Phone (804) 293-0294

Getting Connected with the Team

Name: Date:

Check those that you would be interested in:

___Volunteer/Internship/Apprenticeship ___Full Time Employee

___Paid Part Time ___Full Time Job with a Community Partner

___Full Time Contract/Project Work___Career Services

RANK only the motivators that are important to you when thinking about working with the Foundation (i.e. 1,2,3...)














RANK all the actions that are intriguing to you (i.e. 1, 2, 3...)


___Develop the messages and content

Spread the messages and content

___Passive – i.e. marketing, social media

___Active- Direct communications

___Build Teams

___Build a Community

___Help people directly

___Help Businesses/Organizations


___Train the Trainers

___Build systems and processes

RANK all the results that are important to you (i.e. 1,2,3...)


___Long term, sustainable messages

___More connected world


___Improved happiness of people

___Better tomorrow


Physical and Mental Health

___For yourself

___For others

___Giving back to the community

___Impact the world positively

___Do something GREAT!!

Types of specific roles –

Highlightor bold the roles that you would like to learn more about

Each role will haveVolunteers, Coordinators and Leaders

  • People Resource Coordinating - Working with people to provide guidance, increase effectiveness, accomplish a goal for themselves or others
  • Resource Development- Managing resources of the Foundation and engaging the community to identify new potential resources, also could include research and analysis on projects
  • Event Planning- Providing Leadership and guidance with planning of events for POLF and other organizations
  • Marketing Development- Helping develop marketing strategies and plans
  • Information Technology Coordinating- Working with how the Foundation manages information and uses Information Technology to achieve the mission and vision
  • Community Program Coordinating- Working with our community programs to give back to the community
  • Training Content Development- Developing training and message content
  • Community Partner Coordinating- Working with and developing our community partners to ensure a successful relationship
  • Trainers- Training on content, material and services provided by the Foundation
  • Relationship Development Specialist- Developing new relationships for the foundation with people, groups and businesses
  • Existing Relationship Coordinating- Maintaining strong relationships with people, groups and businesses working with the Foundation

Please give us a brief summary of what about Points of Life Foundation attracted you and interest you: