1. Roll Call
Present: William J. Treuting, Jr., Mayor
H. Marie Baker, Vice Mayor
William R. Wren
Kevin P. Brendel
Vonna L. Privett
Absent: Jonell Pizzola
Fran Kassinger
Also Present: Lana A. Conner, City Clerk
Brett Shorter, Assistant City Manager
Dean Crowhurst, Assistant City Attorney
Jerry Hughes, Economic Development
*Councilmember Pizzola and Kassinger were ill.
2. Closed Meeting: State Code of Virginia: Freedom of Information Act: Section 2.2-3711(A):
MOTION: Mayor Treuting moved that the Governing Body and its legal counsel will now go into closed meeting to discuss two items. Item #1 involves the possible acquisition by the City of real property for a public purpose. Item #2 involves legal consultation on regional programs. Items #1 and #2 can be discussed in closed meeting because they involve “consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would aversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body; and consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel” pursuant to Paragraph 7 of Section 2.2-3711(A) of the Code of Virginia. In addition, Item #1 can be discussed in closed meeting because it involves” discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy” of the City, pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Section 2.2-3711.
SECOND: Councilmember Brendel
VOTE ROLL CALL: Yes: Treuting, Brendel, Baker, Privett, Wren
3. Reconvene in Open Meeting:
Mayor Treuting reconvened the open meeting out of closed meeting at 8:00 PM.
4. Certification of Closed Meeting and addition of items to Agenda due to closed meeting (if necessary):
MOTION: Councilmember Brendel moved to approve the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, THE Governing Body of the City of Manassas Park has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative
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recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this public body that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the City of Manassas Park hereby certify that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under this chapter and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed session was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the public body.
SECOND: Councilmember Privett
VOTE ROLL CALL: Yes: Brendel, Privett, Baker, Treuting. Wren
5. Invocation: Councilmember Wren
6. Pledge of Allegiance: Councilmember Privett
7. Approval of Agenda:
MOTION: Councilmember Wren moved to approve Agenda with following changes: Remove Item 9c Career Development in Police Department at request of Colonel John Fenner.
Add Item 13c: Charter Amendment-2002 General Assembly.
SECOND: Councilmember Brendel
VOTE ROLL CALL: Wren, Brendel, Baker, Privett, Treuting
8. Citizens Time:
a. Susan Wall, Manassas Park High School Band Boosters:
When she was here last month, the Governing Body wished the band much success in their upcoming competition at Powhatan. Part of the fun of being a music booster is that you get bragging rights. She introduced Seniors Annie Tra, Percussion Captain, and Heather Herron, Section Leader who participated in band concert competition. Trophies won were:
*Third place: Color Guard. They marched 7-12 students where most bands they competed against marched 9-12.
*Third place: Music. They did very well with two songs where most bands did three or four.
*Second Place: Percussion: Ms. Tra is very proud of this because she is part of the drum line. They judged drum line and pit, which is in front of the band usually playing instruments that are not marchable. This is the second time having second place. They were up against close Double A band. Ms. Wall stated with this award one of the things the judges in particular mentioned was the tympani in the pit.
*Third Place Overall Division A: They took total of judge scores added them up and Manassas Park got third place against 9-12 bands.
All members of Governing Body congratulated the MPHS Cougar band and commended them on an outstanding year.
Ms. Wall stated this years judge’s scores were higher than last year by a considerable margin from Manassas Park, which showed that students are putting forth a lot of work and being willing to learn.
She presented the Governing Body with a thank you card from Music Boosters and all members of MPHS band except Max who was sick.
9. Reserved, including public hearings and decisions:
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9a. Public Hearing: Approval of Ordinance on Parking:
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 8:09pm.
Colonel John Fenner addresses the changes in this Ordinance. This is housecleaning on traffic ordinance. It was prepared to address several deficiencies in the current parking regulations:
*Increases the general penalty for violation of the chapter from $100 to $200.
