Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority
Executive Board
Minutes of Meeting
March 9, 2015
As Adopted- June 12, 2015
- Call to Order
A meeting of the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority (LIGTT) Executive Board was held on Monday March 9, 2015 in the St, Bernard Chamber Board Room at the Port of St. Bernard Administration Building in Chalmette, Louisiana.
- Roll Call
The roll was called with the following results:
President- Senator A.G. Crowe-ChairmanTreasurer- Scott Becnel
VP- Dennis CrawfordSecretary- Chris Westbrook
VP- John Hyatt
Guests in Attendance
Tom Thornhill- LIGTT Midstream Holdings, LLC
Jim Woodworth- LIGTT Midstream Holdings, LLC
Ben Hunter- Board Legal Counsel
Carla Roberts- Senate Attorney
Crystal Hutchinson- Administrative Assistant
Johnny Koch
Chairman, Senator A.G. Crowe determined the presence of a quorum and the meeting was called to order at 11:51 a.m.
- Approval of Minutes from August 29, 2014 meeting
On motion made by Commissioner Hyatt and seconded by Commissioner Crawford, the board unanimouslyapproved the minutes of its meeting on August 29, 2014, as previously circulated.
- Presidents Report
Chairman Crowe introduces Crystal Hutchinson as Administrative Assistant to the LIGTT Board and welcomes her to the Board.
Chairman Crowe gives Ben Hunter the floor to discuss general housekeeping Resolutions. Carla Roberts explains the requirements for appointing of designees and who can make the appointments.
Actions Required
Consider Approval of a Resolution Ratifying the election of LIGTT Executive Board Members
Mr. Hunter presented and recommended approval of a resolution to ratify the election of the LIGTT Executive Board Officers and all actions taken by the Executive Board Officers in their official capacity.
President- Sen. A.G. Crowe
VP- John Hyatt
VP- Dennis Crawford
Treasurer- Scott Becnel
Secretary- Chris Westbrook
Commissioner Dennis Crawford Moved for Approval, Commissioner John Hyatt Seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously
Consider Approval of contract with new Website Developer
Mrs. Hutchinson presents information on new website and Chairman Crowe makes motion to approve contract with eSyncs for designing and hosting of new website, seconded by Commissioner Crawford. Motion Carried Unanimously
At 12:04 Chairman Crowe expresses need to enter Executive session. Motion to enter Executive Session is made by Commissioner Crawford and Seconded by Commissioner Hyatt. Motion Carried Unanimously and Executive Session was entered, no recording takes place.
- Executive Session
At 12:50pm, a Motion is made by Commissioner Crawford to exit Executive Session and return to Regular Session, the motion is Seconded by Commissioner Hyatt. Motion Carried Unanimously and Regular Session is reentered.
- New Business
No new business reported
- Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 pm.