Thomas S. Weisner -- CV December 19, 2017
Office Address: UCLA, Department of Psychiatry/NPI
740 Westwood Plaza, Box 62
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1759
Office Location: 740 Westwood Plaza, Semel Institute, Room C8-250
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Home Address: 10565 Blythe Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90064-3338
Date of Birth: December 15, 1943
Place of Birth: Oakland, California; US citizen
Phones: (310) 794-3632 (o); (310) 838-5145 (h); 310-770-4709 (mobile)
fax: 310-794-6297
1961-1965 B.A. Reed College, Portland, Oregon (Anthropology)
1969 M.A. Harvard University, Department of Social Relations, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Anthropology)
1973 Ph.D. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology
Academic Positions Held
1971-present Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Psychiatry, Semel Institute (Center for Culture and Health), and Department of Anthropology
1990 Visiting Professor, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
1969-1970 Assistant Lecturer, University of Nairobi, Department of Sociology, Nairobi, Kenya
Professional Societies
American Anthropological Association, Fellow
Society for Research in Child Development, Fellow
Society for Psychological Anthropology
Honors and Professional Activities
2009-2015 Society for Research in Child Development, Governing Council
2010-2015 First 5 LA Research Advisory Committee
2008 Public Service Award, Society for Prevention Research, to WT Grant Foundation Senior Program Team
2008 Richard A. Lester Prize, Princeton University, for Outstanding Book in Labor Economics, Higher Ground
2007-2015 Board member, ChildFund International
2005-2007 President, Society for Psychological Anthropology
2003-2006 Reed College Alumni Board of Trustees
2001-2012 Senior Program Associate, WT Grant Foundation
1996-2002 Member, MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Pathways Through Middle Childhood
1998-99 Anthropological Approaches to Middle Class Working Families committee, American Anthropological Association
1996-1997 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto
1995 Exchange Fellow, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
1993-1997 Committee for Child Development, Public Policy, and Public Information, Society for Research in Child Development
Present Editorial Board, Ethos, Child Indicators Research, Editorial Advisory Board, SRCD Monographs; Special Issue co-editor, Journal of Family Psychology; Child Development Perspectives.
1987-1992 Member, Committee on Child Development Research and Public Policy, National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences
1983-1985 Board of Directors, Society for Psychological Anthropology
1982-1984 Member, Panel to Review Status of Basic Research on School-Age Children, National Academy of Sciences.
1965-1966 Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Harvard University
1965 Phi Beta Kappa, Reed College
2013-2014 Toolkit for the study of sleep (co-PI; Andrew Fuligni, PI). Pilot studies of Los Angeles teens and parents. NICHD
2010-2016 Action for Autism, India partnership (Tamara Daley, co-PI). New Delhi, India. Parent-Child Training Program evaluation. Study of Adults with Autism. Training site for researchers and students.
2009-2013 La Vida Project (Andrew Fuligni, PI). 425 Mexican immigrant families with teens in 9th and 10th grade in Los Angeles High Schools
2008-2014 MTA follow up study (Karen Wells, PI). Young adults diagnosed with ADHD, and comparison sample at age 10, now 23, at four sites (Irvine, Berkeley, Duke, and Montreal). Qualitative follow up study.
2001-2005 Early Literacy study. Families in Head Start Centers participating in an experiment introducing a new Center curriculum focused on early literacy and family home visits to encourage home literacy practices. In Los Angeles and Tallahassee, FL (with JoAnn Farver and Chris Lonigan)
1998-2007 An ethnographic study of economically poor families in the New Hope Antipoverty Program in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a control group of families (with Robert Granger, Greg Duncan, Aletha Huston, and Julie Kerksick).
1994-2005 5-year study of the cultural context of psycho-social competence, in six different ethnic immigrant communities in Los Angeles (Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Belizean Creole, Garifuna, African-American, Mexican immigrant), co-director (with Robert Edgerton, Ronald Gallimore, Kazuo Nihira, Belinda Tucker, Keith Kernan, Claudia Mitchell-Kernan).
1986-2005 15-year longitudinal study of 100 families with developmentally delayed children (Project CHILD). Focus on families' accommodations to such children; parents' cultural beliefs about development; families' ecocultural niche (with Ronald Gallimore, Kazuo Nihira, Barbara Keogh, Donald Guthrie).
