Office of Infrastructure and Administration

90-Day Report

July 26 – October 25, 2006

Infrastructure and Administration:

Agency Events:

Aug 1-3 Unfunded Environmental Liability Audit / KSC - Ernst and Young, auditors for this year’s Agency financial statement, will be conducting an audit of the Unfunded Environmental Liability Estimate for KSC. KSC has the highest number of environmental remediation projects with a total of 57 projects. POC is M. Shoppet/358-0159.

Aug 7-9 Energy 2006 Conference – The I&A/Environmental Management Division will host a NASA Energy Efficiency Panel meeting and will sponsor training for Center Energy Managers in conjunction with the Department of Energy annual conference to be held in Chicago, IL. POC is W. Thalasinos/358-3811.

August Mars Science Laboratory - The NEPA Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the project will be issued, starting a 45-day public comment period. Public meetings on the EIS are planned during this period.

Aug 29-31 InterCenter Aircraft Operations Panel (IAOP) – The IAOP semi-annual meeting in Washington, DC. POC is J. Walker/358-4637.

Sep 1 NODIS Interface with Standards Database – The NASA On-line Directives Information System (NODIS) is adding an interface with the Standards database that resides at MSFC. This will link all standards citations in directives, directly to the standards cited. The interface will allow users to subscribe to a system that will notify a user of any changes to the directives they are interested in. In May 2006 an interface was established between NODIS and the Safety and Mission Assurance Requirements Tracking System (SMARTS) databases where each requirement cited within S&MA directives is linked to a specific report regarding that requirement.

Sep 11-15 Ames IAOP Review – The IAOP review of Ames’s flight operations. POC is J. Walker/358-4637

Oct 16-20 Administrative Issues Conference (AIC) - The NASA AIC is currently planned for the week of October 16, to be held in Washington, DC and to coincide with the scheduled Agency OMC. The conference brings together senior administrative, functional, and institutional managers from every Center, and representatives from the HQ MDs and MSOs to discuss issues affecting the administrative, institutional, business management and operations areas of the Agency. Center attendance is usually limited to

2-3 participants. POC is M. Bayon/358-1092.

Headquarters Events:

Aug 16 Women’s Equality Day – The federally designated recognition event featuring a panel discussion themed: “Progress of Women in the U.S. Workforce.” The panel is comprised of members from the Multi-agency Commemorative Program Planning Committee. Location: Snow Room 5051, Cohen Building, 330 C Street SW from 10 – 11 a.m. POC is C. Silver/358-0936

Aug 18-24 Federal Dispute Resolution (FDR) Conference – A representative from the I&A/HQ Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Division will attend this year’s FDR conference, the annual training program for federal employees that provides in-depth training on dispute resolution, as well as federal employment laws, policies and procedures. POC is Ralph Suris/358-2187