Baildon Town Council – Economy Committee


Councillors: Cllr Gill Dixon(Chair), Cllr John Turner,Cllr Chris Flecknoe, Cllr Thomas Sutton, Cllr David Shaw.

Officers: Deputy Clerk Gary Stevenson,

EC1718/62Chairs remarks

The Chair explained why she felt it was important that the Council responded to the Northern Powerhouse consultation.

EC1718/63Councillors attending but not a Committee member


EC1718/64Apologies for absence


EC1718/65Disclosures of interest

Cllr Shaw, Cllr Dixon and Cllr Flecknoe declared a personal interest through association in regard to the Assembly Marketing item.

EC1718/66Public session

There was none

EC1718/67Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of the Economy Committee held on the 25thJanuary 2018were approved.

Proposed Cllr Flecknoe

Seconded Cllr Turner

All in Favour

EC1718/68Friends of Baildon Station

This item was moved up the agenda. John Anderson and James Craig from FOBS spoke regarding this item.

a. It wasnoted that the date of the next FOBS AGM is Tuesday 1st May at 7pm at Baildon Rugby Club

b. To consider a financial contribution towards the cost of laying a pedestrian tarmac footpath (2018/19) alongside the unadopted road/track Roundwood Road / Baildon Station, which is very heavily used and in a terrible condition. It was resolved that the balance of the Economy Committee FOBS budget for 2017/18 and the full Economy Committee FOBS budget for 2018/19 be made available for this project. That would be a sum of £900. Proposed Cllr Dixon seconded Cllr Shaw all in favour.

c. It was Resolved to request the Environment support this project from its Footpath Budget.Proposed Cllr Dixon seconded Cllr Shaw all in favour.

EC1718/69 Baildon Ignition Group

To appoint a representative from the Committee to be an associate member of the Baildon Ignition Group.

Sharon Boardman President of the Baildon Ignition Group (BIG) updated the Committee on the progress that has been made in formalising the group. The Group has a formal constitution under the name of Baildon Ignition Group – Baildon Chamber of Trade and Commerce and is seeking to be the voice of Businesses in Baildon. They have a website which is to be expanded to serve as a business directory for Baildon. Baildon Council have been invited to be an associate member. It was resolved that Cllr Dixon would be nominated as Baildon Town Council representative on this group. Proposed Cllr Shaw seconded Cllr Flecknoe all in Favour. Congratulations were also offered to Sharon and her BIG committee for the progress that they had made.

EC1718/70Clerks Report

Correspondence– Northern Powerhouse Consultation. It was Resolved that Cllr Dixon would co ordinate comments from Committee members received prior to 1st April and submit a response on the Committees behalf. Proposed Cllr Flecknoe seconded Cllr Shaw all in Favour.

EC1718/71Committee Budget

The current report on expenditure was considered and noted. It was resolved to carry forward the balances in the budget lines Library services (delegated to the Clerk) and FOBS. Balances are currently £1800 and £400. Proposed Cllr Dixon seconded Cllr Shaw all in favour.

EC1718/72Farmers Market

Cllr Flecknoe presented the annual report prepared by the Farmers Market Manager.Financial reports were noted. Although the market had performed well in difficult circumstance it was recognised that trading conditions were likely to remain challenging. The MAG would discuss the report at their next meeting and any comments would be fed back to the Committee. Julie Bower was thanked for her work as Market Manager as was the MAG group and all volunteers. Proposed Cllr Flecknoe seconded Cllr Dixon all in favour.

The assembly marketing invoice for future provision of website and domains was approved for payment. Proposed Cllr Flecknoe seconded Cllr Sutton all in favour.

EC1718/73Christmas Lights

Cllr Flecknoe updated the Committee on a meeting held with our contractors Christmas Plus. Arrangements had been put in place to renew and replace some of the stock. The Christmas switch on event this year would take place at the end of the Baildon at Christmas event on 2nd December. Further details would be explored by a working group consisting of Cllr Flecknoe and Cllr Sutton


A report from the Volunteer Co-ordinator was received and noted.New opening hours had been agreed and would begin on 1st April. Cllr Turner updated the Committee on current issues being discussed by the BLAG. Volunteer numbers now stand at around 40 and there are no immediate plans to actively recruit any more. On the job training would continue. Thanks were expressed to the Volunteer Co Ordinator for her efforts.


Cllr Dixon would continue to publicise progress with the Love our Loos campaign prior to the Community Asset Transfer.

EC1718/76Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting would be determined after the Annual Town Meeting.

The meeting finished at 9.25pm.

Deputy Clerk Tel. (01274) 593169 Email:

Signed ……….Meeting date –22nd March 2018 Page 1 of 3