*Removes the prohibition of charging vehicle owners the towing expense subsequent to an accident (Section 24-10.) The Mayor stated this looks like you removing prohibition to allow city to charge as opposed to prevent city from charging. Colonel Fenner stated City Attorney and City Manager prepared this document. The Mayor stated as long as the City Attorney agreed that this provision will remove the charge and make it very clear, he has no problem with it. City has towing rotation list which prohibits outrageous towing charges.
*Adds prohibitions for parking in a designated fire lane (has to be so marked) or beside a curb that has been painted yellow (both in section 24-48). This would be by signs and yellow curbing. Currently city can only do it by signs.
*Raises the penalty for parking within 15’ of a hydrant and in a fire lane from $20 to $50 (Section 24-47.1). Councilmember Wren asked if all city locations are marked. Colonel Fenner stated he and Public Works Director have surveyed all these areas. Some are not marked but they all will be marked. It is a total of 30 feet on both sides (15 foot on each side). Colonel Fenner stated he will have to check code but in some instances it is not required by state law to mark it.
There were no citizens wishing to address this Public Hearing.
MOTION: Councilmember Wren moved to close Public Hearing at 8:15 pm.
SECOND: Councilmember Privett
VOTE: Unanimously passed
Ordinance 01-1700-678: Amend Article I, In General and Article III, Parking, of Chapter 24, Traffic Code, of the City of Manassas Park to increase the penalties for violation of this chapter, to prohibit the parking of any vehicle in a designated fire lane and to provide for additional parking regulations
MOTION: Councilmember Privett moved to approve Ordinance as presented pending final review by City Attorney.
SECOND: Councilmember Baker
VOTE ROLL CALL: Yes: Privett, Baker, Brendel, Treuting, Wren
9b. Richard Murphy, Prince William Symphony Orchestra (PWSO):
Richard Murphy was here tonight to thank Governing Body for allowing him to introduce Mr. Carl Long, Prince William Symphony Orchestra Music Director. Pat Mulhern, a member of the Symphony Board, was present tonight. The PWSO is dedicated to enriching the musical experiences of the people of Prince William and surrounding counties by presenting performances of the highest quality. The orchestra is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) corporation, incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia March 1972. They provided affordable, accessible and interactive classical music to people of all ages adding to their quality of life. The Washington Post, the Journal Newspapers and the Potomac News have consistently given rave reviews on PWSO.
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The POWSO has been dubbed the “jewel in the crown of Prince William County.” The orchestra has received a commendation from the Prince William County Board of Supervisors.
Grace United Methodist Church is where PWSO is located and symphony orchestra concerts are the principal artistic product throughout the county and neighboring communities.
A portion of their budget is from ticket sales and other revenue. The remaining balance must come from contributions. Without contributions from businesses and individuals, ticket prices would be expensive.
The Mayor stated the Symphony is very good and everyone should get out to see them. Next performance is January 19th at Grace United Methodist Church at 8:00 PM.
Supporting the PWSO brings a beneficial partnership with the Lively Arts that will enrich and ensure quality of life in Prince William County. He is asking the City’s to join in support of the symphony. This would be a cultural investment in the quality of life in the community.
Councilmember Wren stated he and his wife have enjoyed several symphony performances. He appeared with the Symphony in 1989 playing the quail which is a wooden instrument played during colonial era.
9c. Career Development in Police Department: John Fenner, Colonel:
Colonel Fenner asked that this item be removed from agenda.
9d. Theresa Polk: Special Events Coordinator:
She was here tonight to thank the many volunteers, sponsors and city agencies that helped the parks & recreation and therefore make Manassas Park a better live work and play. Throughout the year many volunteers comes to the events and programs sponsored by parks & recreation department and this is just another way in which the department thanks them. She read a list of volunteers including businesses and City Staff and thanked them for supporting the City:
Interdepartmental agencies: Manassas Park police department, Prince William Sheriffs department, Manassas Park fire & rescue, American red cross, public works department, Manassas Park city schools.
