Sacramento State

Office of Public Affairs and Advocacy

2012 Year In Review

“The Public Affairs and Advocacy reorganization is complete, and one of the unit’s charges is to be a full-service resource for campus communications.

I have seen many student, faculty and staff accomplishments publicized, on TV and in print. The office also has launched its ‘Made at Sac State’ campaign, which highlights prominent graduates with video, social media and advertising. …

We need to work together to further demonstrate our value to the community … and to the students who need us as they pursue their dreams.”

–President Alexander Gonzalez, Spring Address, Jan. 19, 2012


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am delighted to present the 2012 Year in Review for the Sacramento State Office of Public Affairs and Advocacy. This report highlights the accomplishments of the unit in support of Sacramento State’s students, faculty and staff.

In the past year, Public Affairs and Advocacy achieved key milestones as the official voice for University-wide communications and marketing. They included:

• Implementation of a redesigned University home page, a redesign of the online University Experts Guide and a new Financial Aid web page for prospective students.

• Re-establishment of University-wide marketing within Public Affairs, including the formal launch of the “Made at Sac State” campaign highlighting the achievements of our proud alumni and the value of a Sacramento State education.

• Development and execution of a highly successful informational campaign to promote the state’s reinvestment in the California State University, including the in-house production of an animated video, “Help Sam, Help California.”

“Help Sam” was created through the wonderful teamwork and collaboration of writers, editors and graphic designers; the staff videographer even taught himself animation for the project. As a result, “Help Sam” was recognized as one of the top campus-produced advocacy videos within the CSU for 2012.

At an economic impact forum in April and an educational forum on Proposition 30 in October, Public Affairs and Advocacy helped to reinforce the value of Sacramento State as a key anchor institution for the Sacramento regional economy. At those events, we called attention to the return on investment in Sacramento State as measured by the University’s contribution to regional economic and workforce development.

More than ever, Public Affairs and Advocacy in 2012 effectively and widely promoted the University’s story of academic excellence across multiple platforms to both internal and external audiences.

The body of work produced by Public Affairs and Advocacy underscores the staff’s high level of talent and professionalism. Moreover, their dedicated efforts appropriately highlighted student and faculty achievement.

In the following pages, you will learn how the work of Public Affairs and Advocacy continues to elevate the profile of the University and helps to cultivate more support for teaching and learning at Sacramento State.

Phil Garcia,

Vice President

Office of Public Affairs and Advocacy

Our Mission

Public Affairs and Advocacy promotes Sacramento State, and cultivates public support for teaching, learning and service through a comprehensive and multifaceted communications and advocacy program.

2012 Highlights

Presidential Communications

• Supported presidential communications via social media, the website, photography, video and editing

• Developed the inaugural President’s Report for distribution in 2013, summarizing accomplishments of the past 10 years and outlining his vision for the future

News Services

• Re-launched University Experts Guide with more than 300 faculty and staff experts

• Generated positive media coverage by regional news outlets

• Distributed 304 press releases

• Provided media training upon request

• Connected faculty experts to TV, radio and print media requesting expertise

University Marketing

• Assisted with more than 300 University projects by reviewing for brand and identity compliance

• Reached 48 percent of area residents with Sacramento State messages via billboard on Highway 50

• Formally launched the “Made at Sac State” marketing campaign

• Reached nearly 9 million passengers at Sacramento International Airport with Sacramento State advertisements

• Created and installed new Sacramento State street banners near the Capitol, as well as on and around campus

Web & Social Media

• Assisted in revamping key University microsites

• Launched a more dynamic and user-friendly University home page

• Produced monthly Sacramento State Leader e-newsletters for more than 800 regional leaders, plus all University faculty and staff

• Created and posted more than 90 campus signs for University units

• Increased Facebook fan base by 88 percent

• Reached 6,595 Twitter followers with 28,343 tweets

Visual Communications

• Produced videos for the “Made at Sac State” marketing campaign and supported it with photography and other video elements

• Provided photography and video for multiple University-wide projects

• Led the production of the “Help Sam, Help California” video promoting access to public higher education

• Created and produced 30-second television spots promoting the University

• Managed the Sacramento State YouTube channel, featuring more than 200 videos with nearly 90,000 views

• Created and electronically distributed the first Sacramento State animated holiday card


• Organized presidential, student and alumni participation at CSU Capitol Hill Day and CSU Advocacy Day at the State Capitol

• Carried out Prop. 30 educational efforts, including a forum and the development of an animated video

• Hosted events for community members and business leaders to discuss Sacramento State’s vital economic impact

• Hosted visiting elected officials, including Congresswoman Doris Matsui, state Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez

• Disseminated California State University electronic advocacy messages via the Capwiz email advocacy system, bringing important CSU and Sacramento State messages to more than 65,000 alumni

Presidential Communications

President Alexander Gonzalez shares information about Sacramento State with members of the University community across multiple platforms, including print and online publications, e-newsletters, emails, social media, public events and his website. John Kepley, assistant to the president and director of presidential communications, is responsible for the President’s prepared remarks, campus messages and updates – often in cooperation with the Office of Public Affairs and Advocacy.

