Effective: March 1, 2012
1. A contestant must be a citizen of the United States of America.
2. A contestant shall not be less than seventeen years of age on the date of the Local Pageant in which she competes or more than twenty-four years of age on December 31, 2013.
3. A contestant must be a high school graduate or have successfully completed the G.E.D. testing program for high school equivalency or have successfully completed the academic requirements for entry into a four-year college/university degree program by July 30, 2013.
4. No contestant may have previously been a state finalist who competed in the national competition for the title of Miss America.
5. No contestant may enter the Miss Georgia Pageant more that one time under the same title.
6. A contestant must be female and shall always have been female.
7. A contestant must be single and never have been married nor had her marriage annulled.
8. A contestant must not be and never have been pregnant.
9. A contestant must be of good character and must not have been involved at any time in any act of moral turpitude. She must not have been convicted of any crime nor have any criminal charge pending against her. She may not have been involved in any activity that is or could be characterized as dishonest, immoral, indecent, or in bad taste.
10. A contestant must be in reasonably good health and can to the best of her knowledge participate fully and without limitation in any pageant activities.
11. A contestant must possess poise, personality, intelligence, charm and beauty of the face and figure, and must possess and display talent. Talent may consist of singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, dramatic reading, art display, dress designing or a talk. Other talent may be used by contestants provided said other talent has been specifically approved in writing by the state pageant.
12. A contestant's talent may be amateur or professional.
13. No contestant shall be eligible to compete if she has endorsed or contracted to endorse any product competitive to those products sold by the national sponsors of the Miss America Organization with three months prior to the competition and/or is under such contract for endorsement at the time of the competition or thereafter.
14. One or more of the following requirements must be in existence at the time of the Local Pageant and on the first day of the Miss Georgia Pageant:
a. A contestant must be a bona fide resident of the local pageant area and has been a bona fide resident for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the Local pageant and has maintained such residence until the time of the Miss Georgia pageant is held.
b. A contestant must be a bona fide employee (employed by employer for at least forty hours per week as verified by employer) of the local pageant area for a period of six months preceding the date of the Local Pageant and has maintained such employment until the time the Miss Georgia Pageant is held.
c. A contestant must be a bona fide registered full time student at a college or university in the local pageant area and who is attending class at a college or university in the local pageant area. This must be true for the current quarter and the previous quarter prior to competing in the local pageant. For the purpose of this provision, a contestant will be considered to be a full time student if she meets the criteria for a full time student of the college or university at which she is enrolled.
15. Every contestant must be able to provide two or more of following items to determine eligibility:
a. Valid and current driver's license
b. Automobile registration
c. Lease of housing with valid dates
d. Utility bills
e. Federal income tax return (may delete amounts)
f. Voter’s registration
16. All contestants must be able to sign the official Miss America contract prior to competing in the local pageant.
NOTE: For purposes of At-Large or Open Pageants, the local pageant area is defined as the state of Georgia.
The following guidelines have been established:
1. A contestant meets all eligibility requirements as established by MAO and understands that she must compete in all phases of competition at the state level.
2. A contestant must have won her pageant through a judging process. The judging process must include an in-person competition at which the judges and contestants are present.
3. A letter from the College President or Fair Association President (whichever is appropriate) certifying that the contestant won the title at a judged event and that she has the permission to use the title in the state competition.
4. Someone is appointed as an advisor to work with the contestant from the time of selection thru state competition.
5. The College/University or Fair/Festival Association pays the same license fees as a local preliminary.
6. Winner receives some type of scholarship.
7. Winner will be required to sign the standard contestant Local/State Miss America Contract.
NOTE: College Titles may include but not be limited to Homecoming Queen, Most Beautiful, Miss Sweetheart, etc. State Board makes final determination.
Effective: March 1, 2012
It is the responsibility of each local pageant to conduct a competition following the guidelines stated here within and as directed by the Miss America organization.
1. It is the responsibility of the local pageant committee to determine eligibility of all its contestants.
2. The local pageant director will be required to certify in writing that its contestant has been selected in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Miss America Organization and that she meets the eligibility requirements.
3. It is the responsibility of the local pageant committee to determine that each contestant has fulfilled their $100 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals/Miss America Scholarship service requirement before any contestant may compete in the local competition. A maximum of $400 for local pageant participation has been established by Miss America. Once the $400 has been raised a contestant can enter as many local competitions without having to raise additional funds.
4. Before interviews begin, a print out of the CMNH Qualification Report will be given to the Field Director. All contestants in the pageant should be listed and qualified. The Field Director will attach the report to the Field Director Report and submitted to the Miss Georgia Office.
5. It is mandatory that each local contestant signs a standard Miss America Preliminary Pageant Contract prior to competition. The contestant fact sheet is an addendum to the contract. The local pageant may add specific local policies to the contract, but cannot delete any provision from it.
6. A Contestant and Parent Orientation is suggested at which the contestant contract is reviewed. At that time all aspects of the competition should be discussed including production rules and attendance at rehearsals.
7. No contestant will be charged an entry fee, sponsor fee or fee of any type. The local pageant may arrange contestant sponsorship in order to provide funding for the pageant. It must be made clear to all potential contestants that they are not required to pay any fee or obtain sponsorship.