Sponsors: Aqua Coating Inc, Grigg Design, Hispanic Enterprises, Inc, Leo Construction Manassas Park Women's Club, Mastercraft Autobody, Metro Sign & Design, NOVEC, Papa Johns, S&K Industries, Szechuan Gourmet, Signal Hill Lions Club, VA Contractor Supply
Volunteers: Chelsea Baker, Kevin Bates, Kevin Brendel, Joan Brown, Martha Collier, Lana Conner, The Dailey Family, Deeejays Unlimited, Justin Dobberthein, Frances Embrey, Justin and Tina Faint, Amanda Gollaher, Jackie Gonzales, Amanda Gwinn, Shereece Harmon, Becky and Harlan Heaton, Jennifer Hibbitts, Fran and SK Kassinger, Gina Ludvigsen, MacDonald family, Manassas Park Seniors Club, Ben Martell, Mandy Martell, Bob McCurry, Rick Mechalske, Nick Meyer, MPHS Choir, Parkside Dance Team, Justin Patterson, Earl Polk, Victor Purchase Jr., Rah Cheerleading, Tom Ruhstorfer, Courtney & Terrell Sewell, Eric Shifflett, James & Sherri Slaubaugh, James Jr & Amy Slaubaugh, Hope Smith, Ricky Stanley, Sudley Dance & Arts Studio Bill Taylor, Drew & Briana Taylor, Sue Taylor, Millie Toner, Richard Ward, Veronica Way, Williams Family, Michell & JJ Yates.
She stated without Cub Scout Pack 1370 and VFW Post 1811, they would not be able to do everything they do.
10. Reports of City Officials and Staff:
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a. Thomas DeBolt, Superintendent of Schools:
As of October 31, 2001 total school enrollment was 2,181, which is an increase of 12 students from September 30, 2001.
As of October, schools have outstanding attendance: Cougar is 96.9%, Manassas Park Elementary is 97.8%, Manassas Park Middle School is 97.2% and Manassas Park High Schools is 96.3%. An attendance figure of 95% is considered outstanding. Combined average of four schools is 97%. This is a total commitment from students, parents, teachers and principals.
Manassas Park Education Foundation (MPEF): This foundation is a 501 ©(3) tax exempt non-profit organization. The mission is to promote aid and encourage educational activities and endeavors of and for the City schools. During last two years the foundation has contributed over $12,500 in support (copy of 200-2001 report attached to report). The Foundation is asking for financial support from the community and businesses.
b. City Attorney:
Mr. Crowhurst is here on behalf of Brian Lubkeman who had a death in his family and had to be out of town.
c. Councilmember Privett:
*She congratulated the MPHS band on an outstanding performance at the band competition in Powhatan. She has watched them grow over the years.
*She wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
d. Councilmember Brendel:
*Scouting for Food Pack 1370 was a huge success due to families putting out bags of groceries to be picked. All this food picked up will be brought back to the Manassas Park community.
* He congratulated the Manassas Park High Schools band and stated they represent the city well.
*He is asking the City Clerk to schedule a Technology Committee at next Governing Body meeting.
*He attended the official grand opening of Alliance Bank on Saturday November 17th and encourages everyone to patronize them and use their services whenever possible.
*He attended a funeral today and it made him realize the true meaning of Thanksgiving. His wife’s best friends father was killed at Pentagon on September 11th. For all who lost their lives that day and for all who are serving our country today trying to bring justice to the people who did it, for loved one who will not be home for thanksgiving know our thoughts, prayers and best wishes go with you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
e. Councilmember Baker:
*She congratulated the band and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
f. Councilmember Wren:
*He congratulated the band because they bring a great deal of credit to the city and school division.
*The Public Works Committee met tonight and recommends approval of Items 11A and D on Consent Agenda.
g. Mayor Treuting:
*He asked the Public Works Committee for a status report on I/I program as well as vehicle maintenance report.
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Councilmember Wren stated that the city has 14 flow meter sites in sanitary sewer system to validate charges from UOSA. The first meters were programmed wrong giving the city unreliable data. The City now has two good meters in place. The bad meters were shipped back and replaced with reliable calibrated meters which should be in place within the month.