1974-1999 Family Lifestyles Project. Fieldwork among 200 California families in varying life styles -- communal, single- parent, unmarried couples, and two-parent married. Interviews, ethnography, home observations, tests and questionnaire data on mothers, fathers and children. Follow-up of adolescents and families, 1992-96.
1992 Revisit to Kisa location, Western Province, and Kariobangi Estate, Nairobi, Kenya
1987-1990 3-year study of discourse processes in American conventional and nonconventional families (co-PI with Elinor Ochs).
1983 (June-July) Revisit rural and urban Kenya sample. Focus on effects of urban exposure and sibling caretaking on school performance.
1978 (June-July) Revisit of rural and urban Kenya sample. Focus on longitudinal effects of migration, and sibling caretaking.
1974-1978 Fieldwork among Native Hawaiian families. Interviews with mothers, home observations of children age 5-9.
1972 (June-Oct.) Re-visit to Kenya samples (urban and rural).
1968-1970 Field research in Nairobi, Kenya, and Kisa Location, Kakamega District, Western Kenya.
1966-1967 Research and Evaluation, high school participants in Upward Bound Educational Program, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Awarded - Current
2013-2015 Toolkit for the study of sleep (co-PI; Andrew Fuligni, PI). NICHD. $200k.
2010-2016 Foundation for Psychocultural Research. Culture, Brain, & Development Mental Health research grant, “Culture & Disability: Autism Spectrum Disorder in India & the United States.” $265K total direct costs. PI (Tamara Daley, co-PI)
2007-2016 William T. Grant Foundation. $83K (2015 – 2016). Consultation for mixed methods research, Fieldwork Laboratory at the Center for Culture & Health (PI).
Awarded – Completed
2010-2012 National Institute of Drug Abuse. “Youth with ADHD: qualitative follow-up study.” $199K direct costs. co-PI (UCLA qualitative study).
2008-2011 Milwaukee City/State of Wisconsin. Milwaukee family home visiting study. $30K. (co-PI for family interviews and assessments).
2009-2011 NICHD. La Vida Study. $1.2 million direct costs. (Andrew Fuligni, PI; Nancy Gonzalez co-PI). (Weisner co-PI).
2007-2009 Pfizer. $180K “Unleashing Clinical Experience through Evidence Farming” (With Naihua Duan, Richard Kravitz, Debora Paterniti, and Cameron Hay). (Co-PI for ethnographic data analysis).
2000-2010 NICHD, $339K, “Fieldwork and Qualitative Data Laboratory.” MRRC Center Grant Core Facilities, (Co-PI for ethnographic lab).
2001-2007 NSF, $619K, “Early Literacy enhancement of pre-school children.” (Chris Lonigan & JoAnn Farver, PI’s; TSW co-PI, qualitative data analysis).
1998-2007 NICHD, $422K (for ethnographic component), "Income and Employment Effects on Children and Families.” (co-PI with Robert Granger, Greg Duncan, Aletha Huston, and Julie Kerksick).
2003-2005 MDRC, $29,000 “Ethnographic assessment of the CASAWORKS intervention for working poor families.”
1999-2005 NICHD, $2,348,539, “The community adaptation of mildly retarded persons,” Program Project Grant (PI, with Robert Edgerton, Co-PI).
1999-2005 NICHD $674,372, “Adolescents and young adults with MR/DD,” (component of Program Project Grant) (co-PI, with Barbara Keogh and Cindy Bernheimer).
1999-2005 NICHD, $330,540, “Administrative and Data Analysis Component,” (component of Program Project Grant) (PI with Robert Edgerton, Co-PI).
2000-2003 Packard Fund/WT Grant/MDRC, $187,000, “Next Generation: Comparative Studies of families and children and welfare reform”
1997-2002 MacArthur Foundation/University of Michigan, $191,194. (Weisner, T. S. PI). “Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in the Study of Pathways in Middle Childhood”
1994-1999 NICHD, $3,159,053, “The community adaptation of mildly retarded persons.” (Co-PI with Robert Edgerton, PI, component on “The cultural context of psycho-social competence.”)
1997-1999 MacArthur Foundation, $100,000. “Ethnographic studies of economically poor families in the New Hope program.” (PI)
1992-1997 Grant Foundation, $376,524, "Children of the children of the '60's at adolescence: A longitudinal study of drug use and sex typing." (PI)
1991-1996 NICHD, $1,138,673. "Ecocultural Opportunity and Family Accommodation to Children with Developmental Delay." (co-PI, with Ronald Gallimore).
