Minutes of the Management Committee

Meeting of Swale Seniors Forum at Swale CVS

10.15 am on Thursday 22nd January 2015

Present: Christine White (CW); Eileen Holden (EH); Dorothy Newlove (DN); Victor Wise(VN); David Spurling (DS); Jean Spain (JS); Bill Ronan (BR); Julia Watling, minute taker (JW)

1. Chair’s Welcomeand Apologies

Apologies from Bernie Smith and Brian Lewis

2. Minutes of the last meeting.

Minutes agreed

3. Matters Arising

CW advised that all the financial records have now been handed over by Bryan Pringle. These now will be held by the SCVS Finance Officer and updated accounts will be produced for the next meeting. DS has completed his paperwork to be added as a signatory and now awaiting DN and BS. DS informed the committee that two forms of identification are needed including a utility bill.

JS commented that the old SSF leaflets have not been removed from the SCVS reception – JW will action.

DN confirmed that she will be attending the EKASCF meeting on the 30th of January.

4. Chairman’s Report

CW thanked JW for completing the KCC monitoring and evaluation form which was submitted in December, as an outcome of this the next tranche of monies, £1202, has been received. CW advised that JW has also completed the KCC grant application form for 2015/16 which had to be submitted by 18th December 2014. CW advised that the monies received will be detailed in the updated accounts to be produced for the next meeting. VW commented how much DS, as treasurer, would be involved in the financial matters and CW assured the committee that DS and the SCVS Finance Officer will be meeting regularly regarding the administration of the account.

5. Amendment to Constitution

CW brought everyone’s attention to the constitution with the amended clause which was sent out with the agenda. CW commented that the person who looked at the constitution on behalf of the forum did comment that there are often inherent problems with postal votes and would advise against it.

VW commented that he had approached SSF member John Greenhill, a legal expert, and as stated in clause 17, any amendment to the constitution must be voted during a General Meeting, open to all members.

JS stated that she still felt that a postal vote was needed especially for those members who were unable to attend a general meeting, due to disability or ill health.

BR stressed the possible weaknesses of a postal vote, including non-receipt, whether vote was genuine and was not sure if there is anything to gain from this method. BR also stated, due to clause 17, a general meeting would need to be called if an amendment is to be made.

After further discussion, CW asked the committee to vote on whether to make the necessary amendment – 2 in favour, 4 against. No further action is required.

6. Suggestions for Future Work

CW stated that the forum now needs to be more active, to which the committee were all in agreement. CW suggested that an article in the newsletter asking members for suggestions would be a good idea. JS advised that this had been done before with little response but worth trying again.

Regarding future work, CW mentioned the closure of the library and asked JS to explain in more detail. JS advised that Sittingbourne library is closing for repairs from 23rd January until 25th March. In replacement, Teynham library will be extending hours and be open Monday to Saturday with longer hours. Arrangements are being sought for a limited mobile service.

JS also brought to the committee’s attention an article in the local paper regarding the current KCC consultation underway on the future proposals for the library. A consultation document is available including a questionnaire and JS suggested that details of this should be included in the forthcoming newsletter, all agreed. The consultation is for a period of three months, two months of which Sittingbourne library is shut. Bearing this in mind, a public drop in about the consultation will be held at Sainsbury’s in Sittingbourne on the 20th of February from 9 until 5 and members from KCC will be available for questions.

BR advised that KCC are proposing to change the library provision in Kent with all libraries intending to be run by a charitable trust. This will put the libraries in a better position to be able to seek external funding and the consultation document states there will be no change in library provision.

CW suggested that it would be pertinent to have a joint response to the consultation from SSF, all agreed. Various suggestions were put forward which CW will collate. CW felt it would be a good idea to put two simple questions in the newsletter asking for response from members, to which all agreed.

CW requested comments from the committee regarding DS’ suggestions contained in the hand out from the last meeting. JS commented that, whilst the sharing of shopping/food was a good idea, Age UK offer a meals on wheels service across Sittingbourne and Faversham. Also, regarding form filling, this is another service already offered by Age UK across the whole of Swale.

JS felt the matter of pavement furniture connected with falls was worth pursuing and was an area that the Swale Access Group was involved in a few years ago. DN advised that she was witness to an incident in Station Street, Sittingbourne where a car was parked on the pavement and a disabled person was forced to go into the road. Her husband contacted SBC and was advised that they would not be able to take any action. CW asked DN to bring letter to next meeting so the matter can be discussed further.

JS advised that there has been a change in the council short term car parks and now there is no return within two hours, more details are available on the SBC website. The traffic warden was not aware if this would apply to blue badge holders. BR suggested contacting Geoff Kitson or Brian Planner at SBC. JS to action.

7.Continuation of Transport Sub Group

All committee members agreed that the sub group should continue. DS said, practically, with only three members now on the sub group, more would be needed to continue. CW suggested this should be mentioned at the next public meeting, all agreed.

8. Public Meeting

CW raised the issue of public meetings, as discussed, in previous committee meeting and all agreed that a meeting should be held in each area of Swale, on a bi-monthly basis, with a guest speaker at each. Refreshments will be provided. Various suggestions were made re speakers from all members. After much discussion the following was agreed:

March (possibly 12th) - Sittingbourne – Speaker on the Care Act

May Faversham - Speaker on Pensions and benefits

July Sheerness - Green Doctor

September Sittingbourne - Speaker on Trading Standards/Dementia

CW stated that a diary of the meetings can be put in the newsletters to inform members. Non-members are also to be invited to encourage recruitment and JS agreed to promote in the three local papers and local radio stations. DN suggested that a publicity book is kept to record all the publicity and offered to undertake this task, all in agreement. EH expressed concern that ethnic minority groups are not represented well within the forum and CW offered to contact Diversity House re promotion to these groups.

CW raised the subject of a paid project worker as mentioned in the minutes of the previous meeting. VW said it was not needed as all the work can be undertaken by the committee, members agreed. CW queried who would now monitor the SSF emails, complete monitoring and undertake all the project work mentioned. JS inquired whether JW had capacity within her current workload, to which JW affirmed. This was not agreed formally so will be an item on the agenda for the next meeting.

9. Any Other Business

JW advised that communication had been received from EKASCF stating they were not happy to send emails to a CVS address. Communications will therefore continue to be forwarded to the Swale Seniors Forum general email and to DS, as treasurer, to which DS has agreed.

BR and JW advised that the next meeting of the Kent Older People and Seniors Forum is to be held on Thursday 26th February at KCC from 10 until 2 including light lunch. CW asked if anyone would be willing to attend to represent KCC – DN, JS and EH agreed to attend. CW confirmed that transport will be arranged through SCVS. JW will action. JS mentioned that this date is the same as the next committee meeting, so CW agreed to change the next meeting to Thursday 5th of March at 10.00 am.

Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday 5th March at 10.00 am at Swale CVS offices

N.B. Please note change of date of next meeting

Chairsigned …………………………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………………………….

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