Grants for Pre-Tenure Faculty
For Support of Scholarly, Research or Creative Work
The Provost andExecutive Vice President is making funding available for a limited number of grants to support the research, scholarship and/or creative activity of faculty members on the tenure track. The intent of the grant is to assist the faculty member in making progress towards a successful tenure review.
- Applicant must be a full time tenure track (pre-tenure) faculty member who will be a candidate for tenure no earlier than Fall 2018.
- Only one Pre-Tenure Faculty Grant will be awarded to each faculty member.
- The recipient of a Pre-Tenure Faculty Grant shall agree to return to the institution granting such assignment for a period of not less than one year.
The grant will be an award of up to $1,500 for software, equipment, travel necessary to do research, lab supplies, data analysis, hiring of lab assistants, paying research assistants or other item(s) related to one’s scholarship, research or creative activity. Any equipment purchased with the funds remain the property of the university upon the resignation of the faculty member.
The application should be submitted electronically to by noon on October 2, 2017. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by a committee of faculty. Applicants will be notified in writing of the Committee decision in early November 2017.
A completed application includes:
- The application cover sheet signed by the applicant, her/his department head and dean (fillable form attached).
- An itemized budget (fillable form attached).
- A brief description of the:
- Significance and objectives. What is the overall nature of the work that this will support? Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish and how will receipt of this grant advance your progress toward tenure?
- Methods and timetable. How will you accomplish the established objectives?
1) All money awarded must be spent in Fiscal Year 18; therefore all receipts for reimbursement will be due in your departmental office no later than May 15, 2018.
- All funds will be reimbursed in accordance with University Business Office policies. Please review policies found at:
- The funds allocated are made on the basis of the details you provided in the application budget. The expectation is the activity will be carried out as proposed. Any changes to the plan need to be approved in advance by the Office of the Provost or will not be eligible for reimbursement.
2)You are required to complete the “Grant Outcomes Reporting Form” and submit it to with a copy to no later than May 30, 2018. Failure to meet this deadline will render the recipient ineligible for similar awards in the future.
A Human Participant Review Form must be filed and must receive approval from the UNI Institutional Review Board before the any funds are disbursed. Allow at least fourteen days for the review process to be completed. Information and application forms are available athttp:/ by calling 273-6148.
If you have any questions pertaining to the Provost’s pre-tenure grant program contact Krista Herrera, at , 273-2519.
Application Cover Sheet
APPLICATION DEADLINE – Noon, October 2, 2017
Applicant Name:
Year hired as tenure track UNI faculty member:
Department: College:
Office Phone: Department Phone: Campus Mail Code:
Type of project: Research Scholarly Work Creative Activity
Have you been awarded a course release or departmental/college funds for research/creative activity for the 17-18 academic year? If so, please check which ones, and list the amount(s).
Course Release: Departmental Support: College Support:
Significance & Objectives:
Methods & Timetable:
By signing below, the applicant acknowledges and agrees to the following:
- All items in the budget will be used for research, scholarship or creative activity.
- A Human Participant Review Form must be filed and must receive approval from the UNI Institutional Review Board beforereimbursement if the project involves human subjects.
- A follow up report as described in the application instructions will be submitted by May 30, 2018
Signature of Applicant______Date ______
Signature of Department Head ______Date ______
Signature of College Dean Date ______
Grant Outcomes Reporting Form
Due in the Office of the Provost & Executive Vice President no later than May 30, 2018
Applicant Name:
Year hired as tenure track UNI faculty member:
Department: College:
Office Phone: Department Phone: Campus Mail Code:
Type of project: Research Scholarly Work Creative Activity
Describe briefly how the item(s) purchased assisted you with your scholarship, research or creative activity. This includes any product that came as a result of the purchase of this or these item(s):
Describe the impact that the item(s) purchased will have on your progress towards tenure: