Athanasiou et al. - American Journal of Botany 90: 675-682. 2003. - Supplementary Data - Page 1

A. Athanasiou, D. Khosravi, F. Tamari, and J. S. Shore. 2003. Characterization and localization of short-specific polygalacturonase in distylous Turnera subulata (Turneraceae). American Journal of Botany90(5): 675-682.

APPENDIX. Sequence abbreviation, species, (gene name, when available), (tissue expressing the gene, when available) and accession numbers for polygalacturonase amino acid sequences used in the gene tree analysis. Modified from Markovič and Janeček (2001), with some additional sequences.


AbbreviationaSpecies (gene name, expression)SwissProtGenBank

______ Aspergillus flavus (fungal)P41750U05020


Actde.pgActinidia deliciosa (leaf & bud)P35336L12019

Actde2.pgActinidia deliciosa (fruit)-AAF71160

Arath11.pgArabidopsis thaliana (root & seedling)Q38958X98130

Arath12.pgArabidopsis thalianaO22699AC002292

Brana1.pgBrassica napus (PG35-8) (pod dehiscence)Q42399X95800

Brana2.pgBrassica napus (SAC66) (pod development)Q42636Z49971

Brana3.pgBrassica napus (leaf abscission) -AJ250919

Cucme1.pgCucumis melo (fruit ripening)O81244AF062465

Cucme2.pgCucumis melo " "O81245AF062466

Cucme3.pgCucumis melo " "O81246AF062467

Cucsa.pgCucumis sativus (stress induced) -AB035890

Glyma1.pgGlycine max (roots, wound response)Q9SWS3AF128266

LycesA.pgLycopersicon esculentum (PG2A, fruit)P05117X04583

Lyces1.pgL. esculentum (TAPG1) (stigma, style)O22311AF001000

Lyces2.pgL. esculentum (TAPG2) (stigma, style)Q96487AF001001

Lyces3.pgL. esculentum (TAPG3) (abscission)O22310AF000999

Lyces4.pgL. esculentum (TAPG4) (stigma, style)Q96488U70481

Lyces5.pgL. esculentum (TAPG5) (abscission)O22313AF001003

Lyces6.pgL. esculentum (TAPG6)O22610AF029230

Lyces7.pgL. esculentum (stigma, style) -AF072732

Lyces8.pgL. esculentum (wound response) -AF118567

Lyces9.pgL. esculentum (seed) -AF138858

Maldo.pgMalus domestica (fruit)P48978L27743

Medsa.pgMedicago sativa (MSPG3)O82019Y11118

( is expressed in roots in response to Rhizobium infection)

Orysa.pgOryza sativa -AP003140

Peram.pgPersea americana (fruit)Q02096X66426

Pissa.pgPisum sativum -AF361321

Prupe1.pgPrunus persica (PRF5)(fruit)P48979X76735

Prupe3.pgPrunus persicaQ43063X77231

Rubid.pgRubus idaeus (fruit)O65886AJ224147

TsPG Turnera subulata (short style) -AY185765 Vitus vinifera (fruit) -AY043233


Arath1.epgArabidopsis thaliana (flower)P49063X72292

Arath2.epgArabidopsis thaliana (flower)O65401X73222

Pollen Polygalacturonases

Cryja.ppCryptomeria japonica (pollen)P43212D29772

Goshi.ppGossypium hirsutum (pollen)Q39786U09717

Medsa.ppMedicago sativa (P73)(pollen)Q40312U20431

Nicta.ppNicotiana tabacum (pollen)Q05967X71020

Nicta2.ppNicotiana tabacum (sperm cell) -AF248538

Salgi2.ppSalix gilgiana (male flower)Q9MBB9AB029458

TsPP Turnera subulata (pollen)-AY185764

Brana.pepBrassica napus (Sta 44-4)(pollen)P35337L19879

Oenor.pepOenothera organensis (pollen)P24548 -

Phlpr.pepPhleum pratense (pollen)Q9XG86AJ238848

Zeama1.pepZea mays (pollen)P26216X57627


aThe terminations of abbreviations for the individual enzyme specificities following Markovič and Janeček (2001) are: pg, endopolygalacturonase; epg, exopolygalacturonase; pp, pollen polygalacturonase; pep, pollen exopolygalacturonase.