Review/Revisions to existing IEPs
1. Choose the student using the Special Ed Students button.
2. Enter the system using the Addendum button.
After pressing the Addendum button, this screen will come up. Press the OK button.
3. Complete the invitation
Since any revision to an IEP requires that the IEP team convene, a blank invitation and cover sheet will automatically open allowing you to complete the necessary information.
4. Review/revise necessary forms
5. When you are finished completing forms, press the Exit button to leave the system.
6. You will first receive this message
Answer the question appropriately. If you have made any changes to a form, you are required to complete a Notice of Continuing Placement. However, if no changes were made to the IEP document, you may not need to complete this notice so could answer “No”.
7. Answer the question “Have you completed all the forms in this Review/Revise process?”
If your answer is YES,
This screen will open, asking you which forms you changed. Note that the invitation and cover sheet have been automatically entered for you. Please check ALL other forms that you have modified or changed, including the Transportation Request form if you have added transportation as a related service either on Section G-Service Needs or Section H-ESY.
When you press OK, the IEP will be refinalized and an electronic version will be automatically submitted to the Records manager. They will print out copies of the forms that you have checked to include in the child’s central office behavioral file.
You will NOT be able to reenter the system to make any changes if you answer this question yes.
If your answer is NO,
This screen will open advising you that to re-enter the system you must again press the Addendum button. In this way, you will not open an blank invitation and cover sheet, but only return to the process you had started.
Note: At some point, you MUST answer this question Yes to submit the paperwork electronically to the records office. A Yes answer is the ONLY way to submit this paperwork.
Revised August, 2001 Madison Metropolitan School District
Created by Terri Regner Educational Services
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