1993-1996 NICHD, $391,562, "Ecocultural assessment in Asian and Euro-American families." (co-PI, with Kazuo Nihira).
1993-1995 Utah State University, $14,000. "Training for ecocultural research with Navajo families with developmentally delayed children." (consultant, Richard Roberts, PI)
1991-1993 Rockefeller Foundation, $29,000. “Conference on family change in Kenya,” (conference organizer and PI, with Candice Bradley and Philip Kilbride).
1992 World Bank, EXTIE Program, Conference on "Changes in intergenerational relations and ecology in Western Kenya,” $10,000 (conference organizer and PI, with Candice Bradley and Philip Kilbride).
1991-1992 Utah State University, $11,500. "Training for ecocultural research with Navajo families with developmentally delayed children." (PI, with Richard Roberts and Ronald Gallimore)
1991-1992 Institute for Intercultural Studies, $3,113. "Intergenerational relationships and ecological change in Western Province, Kenya -- support for Kenya participants." (organizer and PI, with Candice Bradley and Philip Kilbride).
1987-1989 Carnegie Corporation, $25,000. "School follow-up of family lifestyles children." (PI).
1986-1989 NIH, $371,187. "Discourse processes in American families." (Co-PI with Elinor Ochs).
1986-1990 NICHD, $721,000. "Ecocultural opportunity and family accommodation to children with developmental delay." Co-PI. (Ronald Gallimore, PI).
1982-1983 UCLA Academic Senate. $4,900. "Sibling caretaking: A follow-up study in Kenya."
1982-1983 Carnegie Corporation. $302,870. "Studies of children in alternative lifestyles: Cognitive and school studies." Senior Investigator. (Bernice T. Eiduson, PI).
1982-1987 NIMH. $266,293. "Studies of child development in alternative family lifestyles." Senior Investigator. (Bernice T. Eiduson, PI).
1980-1981 Carnegie Corporation. $303,800. "Studies of children in a variety of family styles: Cognitive and intellectual aspects." Senior Investigator. (Bernice T. Eiduson, PI).
1978-1982 Alcohol Research Center, State of California and Department of Psychiatry, UCLA. $68,000 (01 Year), $55,000 (02 Year), $75,700 (03 Year), $79,000 (04 Year), $32,000 (05 Year). "An ethnography of California urban and rural Indian drinking practices." Principal Investigator (01 Year); Co-Principal Investigator, (02- 05 Years). (Joan C. Weibel, PI, Years 02-05).
1977-1978 Behavioral Research Support Grant, Department of Psychiatry, UCLA. $3,397. "Sibling caretaking and children's social behavior in rural and urban Kenya."
1977-1979 Carnegie Corporation. $377,761. "Studies of children in a variety of family styles: Cognitive and intellectual aspects, Phase II." Senior Investigator. (Bernice T. Eiduson, PI).
1976-1977 Ford Foundation. $3,550. Data analyses and conference on "Sex differences in children's social behavior." (Beatrice Whiting, PI).
1976-1981 NIMH. $412,445. "Studies of child development in alternative family life styles, Phase II." Senior Investigator. (Bernice T. Eiduson, PI).
1974-1975 Academic Senate, UCLA. $1,200. "East African migration and childhood."
1973-1976 Carnegie Corporation. $229,549. "Studies of cognitive development in alternative family styles." Senior Investigator. (Bernice Eiduson, PI).
1973-1976 NIMH. $301,717. "Studies of child development in alternative family styles." Senior Investigator. (Bernice Eiduson, PI).
1973-1974 Academic Senate, UCLA. $1,500. "East African migration and childhood."
1972-1973 Ford Foundation - Committee on International and Comparative Studies. $2,343. "Rural-urban differences in Kenya children's social behavior."
1969-1971 NIMH Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Harvard University.
1968-1970 Carnegie Corporation Research Fellowship, Harvard University and University of Nairobi, Child Development Research Unit.
1965-1966 Woodrow Wilson Graduate Fellowship, Harvard University.
