Participants(Supply number for all that apply)
Number of Trainees (long, intermediate, and/or short-term trainees) by Discipline
Enter number of trainees by Discipline below
Audiology / Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology
Biological Sciences / Medicine: General
Dentistry-Pediatric / Medicine: Pediatric
Dentistry-Other / Mental and Behavioral Health
Disability Studies / Nursing
Education/Special Education / Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Education: Administration / Nursing-Midwife
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood / Nursing-Other
Education: General Education / Nutrition
Epidemiology / Occupational Therapy
Family Studies / Pastoral
Family/Parent/Youth Advocacy / Pharmacy
Genetics/Genetics Counseling / Physical Therapy
Gerontology / Psychiatry
Health Administration / Psychology
Human Development/Child Development / Public Administration
Interdisciplinary / Public Health
Law / Rehabilitation
Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies / Respiratory Therapy
Medicine-Adolescent Medicine / Social Work
Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics / Speech-Language Pathology
Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Other - Please specify discipline:
Trainees Total (sum of numbers above)
Number of
Other Classroom Students
Professionals & Para-Professionals
Family Members/Caregivers
Adults with Disabilities
Children/Adolescents with Disabilities/SHCN
General Public/Community Members
*Discipline of Course Or Class
- Audiology
- Biological Sciences
- Dentistry-Pediatric
- Dentistry-Other
- Disability Studies
- Education/Special Education
- Education: Administration
- Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
- Education: General Education
- Epidemiology
- Family Studies
- Family/Parent/Youth Advocacy
- Genetics/Genetics Counseling
- Gerontology
- Health Administration
- Human Development/Child Development
- Interdisciplinary
- Law
- Liberal Arts & Sciences, Humanities, & General Studies
- Medicine-Adolescent Medicine
- Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
- Medicine-Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- Other
- Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology
- Medicine: General
- Medicine: Pediatric
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Nursing
- Nursing-Family/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Midwife
- Nursing-Other
- Nutrition
- Occupational Therapy
- Pastoral
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Rehabilitation
- Respiratory Therapy
- Social Work
- Speech-Language Pathology
If Other is selected, please specify Discipline:
Customer Satisfaction For AIDD reporting: Only 10% of participants need to be surveyed; a 40% response rate is expected in aggregate by core function EXCEPT for research/evaluation and developing/disseminating information.
*Is the Center the lead on this activity? /
- Yes
- No
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
*Initial Outcome Measure
For recipients of regular, on-going trainings, percent reporting an increase in knowledge gained:
- in area of emphasis OR
- in training topic in area of emphasis
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
*Agencies Collaborating on the Work of the Activity (Check all that apply)
Not Applicable/No Collaborating Agency / (Name of agency/ies may be supplied in space provided)
State Title V Agency
Other MCHB Funded or Related Program
State Health Dept.
Clinical Programs/Hospitals
State Adolecent Health
Other Health-Related Program
Health Insurance/Managed Care Organization
Development Disabilities Council
Protection & Advocacy Agency (P&A)
Childcare/Early Childhood/Part C Infants and Toddlers
Head Start/Early Head Start
State/Local Special Education (3-21)
State/Local General Education
Post Secondary Education (Community College-University)
Employment/Voc Rehab
State/Local MR/DD Agency or Provider
State/Local Social Services
Aging Organization
Health Agency - Public/Private
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Agency
Housing Agency/Provider
Recreation Agency
Transportation Agency
Provider Organization
Consumer/Advocacy Organization
State/Local Coalition
Legislative Body
Justice/Legal Organization
Community or Faith-Based Organization
National Association
Independent research or policy organization
Project Affiliation
No Project Affiliation
Primary Affiliated
Project – List Title:
Secondary Affiliated Project – List Title:
*Duration (Report
to the nearest full
Date of Activity
(mm/dd/yyyy) / Not Applicable
Recurring activity?
(For on-going activities, you may just enter the date the activity began)
NIRS Activity Form – FY13
*Response Required
*Program Type: / UCEDD*Fiscal Year: / 2013
*Core Function: / Technical Assistance
*Title of Activity:
No Title
Brief Activity Description (This field may be used to provide brief explanatory information (up to 50 words) on the activity being reported in this record (e.g., date, location, staff members involved, topic/s covered, what took place).)
Staff Involvement
List the first and last name of all staff members who were involved in conducting this activity.
*Type of Activity
(Select one) / Advocacy Capacity Building Systemic Change
*Area of Emphasis(Select one)
Areas listed in the DD Act
Quality Assurance / Education & Early Intervention / Child Care-Related Activities
Health-Related Activities / Employment-Related Activities / Housing-Related Activities
Transportation-Related Activities / Recreation-Related Activities
Areas not listed in the DD Act
Quality of Life Activities / Other-Assistive Technology
Other-Cultural Diversity / Other- Leadership
Other-Please Specify
*Intensity of TA (Select one)
- One time brief (single)
- One time extended (multi-day contact provided one time)
- On-going Infrequent (3 or less contacts per year)
- On-going frequent (more than 3 contacts per year)
Types and Numbers of Participants(Supply number for all that apply)
Number of
Classroom Students
Professionals & Para-Professionals
Family Members/Caregivers
Adults with Disabilities
Children/Adolescents with Disabilities/SHCN
General Public/Community Members
Customer Satisfaction For AIDD reporting: Only 10% of participants need to be surveyed; a 40% response rate is expected in aggregate by core function EXCEPT for research/evaluation and developing/disseminating information.