8. After a local contestant competes in the state pageant, she is released to compete for a new title.
9. Relatives of contestants are not allowed to serve on the pageant committee or to assist in preparation of any pageant activities.
10. No person may serve on more than one Miss Georgia local organization.
11. The minimum number of contestants for a local pageant is four. In the event the number of contestants falls below four, the State Pageant will consider granting permission to conduct a mini-pageant with special guidelines. The local pageant will then be placed on probation and no further mini-pageants will be allowed.
12. Scholarships cannot be contingent upon money raised by the contestants.
13. It is the opinion of the Miss America Organization that no individual who provides grooming services as defined below, nor the spouse of that individual should serve on a Local Pageant Board of Directors:
"Grooming is defined as a business or mentor relationship established between a potential or actual contestant and an individual who provides services or products directly related to competition in the Miss America program. The term 'grooming' will not apply to advice and recommendations given within the context of a workshop environment. For instance, if you have a hair dresser on your Board of Directors, he may style contestants' hair at the pageant, but he may not accept as clients any potential or actual contestant in the pageant."
14. No local pageant will conduct or participate in the conduct of any other national or international competition similar to the Miss America Pageant.
15. Every local pageant should maintain two checking accounts. One account should be for scholarship and the other account should be for general operating. General operating funds and scholarship funds should not be intermingled in the same account. There should be two names on the accounts. They individuals should not be related. Local pageant funds should not be kept in a personal account but in a business or organization account.
16. Local pageants may apply as single, dual, triple or double competitions. A Dual Competition is defined as one group of contestants with two (2) titles awarded to the two highest scoring contestants. A Triple Competition is defined as one group of contestants with three (3) titles awarded to the three highest scoring contestants. A Double Competition is defined as two groups of contestants with one winner announced from each group. These competitions are held to give away multiple titles at one (1) event. Three titles are the maximum number awarded during these situations. Each winner must receive a scholarship and there must be at least four (4) contestants competing for each title. If less than eight (8) contestants show up for the competition, only one title may be given, no exceptions. An announcement must be made from the stage explaining how the titles will be awarded. One panel of a minimum of five (5) judges can decide the winners. Separate support groups should be in place to assist each winner as they prepare for the State finals and should not have responsibilities with another contestant (titleholder). The Dual, Triple or Double program must be held in an acceptable public facility and must be properly advertised. Each winner should receive the official Miss America local crown.
Dual Example:
a. Eight (8) contestants enter the pageant.
b. The two (2) contestants with the highest points are awarded one title each.
c. The first runner-up is the contestant with the third highest points. (Optional to name a runner up)
Triple Example:
a. Twelve (12) contestants enter the pageant.
b. The three (3) contestants with the highest points are awarded one title each.
c. The first runner-up is the contestant with the fourth highest points. (Optional to name a runner up)
Double Example:
a. Four (4) contestants sign up for the Miss Apple Pie Pageant.
b. Four (4) other contestants sign up for the Miss Peach Pie Pageant.
c. In each phase of competition, all of the contestants for the Miss Apple Pie Title will compete and be scored and then all of the contestants for the Miss Peach Pie title will compete and be scored.
d. Titles will be awarded per regular preliminary local pageant rules.
If winners are determined by awarding the multiple crowns to the contestants earning the highest scores, a previous title holder cannot compete in that local competition. If the local competition gives multiple crowns where contestants compete for discrete titles with only winner, a previous title holder can compete for the title she has not held.
Interview - 25%
Evening Wear – 20%
On Stage Question – 5%
Talent – 35%
Swimsuit – 15%
Final Ballot
1. The object of pageant production is to present an entertaining show to the audience that will give each contestant an equal opportunity to compete.
2. State pageant Field Directors may assist you with production but are not expected to produce pageants.
3. Consistent rules are to apply to every contestant concerning attendance at meetings and rehearsals
4. No contestant should be allowed to compete without attending a minimum of one full rehearsal.
5. Good taste is required in all phases of competition. No vulgar talents, indiscreet swimsuits or in appropriate eveningwear will be permitted. Dress rehearsals will intercept these possibilities.
1. No acts which may constitute a danger require elaborate prop setup or use of live animals will be permitted.
2. The local pageant must provide means for the performance of all talents: Singing, dancing, dramatic monologues, playing instruments or a monologue.
3. The local pageant must provide adequate equipment including sound amplification, accompaniment playback, proper dance floor, and a tuned piano (or full size keyboard).
4. A contestant that feels that any provided equipment is inadequate may furnish her own equipment but in doing so must allow any and all other contestants the opportunity to use it.
5. Talent must be live. If taped accompaniment is used and the contestant pantomimes, the name of the artist on the recording must be disclosed in the talent introduction and there can be no illusion that the contestant is singing.
6. There can be no duplication of a talent act among the contestants. For example: A contestant may not include in a vocal medley the same song another contestant is planning to sing as a solo or as part of a different medley. BUT, the same song may be played by one contestant on a musical instrument, sung by another contestant, and used as accompaniment for a dancer.
7. The time limit for talent presentation is ninety seconds. Nothing longer will be accepted, and this should be strictly enforced! Contestants should plan a performance that will not exceed this limit. Judges will be informed immediately if a contestant runs over her allotted time. Each judge will then use this information to assist is determining his/her score of the contestant’s talent competition.