University of Michigan

Office of New Student Programs

Orientation Critical Incident Response Protocol

Critical Incident Response Plan Coordinators

Ann Hower,Office of New Student Programs

Kari Schueller, Office of New Student Programs

James Rocker, Office of New Student Programs

Erika Johnson, Office of New Student Programs


It is the Office of New Student Programs’ policy to conduct its summer orientation operation with the highest regard for the health and safety of its students, employees and the public, and the protection and preservation of property and environment.

Emergency situations require the participation of all staff. Certain responsibilities are defined to ensure smooth operations. Everyone must be familiar with emergency operations. This plan shall be readily available, posted/kept in F:\\ONSP\Business Continuity Plan Critical Incidents Emergency Planning\Critical Incidents and reviewed annually by department personnel.

Our Orientation Critical Incident Response plan is designed to coordinate with existing University of Michigan emergency protocols. The Office of New Student Programs staff will work with and utilize the Dean of Student Incident Protocols to ensure a coordinated response by the U-MPolice Department (UMPD), Dean of Students Office (DOS), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC), University Housing, Office of the Provost, Office of Public Affairs and Internal Communications (Public Affairs), and Occupational Safety and Environmental Health, regarding crises that may impact members of the UM community. Each office listed above is guided by more detailed unit procedures and protocols.

This policy addresses protocols designed to respond to serious critical incidents during the residential summer orientation program. For general emergency procedures such as fire evacuation, tornados, medical emergencies, bomb threats, and alcohol policy enforcement, please see the Summer Orientation Leader Manual.

University of Michigan Summer Orientation Program

The Office of New Student Programs, reporting to the Office of the Provost, administers the Summer Orientation program, including providing oversight to the summer orientation residence hall. The Office of New Student Programs business hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

During Summer Orientation, a full time professional is present Sunday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Orientation is in full session on Sundays from early June to early August. During the hours of 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m. Saturday - Friday, Orientation Assistants assume responsibility of on-call duty coverage. Orientation Leaders (5 per floor) serve as Resident Assistants to the orientation participants residing on their floor.

The residential summer orientation program possesses special characteristics that should be noted:

  • Student Orientation Program is 2.5 days in length and most students stay in Markley. The Parent & Guest Orientation program is 1.5 days and most parents stay at Kensington Court Hotel or other local hotels. Depending on the day of the week, there are between 190 to 570 students eating meals or staying in Markley.
  • The Office of New Student Programs, rather than University Housing, provides on-duty staff who are prepared to respond in the event of an emergency. Orientation is considered a conference and housing arrangements are overseen by Marketing and Conferences Services. For this reason, school-year protocols involving University Housing Residence Education staff do not apply.
  • New students attend orientation to register for classes. Depending on the time or day within the orientation program, the student may not have yet registered for classes or be an “enrolled” student. We consider the student a UM student while participating in orientation and expect students to abide by all policies.
  • Students may not have entered emergency contact information within the system.
  • Student’s parents may be attending parent orientation and staying locally (not at home address).
  • Students may have flight/travel arrangements closely scheduled in accordance with the end of their orientation program and be under tight time constraints.

Critical incidents may include but are not limited to:

  • Physical threats such as crimes, active shooters, domestic violence
  • Student death due to natural causes, homicide or suicide
  • Health risks – Highly contagious or serious illness, toxic spill
  • Serious injury
  • Psychological emergency
  • Facility loss due to fire, power outage, water main break, etc
  • Major incident beyond immediate geographic area that may affect orientation participants (earthquakes, tornadoes, 9/11)

Several UM Offices will play key roles in responding to critical incidents:

  • UMPD will make initial assessment to determine whether incident is ongoing and whether it fits criteria to initiate UM Emergency Alert notification system.
  • It is assumed that actions by staff will support the investigation and will preserve privacy by use of the initial notification protocol and limit sharing details to a more extended circle only on a ‘need to know’ basis.
  • High level communications will be managed by the Public Affairs.
  • In the case of a student death, the DOS will notify the family of deceased student if requested by law enforcement to do so, otherwise DOS will make follow up contact. ONSP staff will not make this notification.
  • DOS will support the student’s family and serve as a single point of contact (includes transportation, lodging, finances, estate, shipments, student accounts, as applicable.)
  • DOS will identify how and where student was connected to campus and provide appropriate notification and support (includes academic departments, student organizations and teams, and housing)