*Is the Center the lead on this activity? /
- Yes
- No
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
*Initial Outcome Measure
For TA recipients with a sustained relationship with the UCEDD, percent reporting an increase in any of the identified or requested item(s) below:
- Enhanced resources
- Enhanced services
- Strengthened networking of public and private entities across communities
- Increased awareness of evidence based practices
- Enhanced capacity to assess current practices in relation to evidence-based approaches
- Identification of policy changeds needed within the area of emphasis
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
*Recipient of TA/Collaborator (Check all that apply)
Not Applicable/No Collaborating Agency / (Name of agency/ies may be supplied in space provided)
State Title V Agency
Other MCHB Funded or Related Program
State Health Dept.
Clinical Programs/Hospitals
State Adolecent Health
Other Health-Related Program
Health Insurance/Managed Care Organization
Development Disabilities Council
Protection & Advocacy Agency (P&A)
Childcare/Early Childhood/Part C Infants and Toddlers
Head Start/Early Head Start
State/Local Special Education (3-21)
State/Local General Education
Post Secondary Education (Community College-University)
Employment/Voc Rehab
State/Local MR/DD Agency or Provider
State/Local Social Services
Aging Organization
Health Agency - Public/Private
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Agency
Housing Agency/Provider
Recreation Agency
Transportation Agency
Provider Organization
Consumer/Advocacy Organization
State/Local Coalition
Legislative Body
Justice/Legal Organization
Community or Faith-Based Organization
National Association
Independent research or policy organization
Project Affiliation
No Project Affiliation
Primary Affiliated
Project – List Title:
Secondary Affiliated Project – List Title:
*Duration (Report
to the nearest full
Date of Activity
(mm/dd/yyyy) / Not Applicable
Recurring activity?
(For on-going activities, you may just enter the date the activity began)
NIRS Activity Form – FY13
*Response Required
*Program Type: / UCEDD*Fiscal Year: / 2013
*Core Function: / Direct Clinical Services/Model Services
*Title of Activity:
No Title
Brief Activity Description (This field may be used to provide brief explanatory information (up to 50 words) on the activity being reported in this record (e.g., date, location, staff members involved, topic/s covered, what took place).)
Staff Involvement
List the first and last name of all staff members who were involved in conducting this activity.
Name of the clinic
Number of unduplicated individuals served
(For UCEDDs, this is the Initial Outcome Measure: Number of individuals who receive specialized services from the UCEDD to enhance the well-being and status of the recipient.)
Race of individuals served(Supply
number for all that
apply) / White
Black or African-American
American Indian and Alaska Native
Asian (includes Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean,
Vietnamese, and other Asian)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander (includes Native
Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, and other Pacific Islander)
More than one race includes individuals who identify with two or more racial designations
Unrecorded is included for individuals who are unable to identify with the categories
Ethnicity of individuals served / Hispanic
Non Hispanic
Ages of individuals served
(Supply number for
all that apply) / 0-2 / 18-21
3-5 / 22-54
6-11 / 55+
*Type of Activity / Direct Service
*Area of Emphasis(Select one)
Areas listed in the DD Act
Quality Assurance / Education & Early Intervention / Child Care-Related Activities
Health-Related Activities / Employment-Related Activities / Housing-Related Activities
Transportation-Related Activities / Recreation-Related Activities
Areas not listed in the DD Act
Quality of Life Activities / Other-Assistive Technology
Other-Cultural Diversity / Other- Leadership
Other-Please Specify
Customer Satisfaction For AIDD reporting: Only 10% of participants need to be surveyed; a 40% response rate is expected in aggregate by core function EXCEPT for research/evaluation and developing/disseminating information.
*Is the Center the lead on this activity? /
- Yes
- No
Total number surveyed
Supply total number responding:
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
*Agencies Collaborating on the Work of the Activity (Check all that apply)
Not Applicable/No Collaborating Agency / (Name of agency/ies may be supplied in space provided)
State Title V Agency
Other MCHB Funded or Related Program
State Health Dept.
Clinical Programs/Hospitals
State Adolecent Health
Other Health-Related Program
Health Insurance/Managed Care Organization
Development Disabilities Council
Protection & Advocacy Agency (P&A)
Childcare/Early Childhood/Part C Infants and Toddlers
Head Start/Early Head Start
State/Local Special Education (3-21)
State/Local General Education
Post Secondary Education (Community College-University)
Employment/Voc Rehab
State/Local MR/DD Agency or Provider
State/Local Social Services
Aging Organization
Health Agency - Public/Private
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Agency
Housing Agency/Provider
Recreation Agency
Transportation Agency
Provider Organization
Consumer/Advocacy Organization
State/Local Coalition
Legislative Body
Justice/Legal Organization
Community or Faith-Based Organization
National Association
Independent research or policy organization
Project Affiliation
No Project Affiliation
Primary Affiliated
Project – List Title:
Secondary Affiliated Project – List Title:
*Duration (Report
to the nearest full
Date of Activity
(mm/dd/yyyy) / Not Applicable
Recurring activity?
(For on-going activities, you may just enter the date the activity began)
NIRS Activity Form – FY13
*Response Required