From President Alexander Gonzalez in 2012

“I have always felt that public universities in California have far-reaching constituencies – from the students who learn in our classrooms to the companies that hire our graduates. Institutions of higher education are an essential part of the fabric of our communities. They provide jobs and opportunities, innovation and economic growth, and they nurture the hopes and dreams of future generations.”

– Community Council, Oct. 11

“The decisions that are being made today will determine if higher education will remain our nation’s best opportunity for equality – or if it will become a quaint memory of how things used to be done.”

– ACE/OWHE Regional Leadership Forum for Women, April 4

“It is our duty to educate graduates who can think critically and solve the biggest problems we face as a society. And it is our cherished mission to offer opportunities to all qualified students, regardless of their income or social background.”

– Center for California Studies’ Envisioning California Conference, Sept. 14

“We must not look just at how we can improve, but how we can reinvent ourselves in the name of improvement. We must stand up for innovation and stand out in our community, state and nation.”

– Spring Address, Sept. 19

Presidential communications by the numbers


25 President’s Updates, sent via email and posted on the Web, plus six additional Web updates

16 messages in University publications

1 Viewpoints piece in The Sacramento Bee

News Services

News Services provides information to TV, radio, print and online media about the impressive work and accomplishments of Sacramento State’s students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Positive Coverage Reached Large Audiences

Stories that reached the widest audiences in 2012 included music professor and guitar instructor Richard Savino’s Grammy nomination; Sacramento State students winning second place in a national mechanical contractors competition; and the Sacramento Business Review economic forecast by the College of Business Administration – all of which resulted in positive stories in The Sacramento Bee. In addition, CBS13 reported on Physics Professor VassiliSergan’s invention of a lens that could eliminate bifocals; and Fox40 noted that Sacramento State’s student refunds, prompted by the passage of Proposition 30 in November, would beat the CSU’s self-imposed deadline.

More Great Headlines from 2012

• Sacramento State students take top prizes in interior architecture

• A professor’s biomed device is granted a patent

• Sacramento State launches the Project for an Informed Electorate

• A research project may help fortify homes against earthquakes

• Sacramento State is honored as a Tree Campus USA

• Professors explore the science of placekicking in football

• The Capital Fellows Programs are named a Top 10 internship in the nation for the third year

The New University Experts Guide

Sacramento State has a wealth of talented, academically outstanding and imaginative professors who understand the trends and issues shaping California and the nation. They have completed the highest education levels in their fields and are widely recognized as go-to experts. To help with frequent media requests for experts who are able to break down issues in a way general audiences can understand them, News Services in 2012 created and launched an updated online University Experts Guide to showcase our faculty as well as key staff experts, including a detailed description of each individual’s expertise, a photograph and often a video message.

News Services by the numbers

5,860 media hits

304 press releases

300-plus faculty experts

University Marketing

The Marketing unit is the steward of the University brand and is responsible for strategic message development, marketing campaigns and printed collateral for the University. It oversees the use of the Sacramento State logo, identity and style, and leads a University Marketing Council to foster synergy and consistency among various marketing initiatives on campus.

Marketing manages the popular “Made at Sac State” campaign, assists other University departments with the creation of collateral materials, and develops and manages the University’s messaging on the Highway 50 digital billboard. In 2012, the Marketing unit also created and installed new Sacramento State street banners on campus, near campus and near the State Capitol.

“Made at Sac State”

Formally launched in 2012, the “Made at Sac State” campaign shares Sacramento State’s success story. It brands and celebrates graduates – both accomplished professionals and emerging stars. Among the first alums featured were video game entrepreneur Mark Otero, Sleep Train Mattress Centers founder and CEO Dale Carlsen, Marine Corps officer Nicole Anderson and Microsoft engineer Vladimir Petrosyan. Many University communication channels are used to promote the campaign, including press releases; the Sacramento State Leader e-newsletter; digital billboards on campus and on Highway 50; signage at Sacramento International Airport; messages posted on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; and even T-shirts sold at the Hornet Bookstore.

• The Clear Channel digital billboard on Highway 50, seen by nearly 2 million area residents a year, promotes the campaign.

• The campaign reaches more than 14,000 fans via Facebook.

• Web ads further the campaign and link to digital aspects, including video.

• A partnership and joint T-shirt promotion with the Hornet Bookstore has given the campaign a successful retail element.

• On-campus assets, such as Reprographic delivery trucks, are leveraged for visual messaging.

• Signage at Sacramento International Airport showcases “Made at Sac State.”

