Westfield, New Jersey
Officeof Instruction
Courseof Study
School...... Westfield High School Department...... Physical Education Length of Course...... 3 MarkingPeriods / 4 daysaweek Credit...... 3
Prerequisite...... None
GradeLevel...... 10
The goal of physical education is to develop an active, healthy student capable of using motorskillsthat offeropportunities forindividual and group success. Students engageindevelopmentalunitsthatarementallystimulating,physicallysatisfyingandsocially enriching.Thisholisticapproachinphysicaleducationfocusesonteambuilding andinclusionof groupandindividualchallengesthatdevelopeffectivedecisionmakingtoenhancephysical skills and self-esteem. Driver Education is a primary focus that works to develop the student’s awareness to become a defensive driver.
PhysicalEducation10buildsonthefoundationofskillsimplementedin9thgradephysical education.Principlesandelementsoffitness,individualandteammotorskillsanddriver educationareaprimary focus. Safe,efficientandeffectivemovementthatdevelopsahealthy lifestyleispromotedinavariety ofunitsincludingindividuallifetimesportsandteamoriented sports. Thisunderstandingofmovementandwhy itisnecessary indailylifeaddstotheholistic approachtophysicaleducation. Healthandskillrelatedconceptsaretaughtalong withthe exploration of career andvocational opportunities.
Driver education enables students to recognize and describe automobile driving primarily as a mental, physical, and social learning experience involving the interaction of people, vehicles, and the environment in a rather complex roadway transportation system. Students engage in lessons that develop an understanding and an appreciation of the automobile, its mechanical analysis, laws of energy and motion, safety practices, policies and reforms, dangers of alcohol, drug abuse, distractions and traffic laws and regulations of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Code.
This comprehensive driver education program allows students to practice positive decision-making skills necessary to reduce collisions, and provide a foundation for safe behaviors through the knowledge and practice of basic skills which promote safe and responsible driving.
ThefollowingobjectivesarealignedwiththeNewJerseyCoreCurriculumContentStandards forComprehensiveHealthandPhysicalEducation, Science,SocialStudies,and 21st-Century Life and Careers and Technology,CareerEducationandLifeSkillsandNew Jersey Student Learning StandardsforEnglishLanguage Arts. Studentsparticipate in awide rangeof learningactivitiesthatdevelopgrossandindividually refinedmotorskills,personalfitnessandcognitive developmentrelatingtodrivingsafelyandresponsiblyandreflectWestfield’sexpectationfor achievement.
A. Demonstrate safepractices in thelocker rooms,gymnasiums andon the playingfield
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.1
NJ Core Curriculum ContentStandards for Career Education, andLife Skills 9.2, CRP1, CRP3
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for SocialStudies 6.3
B. Improve flexibilityand strength with warm-upexercises
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.6
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Career Education, and Life Skills CRP3
C. Identifymajor musclegroups of thebody
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
D. Identifyspecific exercises that isolate and enhancegrowth ofmusclegroups
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.6
E. Participate in activities that improvehis/her level of health-related fitness
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.1
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation 2.6
F. Perform team,gross motor and individuallyrefined motorskill
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
G. Recognize andapplyavarietyof activities that strengthen cardiovascular fitness
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.6
H. Participate in team-oriented, gross motor skill development
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Career Education, andLife Skills 9.2, CRP12
I. Participate in individuallyrefined motorskilldevelopment
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.6
J. Demonstrate an increased level of agilityandcoordination
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
K. Applyknowledgeof sports, gamesand their rules
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
L. Participatefullyin eachofthe developmental units provided and demonstrate improvement at the conclusion ofeach
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
M. Transfer specialized movement skills that use similarpatterns from onemovement activity
NJ CoreCurriculumContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.5
N. Work cooperativelyin skill andhealth relatedactivities
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for ComprehensiveHealthPhysicalEducation2.2
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Career Education, andLife Skills 9.2, CRP 1
O. Demonstrate mature motoring responsibility necessary for safe and efficient operation of
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education , 2.2, 2.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies 6.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 9.1
P. Demonstrate driving maneuvers, procedures, regulations and defensive driving techniques through classroom theory-based learning experiences
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.3, 2.5
