Delores P. Aldridge Excellence Awards

The Delores P. Aldridge Excellence Awards recognize outstanding student achievement in the areas of leadership & service to a diverse community; community building, diversity, & intergroup relations; and research about issues of diversity. The awards were conceived to recognize the achievement of those honored and to inspire the pursuit of excellence in all students.

Each nomination should include detailed information about the nominee and his/her efforts in the area(s) that he/she is being nominated. Examples may include, but are not limited to: academic honors, awards, and other distinctions; organizational memberships and positions held; and notable achievements in the larger community. The nominee’s excellence in the area(s) of nomination should be presented in a formal letter of recommendation.

Students must posses a minimum GPA of 3.2 to be eligible for consideration.

Any Emory undergraduate may be nominated.

Self-nominations are accepted.

The deadline for nominations is 5:00pm, 4 March 2009. All completed nomination packets should be submitted to OMPS, DUC 425E. They can also be faxed to 404.727.2059 or emailed to DeLa Sweeney at . The Excellence Awards Ceremony and Reception will be held 26 March 2009 in Winship Ballroom at 5:00pm. If a nominee is unable to attend, a substitute must be appointed to attend to accept his/her award in the event that he/she wins.

There is one Faculty/Staff award:

  1. Faculty/Staff Excellence in Mentoring
  2. Please submit nominations of Faculty/Staff who have excelled in advising and mentoring. Email DeLa Sweeney at with the nominee’s name and a brief paragraph of support.

There are four categories of student awards:

  1. Excellent Start (First-year students only)
  2. This category recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in the Emory Community during their first year at college in co-curricular involvement, leadership, and community building.
  3. Leadership & Service to a Diverse Community (Second-year, Juniors, & Seniors)
  4. This category recognizes students demonstrating excellence through their commitment to students of color and achievements in the Emory Community.
  5. CommunityBuilding, Diversity, & Intergroup Relations. (Second-year, Juniors, & Seniors)
  6. This category recognizes exceptional students who actively seek and facilitate cross-cultural interactions between individuals and student groups.
  7. Diversity Research (Juniors & Seniors)
  8. This category recognizes students who have excelled at producing new research that focuses on race, ethnicity, and multicultural issues.

Students are eligible for various awards depending on their year in school.

  • First-Year students are only eligible for the Excellent Start Award.
  • Second-Year students are eligible for the (a) Leadership & Service to a Diverse Community and (b) CommunityBuilding, Diversity, & Intergroup Relations Awards.
  • Juniors and Seniors are eligible for the (a) Leadership & Service to a Diverse Community, (b) CommunityBuilding, Diversity, & Intergroup Relations, and (c) Diversity Research Awards.

Delores P. Aldridge Excellence Awards

Nomination Form

To be filled out by the nominator.

Please print or type:

Nominator’s Name:

Department or Organization:


Nominee’s Name:

Academic Major(s) & Minor:

(select one)

DobbsUniversityCenter, Suite 425E

605 Asbury Circle; Drawer VV; Atlanta, GA30322

P:404.727.6754 F:404.727.2059

First Year:

Second Year:



DobbsUniversityCenter, Suite 425E

605 Asbury Circle; Drawer VV; Atlanta, GA30322

P:404.727.6754 F:404.727.2059

(select all that are applicable)

Excellent Start(first year students only)

Leadership & Service to a Diverse Community(second year, juniors, & seniors)

CommunityBuilding, Diversity, and Intergroup Relations(second year, juniors, &


Diversity Research(juniors & seniors only)

Additionally, please include the following materials:

(Incomplete nomination packets will be ineligible for consideration. All nominations are due by 5:00pm, 4 March 2009.)

From the nominator:

  • Letter of Recommendation

From the nominee:

  • Nominee’s resume
  • Personal Statement
  • Goals as an Emory undergraduate
  • 500 words or less about accomplishments in each area of nomination

DobbsUniversityCenter, Suite 425E

605 Asbury Circle; Drawer VV; Atlanta, GA30322

P:404.727.6754 F:404.727.2059