AGA Topeka Chapter

Minutes of Chapter Executive Committee

October 7, 2006

The meeting was called to order by President Brandi Baer at 5:50 p.m. Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) members in attendance were: Brandi Baer, Kathy Bohnhoff, Pam Simecka, Sabrina Wells, Nickie Roberts, Melinda Richter, Scott Alisoglu, and Debbie White.

Pam moved to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2006 meeting as presented. Scott seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

PDC Update–Sabrina reported that the committee met on Sept 27. The Chapter will be using an individual to solicit sponsors. A contract will be ready for the individual to sign on Monday, Oct 9. The contract will require the work to be completed by mid-November, so there is still time to react if the contractor does not perform to expectations. The plan is to ask each potential sponsor for $1,000 as a starting point. Final copies of the PDC brochures are available for handing out. The goal is to give to many different groups. It was suggested that we distribute brochures to speakers we have had at either past PDC’s or professional lecture series luncheons.

Treasurer’s Report–Kathy distributed the treasurer’s report through September 30, 2006. Kathy reported that she had talked to Novella Clevenger about the chapter’s Form 990 submission issues. Novella felt like the IRS would likely waive penalties and since we don’t owe any taxes, there would be no interest. Kathy also talked to Karen Linn, with Berberich Trahan, who said she would look at our past financial statements and talk to someone in their tax department about the issue. Kathy will ask Karen about whether we should file the current Form 990which is due Nov 15.

Chapter Recognition – Melinda reported the next report is due November 20.

Professional Lecture Series – Brandi reported that the October 12 PLS will be held at Ward Meade and the topic will be data security in the public sector. Leo Hafner of Legislative Post Audit will be the speaker at the November 16 PLS, discussing the importance of accountability in government. It will be held at the Kansas Museum of History and will be a joint meeting with Institute of Management Accountants. Scott moved and Nickie seconded to cancel the December PLS. Motion passed unanimously.

Community Service–Nickie reported that the Race Against Breast Cancer went well. Approximately $42,000 was raised. The American Heart Walk will be October 21 from 8 am to noon. Nickie is looking for volunteers. Toys for Tots will be the community service activity in December.

Brandi reported that preparations will begin soon for the Christmas social.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:16 pm.

Debbie White