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Technology 8.2
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, RI.9-10.1, 2, 3, 4, 8, SL.9-10.1,2, 4, 5, 8
Q. Analyze causes of traffic collisions
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Technology 8.1
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 8,11
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 3, 6, 7,8,9 SL.9-10.1, 5
R. Exhibit an understanding of the operation and importance of traffic safety
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.2 NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies 6.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 1,8
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 3,4,5, 6, SL.9-10.1, 3, 4, 5
S. Develop respect for safe driving, automobile insurance, the point system and mandatory violations
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.2
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies 6.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers
NJ Student Learning StandardsStandards for Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2,3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, RI.9-10.1, 8, SL.9-10.1, 4, 5
T. Recognize new and changing laws and other motoring requirements
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers CRP1,2,5,8
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, SL.9-10.1, 4, 5
U. Explain the basic mechanics of the automobile, nature’s laws of energy and motion and their relationship to driving
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Technology 8.2
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 2,7,8
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts RI.9-10.1, 8, SL.9-10.1, 2, 4, 5
V. Describe the procedures that must be taken in order to acquire a driver’s license and registering a motor vehicle in New Jersey
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 1,2,4,5,8
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts SL.9-10.1, 2,4, 5
W. Identify driver distractions and list ways to avoid these distractions
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies 6.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 1,2,3,4,7,8
NJ Student Learning Standards for Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 7, 8, 9, RI.9-10.1, 4, SL.9-10.1, 2, 4, 5
X.Analyze the effects of alcohol and drugs upon the mental and physical requirements of driving
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies 6.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 1,2,3,4,7,8
NJ Student Learning Standards for Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 7, 8, 9, RI.9-10.1, 4, SL.9-10.1, 2, 4, 5
Y. Know how technological advances enhance the safety of roadways
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Technology 8.1, 8.2
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2 ,4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, RI.9-10.1, SL.9-10.1, 2, 4, 5
Z. Discuss safety issues drivers deal with on the roads and the proper procedures in handling driving emergencies
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health & Physical Education 2.2,
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 1,2,4,5,8
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2,4, 6, 7, RI.9-10.1, SL.9-10.1, 2, 4, 5
AA.Identify the individual components of the Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute (IPDE) process and describe how it helps develop safe and responsible drivers
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standard for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education 2.2
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies 6.3
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 9.1
NJ Student Learning Standardsfor Language Arts W.9-10.1, 2, 6, 7, 8, RI.9-10.1, SL.9-10.1, 2, 3
AB. Prepare to take the New Jersey written permit test for beginning drivers
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st-Century Life and Careers 1,2,5,7,8
AC. Demonstrate aknowledge, understandingand practical use oflibrary/media center resources as theserelate to coursecontent.
NJ CoreCurriculum ContentStandards for Comprehensive HealthPhysicalEducation2.1
New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts NJSLSA.R.1, NJSLA.R2., NJSLA.R3.,NJSLSA.R7., NJSLSA.R8., RL.11-12.1., RI.11-12.1., RI.11-12.2., RI.11-12.7., NJSLSA.W2., NJSLSA.W4., NJSLSA.W6., NJSLSA.W7., NJSLSA.W8., NJSLSA.W9.
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Technology 8.1
NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Career Education, and Life Skills CRP2, CRP 6, CRP7, CRP 8, CRP 11
Studentsingrade 10continuetheir physical educationexperience withprescribedphysical activities. Thefocusisonthe continuingdevelopmentofgross motor skillsandfitnessconcepts sothateachstudentisprovided withchallengingworkbasedontheir individualability. Refined motorskillsareintroducedingrade10andappliedinavariety ofteamorientedactivities. The markingperiodcourseofstudyisdedicatedtoDriver Education. Itincludescognitive developmentrelating totheunderstanding ofthenaturallawsof motionandcarcontrol,trafficlaws andregulationsoftheNewJersey MotorVehicleCodeanddrivingavehicleinadverseconditions. Alsoincluded arethephysical, psychological, and legalaspects, effects,and consequencesof theuse of alcohol anddrugsasrelated todriving.Studentshave the opportunity to takethewrittenportionof theirlearner's permit test duringthiscourse.
