Remediation Strategies
- Remediation to help with retention: Repetition of key concepts, vocabulary, and ideas.
- Post key vocabulary words on door frame and ask students the definitions of the words on their way out the door.
- Ticket out the door questions
- Frequent/Short Assessments
- Remediation to help with text reading:
- Students can access science text book online which reads text aloud
- Find books on Pearson online which reads text aloud
- Have students look up key vocabulary terms on because words are pronounced for students and definitions read aloud
- Partner read written text
- Read written text in guided reading groups
- Remediation for experiments:
- Provide a task analysis for each experiment (step-by-step directions with visuals)
- Provide guided questions to help students draw conclusions
- Provide peer role models in each group
- Form collaborative groups and assigned tasks to each member
- Remediation for writing:
- Have students complete graphic organizers before writing essays or in replace of writing essays (Inspiration-- Persuasive graphic organizer)
- Model the writing process
- Have students dictate response to a teacher or parent volunteer
- Provide students with a bank of key terms and high frequency words
- Provide exemplars of the specific type of writing they are working on
- Brainstorm with the student(s) before asking them to write an essay
- Ask for support from the occupational therapist. She could push into the classroom or help with the writing assignment during her pull out segment.
- Remediation for Force and Motion:
- Have students to visit the following websites:
- For the EDheads Simple Machines lesson
- Visit the website for visual support and then complete pages 1 and 2 of the worksheet:
- For the sorting activity, add pictures to the vocabulary cards for struggling readers
- For the persuasive writing, you could have the students get on Inspiration find the persuasive writing template. The students use the graphic organizer to plan their story. The following graphic organizers can also be used to assist in the writing process:
W:\Grade 4\Unit\persuasive_writing_portrait[1].docx
W:\Grade 4\Unit\Persuasive writing checklist.docx
W:\Grade 4\Unit\Success-Criteria-Persuasive.txt
- Pre-Post Test
- W:\Grade 4\Unit\Force and Motion Pre-Post remediated.docx
- On question 5 demonstrate the question
- Force Makes Things Move...Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
- Push and Pull …Patricia J. Murphy
- Forces and Motion…Angela Royston
- Push and Pull: Forces and...Robin Nelson
- Forces and Motion…Alvin Silverstein
- Forces and Motion: From Push...Christopher Cooper
- Simple Machines: Forces in Action...Buffy Silverman
- Forces and Motion…Robert Snedden
- Push and Pull…Lola M. Schaefer
- And Everyone Shouted, Pull! : A First Look At Forces and Motion...Claire Llewellyn
- Motion: Push and Pull, Fast...Darlene R. Stille