  1. Decide whether to initiate mass notification system
  2. Secure the site as needed
  3. Liaisons with AAPD for off campus incidents;
  4. Trigger initial notification protocol by contacting UMPD Communication Office and Dean of Students
  5. Requests UMPD Communications to provide official notification to UM Registrar via Executive Officers

UMPD and Emergency Public Information
Officer /
  1. If first to learn of incident, notify UMPD and triggers initial notification protocol; when hears from or confirms with UMPD, notifies Public Affairs;
  2. Decides whether to initiate Crime Alert
  3. Handles internal and external communications regarding law enforcement response and investigation including development and implementation of communication plan (key messages, vehicles, spokespeople, audiences, resource for updates) and in consultation with Public Affairs.

Dean of Students /
  1. If first to learn of incident, notify UMPD and trigger initial notification protocol; determine need to implement DOS emergency protocol; when hears from or confirms with UMPD, notifies ONSP;
  2. Identify how and where incident impacts students and provide appropriate notification and support (includes academic departments, student organizations and teams, and housing);
  3. Work with Housing, SAPAC and OSCR if applicable to determine next steps and to make options available to any affected students;
  4. Confidentially brief other Student Affairs staff and UM units as needed;
  5. Notify and work with CAPS crisis team for delivery of support as needed
  6. Work with DSA and Public Affairs to ensure that student needs including cultural and mental health factors are comprehensively addressed.
  7. Support UMPD, AAPD and UM Risk Management in any investigation.
  8. Work with CAPS, UHS and DSA Communications to post appropriate health messages to websites

Office of Public Affairs and Internal Communications /
  1. If first to learn of incident, notify UMPD and trigger initial notification protocol; when hears from or confirms with UMPD, notify Dean of Students. Decide whether to convene Incident Response Team; Gateway dark-site, UM emergency call center
  2. Initial notification protocol can include HR, UMHS, Housing, University Leadership;
  3. Manages internal and external communications regarding administrative response including development and implementation of communication plan (key messages, vehicles, spokespeople, audiences, resource for updates) and in consultation with affected unit, UMPD,Dean of Students and CAPS;
  4. Ensures outreach to Michigan Daily and other key media to ensure responsible reporting (works with CAPS)
  5. Work with CAPS, FASAP and DSA to post appropriate health messages to websites

OSEH / 1. Serves as county health agent
2. Receives notice from hospital, UHS or county
3. If localized, deal internally and report to county
  1. If ONSP Staff is first to learn of incident, notify UMPD and trigger initial notification protocol. We want to ensure the DOS is involved so they can implement their critical incident response.
  2. Depending upon the circumstances, either before or after contacting UMPD, gets student and their parents‘orientation event and contact information via Wolverine Access.
  3. ONSP staff will communicate immediately with plan coordinators (Ann Hower, Kari Schueller, James Rocker, Erika Johnson).
  4. Confirm contact via UMPD to Dean of Students if necessary.
  5. Identify specific content of messages to be communicated to senior staff, student staff, and students/parents.
  6. Contact all members of the Orientation Senior Staff to inform them of the situation.
  7. The Director of ONSP will contact the Senior Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs.
  8. Identify how and where incident impacts students and provide appropriate notification and support (includes orientation staff, Markley building staff, academic departments and other offices that might be impacted). See ONSP Phone Tree
  9. Within the residence hall, identify how and where incident impacts students and provide appropriate notification to residents
  10. Determine if necessary to place emergency message on the ONSP webpage.
  11. Determine if necessary to designate one office phone as a hotline for a recorded message.
  12. Work with Dean of Students Office to determine next steps and to make options available to any affected students
  13. Work with Housing, SAPAC and OSCR if applicable to determine next steps and to make options available to any affected students
  14. Confidentially brief other staff and UM units as needed;
  15. Notify and work with CAPS crisis team for delivery of support as needed
  16. Work with DSA and Public Affairs to ensure that cultural and mental health factors are addressed.
  17. Support UMPD, AAPD and UM Risk Management in any investigation.

