November 16, 2015
1 Hour
-Leadership lunch tomorrow everyone!!
Garrett: newsstands: outside of the library is a no go, working on progress. Waiting on Ben Patterson for chapel speaker update.
7:20 – SERGIO BILL: VOTE – ALL (5 min.)
-edited, added a section requiring a written report from Sergio letting us know the success etc.
- Voted on the bill and it passed.
$200 for thanksgiving dinner for students staying in santa barbara! voted and passed.
7:25 -- DAVID GERGEN EVENT: VOTE -- ALL (5 min.)
7:30 -- WCSA SPONSORSHIP IDEAS-- ALL (10 min.)
7:40 -- WAC UPDATE -- Garrett (10 min.)
-There will be meetings with Garrett...BONUS ROUND MEETINGS, regarding the funds, they would ask for help basically for more funds.
-WAC has set amount of money that they can dish out, Garrett will talk with Danny and Cassie about possibility that they would fund more.
-WAC isn’t super okay with this. we can approve this and then Garrett will take it to Danny and expand on it.
- There would be special circumstances occasionally for additional funding.
-Language regarding letting clubs know about potential extra funding-amended slightly.
7:50 – GALA COMMITTEE UPDATE -- Tommy (10 min)
-Andy: how’d it all go? how do we follow up from here
-Focus week next semester: we are part of it with some of our events.
-How can we thoughtfully respond to the events that have been going on. We should strive to be rational and reasonable.
-MEETING NEXT WEEK: NO MEETING. Be prepared to vote next
-Keep tuesdays open for
8:00 -- RECAP/ACTION ITEMS FOR THIS WEEK -- All (5 min.)
Senate Agenda
8:00pm - Meeting Opened
Kirsty and Garrett Update
8:09pm - Lightning Round
- Andy
- Cecilia Update
- How to Alumni?
- Jeff
- Baccalaureate Changes
- Student and Faculty Nominations instead of essays
- 2 Students will be Chosen to Speak with Mentor Speeches
- Verbal Affirmation of Sergeant… yay
- Off Campus Baskets!
- Contacted Speaker…
- Called instead of email
- He’s Excited, yay. Speaker maybe coming up?
- Mike
- Personal: Heart - Has to do Surgery? Pray. Please Pray.
- Clark people: Completion of Clark Lounge. Homecoming?
- Alex
- Leadership LUNCH! Personally - nothing too crazy… just gonna have a baby. Casual.
- Angela
- Design for KSC! WHAT?! Total Revamp, Big Garage.
- Assessment of Colorado Canoe and Multisport… re-offer?
- Focus group with transfer students
- Life is okay. Holding with Dissertation; Friday wasn’t helpful
- Matt
- Academic Senate Meeting
- Tatiana - GE Reports; Understanding Society, Performing and Interpreting the Arts. Revamping First Year Seminar? Comparing Years.
- Dr. Sargent - Innovated Edges? Faculty in Research Opportunities.
- Personally: Tests, Little Sister had her first Cheer competition. Rah Rah.
- John
- Surf Racks and Water. Stu Cleek. They have their challenges. Shot down Ideas… Long Term Locations Wanted - Shane Rowan has been trying to get surf racks down there also, outdoor lockable racks? Meeting - we’ll see what happens.
- Water Issues. Not the drought. Other things, like infrastructure problems - Osmosis Problem Shanghai. BUILD THE COALITION.
- Personally: Senior Seminar Paper. Cold Springs School - Wanted to do a Fundraiser with Westmont… at a Sports event. Wanna know what sporting events are coming up.
- Tommy
- Staying busy, Thanksgiving. Debates
- Annaliese
- Student Housing for next semester. She’s Sick.
- Noah
- WCSA: First CTAC Meeting, Dec. 2nd. Water bottle Refilling Station, 1500, its a go, so email Campus Planner again.
- Got Page Hall Council Together, When should we meet? Tuesday night, fantastic. In three weeks.
- Dave King - microwaves and couches in Page.
- Debate news
- Personally: Lots of Paperwork
- Tyler
- BIG NEWS: FULL TIME POSITION IN OCTOBER - but no internship. WHAT SHOULD I DO: Took Internship Instead: Signed Contract, GOT A JOB. Gift cards - did that. Done. Cold Springs. Fundraising Ideas - come and sell popsicles, funding proposals for otter pops? Match or buy at beginning?
- VK Kitchen.
- Athletic Meeting
- Personally: getting through Tomorrow? 2 papers and a test.
8:31pm - Sergio Bill
- Voting? Go Over It Real Quick.
- Till 8:39pm
- Passed: 6-1
8:42pm - Jeff’s Bill
- Potluck Meal
- 100 Students…? Maybe?
- We’ll see what happens, but needs support!!!
- 7-0 Vote
8:46pm - Garrett’s Bill for Funding Proposals and Clubs
- 7-0 Vote
8:50pm - Senator Stumme - Writing Bill for Faculty and Student Dessert
8:51pm - Gala Debrief. Above and Beyond Everything = Tommy.
- Helping. 40 people in the room at one time - going and coming.
- Danny was helpful. Finding Extra Chairs, American and Westmont Flags, etc.
8:54pm - Coffee Shop Thing
- Global Leadership - Names of Coffee Shop?! What do you think?? Canvasing?
- Alex and Tommy - He brews? Hebrews? HE BREWS? Idk…
9:00pm - COWS. Moooooooooo haha this is great.
9:00pm - LGBTQ - What do we do? Rational, reasonable responses. In Humility - Vocal Minority on Both Sides, but there’s a lot of gray. Faculty and staff have to sign a Faith Belief - Community Life Statement; Still lots of Sensitivity. Media Centered.