University Marketing by the numbers

77,287,756 billboard impressions

24,779,191 airport ad impressions

300-plus University projects reviewed and approved for brand and identity compliance

Web & Social Media

Web Communications oversees Sacramento State’s digital messaging platforms, including the University’s home page, news pages and the top-level pages of other University units; the Sacramento State Leader e-newsletter and the Monday Briefing; and social media such as Facebook and Twitter. All these platforms are used to celebrate the achievements of students, faculty and staff, and to highlight the University’s academic excellence, vibrant campus life, civic engagement and innovation.

New Sacramento State Home Page

A newly redesigned home page was launched in September, in cooperation with Information Resources and Technology. The new site has a fresh, vibrant look and features a rotating marquee that highlights the University’s “points of pride”; a news section with easy-to-scroll headlines; a more efficient campus calendar; a Spotlight area showcasing a topic of current interest; and a featured video. Smart navigation links tailored for future and current students, faculty and staff, parents and families, and alumni and visitors now make it easier for everyone to navigate

Web Page Redesigns

Web Communications also created or consulted in 2012 on a number of University microsites outside Public Affairs and Advocacy, moving them into the University’s now-standard design format. Among those displaying a new look are Admissions and Outreach, Financial Aid and Scholarships, the Faculty Senate, the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, the Office of Graduate Studies, the Graduation Initiative and the Project for an Informed Electorate. In addition, a web home for the Sacramento State Leader was created.

Social Media

Social media is the perfect vehicle for communicating information, news and events, such as celebrating the accomplishments of students, faculty and staff; promoting the University’s theater, dance, music and art performances and exhibits, as well as Greek life, athletics and community service; and assisting with the practical aspects of college life, such as registration, grades and technology issues. Stories and news briefs were regularly shared on Facebook and Twitter and were well received. During 2012, the number of Facebook fans grew by 88 percent; during the Fall semester, Facebook registered almost 3 million views of Sacramento State’s posts, with an average weekly reach of nearly 100,000 individuals.

Web & social media by the numbers

Facebook overall: 12,367 fans as of Dec. 31 (up 88% from 6,578 on Jan. 1)

Fall 2012 on Facebook:

2,826,127 post views

93,642 average weekly total reach

273,377 average monthly total reach


28,343 tweets



9,310,401 unique page views of the University home page

229,024 unique page views of Public Affairs’ News & Information

Visual Communications

Visual Communications plans, produces, distributes and archives photographs and videos. It also manages Sacramento State’s popular YouTube channel and produces photographs and videos for the entire University, including the Office of the President.

Notable Accomplishments in 2012

The team produced four videos for the popular “Made at Sac State” marketing campaign as well as the highly successful “Help Sam, Help California” animated educational video – all valuable elements in the Public Affairs and Advocacy toolbox. Additional projects included 30-second TV advertisements featuring “Made at Sac State” alumni and the “Redefine the Possible” initiative; video coverage of all Hornet home football games; the President’s animated holiday card; and the advocacy message “Sacramento State: A Smart Investment.”

Ongoing Project Support

Visual Communications also produced images for the University’s home page, social media platforms, and Winter and Spring Commencement photo galleries, as well as the Highway 50 digital billboard and Sacramento International Airport signs. The team spearheaded production of the new University Experts Guide, which features faculty photographs and video interviews.

Visual communications by the numbers

247 videos


56,501 total viewing minutes


  • Microsoft engineer Vladimir Petrosyan scored 3,558 views and became the most popular “Made at Sac State” video of 2012
  • The President’s animated holiday card had more than 4,500 views during the holiday season
  • “Help Sam, Help California” had 1,216 views between its Oct.10 debut and year’s end


The Advocacy unit manages the University’s advocacy efforts and fosters relations with local, state and federal elected officials and governmental agencies. In addition, the Advocacy team forges civic partnerships to further the development of Sacramento State and the regional economy and workforce.

Proposition 30 Educational Campaign

In the Spring of 2012, President Gonzalez met with state legislators to advocate for reinvestment in higher education in California. In October, Sacramento State and LEED (Linking Education and Economic Development) hosted a forum, “Implications of Prop. 30 for California Public Education and the Capital Region,” at the Alumni Center. More than 125 business, community and education leaders and students attended. The “Made at Sac State” marketing campaign worked as a companion to this outreach. Voters ultimately approved Proposition 30 in November, thus preventing a $250 million trigger cut to the California State University.

Sharing the Sac State Story

Events were held to further the overall campaign to educate business and community leaders, as well as the general public, about Sacramento State’s vital impact on the region’s economy. These included “Conversation and Coffee with President Gonzalez,” an economic impact forum featuring President Gonzalez and Dr. Sanjay Varshney, dean of the College of Business Administration. We will continue to make a strong case for reinvesting in California public higher education.

Advocacy leadership met in Washington, D.C., with members of Congress from the Sacramento area to inform them of the ongoing work at Sacramento State and to seek resources for the University.