UM Contacts

Office / Contact / Work Phone / Cell / Home
ONSP / Ann Hower / (734) 647-8781 / (734) 277-2785 / (734) 994-1010
ONSP / Kari Schueller / (734) 647-4676 / (217) 778-3318 / (217) 778-3318
ONSP / James Rocker / (734) 936-3307 / (734)-355-3510 / (734) 355-3510
ONSP / Erika Johnson / (734) 647-8780 / (734)-395-4228 / (734) 327-7149
UMPD / Chief Joe Piersante / 911 or 3-1131 / (586) 530-7881
UMPD Communications / Diane Brown / (734) 936-2323 / (734) 320-3688 / (734) 662-0469
UMPD / Deputy Chief Melissa Overton / (734) 763-1131 / (734)417-3743
Office of Public Affairs and Internal Communications / Kelly Cunningham
Rick Fitzgerald / (734) 936-5190
(734) 615-1563 / (734) 945-5832
(734) 355-1329
Dean of Students Office
Critical Incident Line / M-F, during the day, call office at
Staffed evenings and weekends / (734) 764-3700 Answering service / Laura Blake Jones – backup
(734) 276-5073 / Sarah Daniels
(H) (703) 307-7279
Laura Blake Jones – backup
(H) (734) 369-4374
DSA Communications / Peter Logan / (734) 763 4104 / (734) 904-2938 / (734)-369-2151
Marketing & Conferences Services / Pam Staton / (734) 936-0379 / (734) 904-8156 / (734) 662-0502
Provost Office / Lester Monts
Gretchen Weir / (734) 764-3982
(734) 763-8123 / (734) 355-1904
(734) 663-6789 / (734) 747-8648
(734) 769-1265
SAPAC / Crisis Line (734) 936-3333 / Holly Rider-Milkovich – backup (734) 709-1863
Greek Life / Mary Beth Seiler
Will Atkins / (734) 936-3686 / (734) 476-7683
(352) 871-4582
Academic Unit Department Contacts
Architecture / Meghan / Lee / meglee / 764-1649
Ann / Schoen / aburghdo / 763-2322
Kanika / Holt / holtkani / 647-2187
Art and Design / JoAnn / McDaniel / jmcdan / 615-3391
Paula / Bousley / paulab / 764-0397
Romy / Hill-Cronin / rhillc / 764-0397
BBA(Preferred Admits) / Erika / Busch / ebullock / 764-9129
CSP / Dwight / Fontenot / delfon / 764-9129
Tammy / Zill / tzill / 764-9195
Engineering / Mechy / Barcia / barciamg / 647-7106
Lindsay / Coleman / colemali
Mark / Collyer / collyerm
Honors / Donna / Wessel-Walker / dlww / 763-5853
Gayle / Green / greengd / 647-4479
Jeri / Preston / pjeri / 764-6274
Kinesiology / Kim / Elliot / elliottk / 647-2696
Julie / Simon / simonjm / 647-2696
Kathryn / Kennealy / kennealy / 764-4473
(saa.orient.grp) / Carmela / Brown / carmelab / 936-3220
Rob / Gordon / rwgordon / 764-0332
Gaylene / Opal-Deitering / gaylene
M-STEM Academies
(M-Bio & M-STEM) / Shannon / Zuniga / flowerss / 647-9690
Darryl / Koch / koch / 647-7125
(sn-osamadvisors) / Michelle / Thompson / michelez / 763-5237
Ruth / Gonzales / rumgone / 763-3121
Julie / Fountain / jafount / 615-7874
Holly / Nowlen-Forry / hollynf / 647-3942
Anna / Stryker / annamm / 615-6154
Resident College / Charlie / Murphy / clmurph / 647-4364
Melanie / Karner / karnerm / 763-0032
Lana / Kanitz / lkanitz / 647-4361
SMTD / Trish / Fountain / tvfount / 936-0300
Samantha* / Strayer / sstrayer / 763-5460
*Dance only
Dental Hygiene / Lisa / Dodge / ldodge / 763-3392
Education / Sarah / Powers / sarahsj / 615-3835
Amanda / Kostin / ajkostin / 647-0589
Engineering / Elaine / Dowell / morne / 963-3635