2017 & in press
Gaskins, S., Beeghly, Marjorie, Bard, Kim A., Gernhardt, Ariane, Liu, Cindy H., Teti, Douglas M., Thompson, Ross A., Weisner, Thomas S, & Yovsi, Relindis D. (2017). Meaning and methods in the study and assessment of attachment, Chp. 8. IN The Cultural Nature of Attachment. Contextualizing Relationships and Development. H. Keller, & Bard, Kim A. (Eds). Cambridge, Mass & London, England, MIT Press: pp. 195-229.
Gaskins, S., Beeghly, Marjorie, Bard, Kim A., Gernhardt, Ariane, Liu, Cindy H., Teti, Douglas M., Thompson, Ross A., Weisner, Thomas S, & Yovsi, Relindis D. (2017). Implications for Policy and Practice, Chp. 13. IN The Cultural Nature of Attachment. Contextualizing Relationships and Development. H. Keller, & Bard, Kim A. (Eds.). Cambridge, Mass & London, England, MIT Press: pp. 321 - 333.
Mitchell, J. T., Weisner, T. S., Jensen, P. S., Murray, D. W., Molina, B. S. G., Arnold, L. E., Hechtman, L., Swanson, J. M., Hinshaw, S. P. ,Victor, E. C., Kollins, S. H., Wells, K. C., Belendiuk, K. A., Blonde, A., Nguyen, C., Ambriz, L., & Nguyen, J. L. (in press). How substance users with ADHD perceive the relationship between substance use and emotional functioning. Journal of Attention Disorders.
Tsai, Kim., Weisner, Thomas S., Dahl, Ronald E., Galvan, Adriana, McMakin, Dana, & Fuligni, Andrew (2017). A Transdisciplinary Toolbox of Methods to Assess Cultural Beliefs and Practices about Adolescent Sleep. Unpublished Manuscript.
Weisner, T. S., Murray, D. W., Jensen, P. S., Mitchell, J. T., Swanson, J. M., Hinshaw, S. P., Wells, K., Hechtman, L., Molina, B. S. G., Arnold, L. E., Sorensen, P., & Stehli, A. (2017). Follow-Up of Young Adults With ADHD in the MTA: Design and Methods for Qualitative Interviews. Journal of Attention Disorders, 1087054717713639.
Weisner, Thomas S. in press, 2017. Culture, context, and the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in the study of human development. In Gelfand, M., Chiu, C.Y., and Hong, Y.Y. (Eds.) Advances in Culture and Psychology: Volume x. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Weisner, Thomas S. in press. Cultural pluralism in understanding attachment and trust in children. In Julia Cassanti, PhD and Usha Menon, PhD (Eds.) Universalism without the uniformity: Explorations in mind and culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Chapter 9.
qBrezis, R. S., Singhal,N., Daley,T.,Barua, M.,Piggot, J.,Chollera, S.,Mark L., & Weisner, T. S. (2016). "Self-and other-descriptions by individuals with autism spectrum disorder in Los Angeles and New Delhi: Bridging cross-cultural psychology and neurodiversity."Culture and Brain, 1-21.
Weisner, Thomas S. 2016. Findings that matter: Commentary. In Hay, Cameron, Ed. Methods that matter: Integrating Mixed Methods for More Effective Social Science Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 393-408.
Lasky, A.K., Weisner, T.S., Jensen, P.S., Hinshaw, S.P., Hechtman, L., Arnold, L.E., Murray, D., Swanson, J.M. (2016). ADHD in context: Young adults' reports of the impact of occupational environment on the manifestation of ADHD. Soc Sci Med. 2016 Jul;161:160-8. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.06.003. Epub 2016 Jun 7. PubMed PMID: 27299978.
Yoshikawa, H., Nieto, A.M., Sommer, T.E., Chase-Lansdale, L., Weisner, T.S., & Senders, O. (2016). Money, time and peers in antipoverty programs for low-income families. In C.S. Tamis-LeMonda and L. Balter (Eds.), Child psychology: A handbook of contemporary issues. New York: Taylor and Francis .
Weisner, T. S. 2015. Relationships and Social Trust in Early Childhood Programs. The Importance of Context and Mixed Methods. In Kay Sanders & Alison Wishard Guerra, Eds. The culture of child care: Attachment, peers, and quality in diverse communities. New York: Oxford University Press, Chp. 6, pp. 107 – 120.
Weisner, T. S. (2015)."Childhood: Anthropological Aspects." In James D. Wright,International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences,2nd edition,Vol. 3 .James D. Wright, editor-in-chief. Pp. 451-458.Oxford: Elsevier.