A. Introduction to PhysicalEducation Procedures and SafetyPractices
1. Appropriate dress
2. Locker roomresponsibilities
3. Warm up activities
4. Careand useofphysicaleducation equipment
B. Guidelines forExercise
1. Proper attire
2. Exercisingin differing weatherconditions
3. Safetyprecautions for exercise
4. Benefits of warm up andcool down
5. Procedures of warm up and cool down
C. ApplyingGross Motor Skills into Team Activities
1. Locomotion
2. Striking
3. Kicking
4. Catching
5. Throwing
6. Jumping
7. Eye–hand coordination
8. Eye-foot coordination
9. Agility
10. Rhythm
11. Reaction time
D. DevelopingProficiencyofIndividuallyOrientedFine Motor Skills
1. Manipulation
2. Eye-hand coordination
3. Eye-foot coordination
4. Refinement oftactile response
5. Pace
E. Development of the Strategies in Team Play
1. Passing
2. Defensive play
3. Offensive play
4. Specific situational play
- You Are the Driver
- Three parts of the Highway Transportation System (HTS)
- HTS regulations
- Technology and roadway safety
- Social, physical and mental skills involved in the driving task
- Driving and the impact on environment
- Idling your vehicle
- The Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program
- Obtaining various permits and licenses
- Six points of ID
- Replacing lost and stolen permit or license
- Keeping licenses current
- Road test
- What to do when stopped by the police
- Organ donation
- Signs, Signals and Roadway Markings
- Shapes and colors used for traffic signs
- Regulatory signs
- Guide signs and international signs
- Warning signs
- Green, yellow and red lights
- Flashing red or yellow signals
- Pedestrians and traffic control officers
- Differences between broken and solid yellow and white lines
- Differences between a shared left turn lane and a left turn lane
- Various roadway markings (i.e. highway exit ramps, railroad and school crossing, parking restrictions, rumble strips and raised roadway markings)
- Basic Vehicle Control
- Instruments, controls and devices
- Headlight regulations
- Checks to make when preparing to drive
- Hand positioning and hand over hand steering
- Properly entering and exiting a vehicle
- Correct positioning of the seat and mirrors
- Proper acceleration and braking control
- NJ speed limits
- Safe corridors
- Driving a vehicle with automatic transmission
- Driving a vehicle with manual transmission
I. Performing Basic Vehicle Maneuvers
- Mirror usage
- Steps for backing a vehicle
- Hand signals and when to use them
- Making right and left turns
- Keeping to the right
- Proper lane changes
- Blind spots
- Passing and being passed
- Performing turns (3 point turn/K-turns, U-turns) and using a driveway
- Performing parking maneuvers (angle, perpendicular and parallel)
- Reference points to use when parking your vehicle
- Parking uphill and downhill with and without a curb
- Parking regulations
- Managing Risk with the Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute (IPDE) Process
- Risk factors encountered when driving
- The four steps of IPDE
- The structure of the Zone Control System
- Open zone and closed zone
- Orderly visual search pattern
- Identifying and predicting driving behavior using the Zone Control System
- Natural Law and Car Control
- The effects of gravity on your car
- Energy of motion
- Traction control and driving
- Driving cars through curves
- Stopping distance
- The three seconds-plus rule
- Factors that affect braking distance
- Controlling force of impact
- Proper use of safety belts
- Maximize the benefit of air bags
- The proper use and positioning of child safety seats including the Child Restraint Law
- Negotiating Intersections
- Searching intersections
- Controlled and uncontrolled intersection approaches
- Turns at controlled and uncontrolled intersections
- Stopping regulations
- Proper procedures for crossing railroads
- Right-of-way rules
- Judging gaps
- Negotiating roundabouts
- Sharing the Roadway
- The effects of motorcyclist’s actions
- Bicycle, moped and motor scooter guidelines
- Pedestrians in crosswalks
- Emergency vehicles
- Move over Law
- Trucks
- Driving in Adverse Conditions
- Reduced visibility
- Driving at dawn and dusk
- Night driving
- Low beam and high beam headlights
- Driving in rain
- Avoiding hydroplaning
- Driving in snow
- Snow and ice removal
- Correcting a rear wheel skid
- Controlling your vehicle in windy conditions
- Precautions for driving in extreme temperatures
- Driving in construction zones
- Handling Emergencies
- Vehicle malfunctions
- Tire blowouts
- Failed brakes
- Stuck accelerator
- Steering failure
- Driver errors
- Returning to the roadway if your vehicle runs off the road
- Using an emergency swerve
- Roadway hazards
- Minimizing damage caused by potholes
- Escaping from a vehicle that is sinking in water
- Preventing collisions
- What to do if a collision occurs
- Driving in Urban Traffic
- Urban traffic adjustments
- Covering the brake
- Driving in Rural Areas
- Characteristics of rural traffic
- Animals on or along the roadway
- Driving Highways
1. Low-risk driving strategies for highways
- Entering and exiting a highway properly
3. Increasing following distances
4. Changing lanes on a highway
5. What to do if your vehicle becomes disabled
6. Toll plaza
- Effects of Driver Condition and Managing Distractions
- Emotions and driving
- Physical senses and driving
- Combating fatigue and highway hypnosis
- Avoiding carbon monoxide exposure
- Driving with permanent disabilities
- Driver inattention and distractions
- Internal distractions
- External distractions
- Alcohol, Drugs and Driving
- Effects of alcohol on driving
- Blood alcohol concentration
- Effects of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogenic drugs on a driver
- Effects of combining alcohol and drugs on a driver
- Traffic laws governing the use of alcohol
- Implied Consent Law
- Zero-tolerance levels of intoxication
- Good host rule
- Coping with peer pressure
U. Driver Privileges and Penalties
1. The driving privilege
2. DUI and penalties
3. Motor vehicle violations and the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Point System
4. Insurance surcharges for moving violations
- The driver improvement program
V. Vehicle Information
1. Vehicle title and registration
2. License plates
3. Vehicle inspection
4. Insurance
Avarietyofinstructional techniquesareutilizedthatencouragestudentsto becomeactive participantsinthelearningprocess, promotecollaboration on team building and accommodatethe readinesslevels, interestsand learningstylesofall learners. Such techniquesinclude:
A. Lecture
B. Teacher directed questioning
C. Demonstration modeling proper technique
D. Small groupdiscussion
E. Largegroupdiscussion
F. Independent practice
G. Flexiblegrouping
H. Multimedia instructional technology
I. Student generated presentations
J. Differentiated tasks
K. Team Challenges/Problem based initiatives
L. Guided observation
M. Research and analysis
When appropriate, outsidepresenters and field trips relevant to physical education mayalso be usedto enhancein-class learning.
Student knowledgeand understandingofcontentareas are evaluated through the useof the followingtechniques:
- Ongoinginformal methods
1. Assessment of individual students physical active participation.
2. Assessment of individual student’s classroomparticipation.
3. Discussion
B. Periodic assessment
1. Baseline and benchmark assessments
2. Skills checklist
3. Rubric
4. Written and oral reports
5. Written tests
6. Class preparation
7. Journals
8. Projects
9. Interim reports
10. Alternative Assessment (Medical Excuse Program)
Opportunities are provided that appropriately support this curriculum including the following:
- Access to in-house, in-service or professional training in the content area
- Access to professional books and software to enhance development
- Opportunities to confer with colleagues and supervisors to discuss and reflect upon unit plans, homework and assessment
- Professional conferences, physical education organizations, workshops and college courses that enhance specific instructional skills and strategies
- Private study with an individual professional or place of study to further develop
- Visitschooldistrictswithinnovative physicaleducationprograms
NewJerseyCore CurriculumContent Standardsfor Comprehensive Healthand PhysicalEducation
STANDARD2.1– Wellness: Allstudents willacquire healthpromotion concepts and skills tosupporta healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD2.2– Integrated Skills:Allstudents willdevelop and use personaland interpersonalskills to supporta healthy, activelifestyle.
STANDARD 2.5– MotorSkillDevelopment:Allstudentswillutilize safe, efficientand effective movement to develop andmaintaina healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD2.6– Fitness: Allstudents willapplyhealth-related andskill-related fitnessconceptsand skillsto develop and maintain ahealthy, activelifestyle.
The entirestandardsdocumentmay be viewedat
New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts
NJSLSA.R1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences and relevant connections from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
NJSLSA.R2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
NJSLSA.R7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
NJSLSA.R8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.
NJSLSA.W1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
NJSLSA.W2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
NJSLSA.W4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
NJSLSA.W6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact andcollaborate with others.
NJSLSA.W7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects, utilizing an inquiry-based research process, based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
NJSLSA.W8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
NJSLSA.W9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
NJSLSA.SL2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
NJSLSA.SL4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.