
Roger D. Klein

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May 2017


Office Address:Psychology in Education

University of Pittsburgh

Posvar Hall 5945

Pittsburgh, Pa. l5260

(4l2) 648-7043


B.S.The City College of New YorkPsychology

Ph.D.State University of New York at BuffaloEducational Psychology

August 2017 Conference Presentation

Burgmaster, A., E., Guzman-Alvarez, A. & Klein, R.D. (2017). The impact of weight loss ads and TV-Internet programs on body image and purchasing habits" Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

August 2016 Conference Presentations

Kwek, H.Y., Zhang, C., & Klein, R.D. (2016). Social media sites: Gender differences among college students in usage and purpose. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Denver.

Luo., N. Gao, C. & Klein, R.D. (2016). Social media usage versus paper reading: College student preferences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Denver.

Tang, Z., Gao, C., & Klein, R.D. (2016). International students: Making friends through social media. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Denver.

Wu, M., Grosse, P.J., & Klein R.D. (2106). College student reactions to "trigger" warnings. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Denver.

2014 Video Publications:

Klein, R. (2014). Decoding the Brain. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Friends, Bonding and Social Media. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Media Neuroscience. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Myth of the Model Minority.San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Volunteering, Social Contacts and Blood Pressure. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Aggressive Driving. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

Klein, R. (2014). Interpreting Faces. San Francisco: Cengage Learning.

August 2015 Conference Presentations:

Gao, C., Krost, K. & Klein, R. (2015). Mobile phone screen size and Internet use in college students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto.

Horning, B., Krost, K., & Klein, R. (2015). Factors affecting social media usage. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto.

August 2014 Conference Presentations:

Hall, L., R., Pugliano, G., & Klein, R. (2014). Twitter as a medium for expressive writing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C..

Pennock, R., Draper, J., & Klein, R. (2014). How employment status impacts Facebook profiles and photos.Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C..

August 2013 Conference Presentations

Mills, K., Pugliano, G., & Klein, R. (2013). Effects of television on non-dyadic relationship norms. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Nania, V. Scott, P., & Klein, R. (2013). The relationship between political views and choice of media. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Novak, J., Klein, R. & Rubinstein, E. (2013). Electronic aggresssion among college students.Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Pennock, R., Draper, J.A., & Klein, R. (2013). How future employment influences self-monitoring on social networking sites. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Visco, M., T., Costa, M., G., Lans, D. S. & Klein, R. (2013). Social media and college student purchasing habits. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.

2012 Video Publications

Klein. R. (2012). Statistics in Everyday Life. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.

Klein, R. (2012). Coping with Statistics Anxiety. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.

Klein, R. (2012). Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.

Klein, R. (2012). Designing Mixed Methods Research. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.

Klein, R. (2012). Measurement. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.

Klein, R. (2012). Cause and Effect. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE.

2010-2012 Conference Presentations

Huffman, G. Klein, R. & Rubinstein E. (2012). College student opinions about video games, television and parental behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.

Roussos, G., Klein, R. & Rubinstein E. (2012). Body image and reality TV consumption: College student reactions.Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.

Steiner, J. Klein, R. & Rubinstein E. (2012). Sources of news: A survey of college students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.

Pieri, J., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E. (2011). Attitudes Towards Media Coverage of Professional Athletes

Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

Murphy, A., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E. (2011). Children and violent video games: Opinions of college students. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

Shettima, B., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E. (2011). Health Information: College Students Use of the Media.

Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.Washington, D.C.

Winstead, R., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E.(2011). Online dating and college students: Attitudes and experiences. Poster session presented at annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

Bianchi, S., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E. (2011). Online learning and traditional instruction: College students’ attitudes and behaviors. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, D.C.

Bassi, L., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E. (2010). College student perceptions of male and female sportscasters. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. August, San Diego.


2008-2010 Video Publications

Klein, R. (2010). Research in Action Videos, Volume 2. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Klein, R. (2008). Research in Action Videos, Volume 1. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.


1999 -2009. Creator and producer, The Psychology Minute, and The HealthCare Quality Minute, aired on KQV 1410 AM, all-news radio, Pittsburgh. Annual grants since 2001 provided by the Jewish Healthcare Foundation.


2009---Distinguished Professional Contributions to Media Psychology. Division of Media Psychology, American Psychological Association.

2007---Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Media Award.

2001---- Chancellor’s Distinguished Public Service Award, University of Pittsburgh

1982-----Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Media Award.

Academic/Administrative Positions

2009---2012. Coordinator, Doctoral Program, Applied Developmental Psychology

1998 - 2012 Coordinator, Admissions, Doctoral Program, Applied Developmental Psychology

American Psychological Association Activities

2012—Member, Fellows Committee, Division 46, Media Psychology

2005--2008 Board of Directors, Division 46, Media Psychology

1987--- Member, Division of Media Psychology American Psychological Association

1990--- Fellow, American Psychological Association

1993-95 Chair, Fellows Committee, Division 46, Media Psychology

1992-94 Board of Directors, Division 46, Media Psychology.

1989-90 Editor, The Amplifier, Newsletter, Division 46.

Professional Associations

American Federation of TV and Radio Artists—Screen Actors Guild (AFTRA-SAG)

American Psychological Association

Broadcasting Experience

1997 - 1998Reporter for Healthweek, nationally distributed on PBS.

1994 - 1996Producer, Health and Education News Stories for National Distribution for Ivanhoe Broadcast News.

1990 - 1991Science reporter for CNBC’s America’s Vital Signs.

1981 1989Science reporter for NBC affiliate WPXI - TV, Pittsburgh.

1979 1980Newscaster and producer for in-house television program. School of Education, University of Pittsburgh.

1978 - 1979Newscaster, WPGH radio, University of Pittsburgh.

1978 - 1979Staff member, News and Public Affairs, WYEP-FM, Pittsburgh

Conference Presentations 2009 and before

Bayer, J., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E (2009). Text messaging in college students. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto. August

Bayer, J., Klein, R., & Rubinstein, E (2009). Text Messaging in Class: Reactions of University Faculty .Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto. August

Klein, R (2006, August). Creativity and Psychology. In Mary Gregerson (Chair).

Audio & video demonstration presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Klein, R.(2006, August). Engineering Creativity and Media Psychology. In Mary Gregerson (Chair). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Klein, R. and Wallin, P. (2006, June). Working with the media to educate the public on psychological issues. Presented at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Harrisburg, PA.

Tunis, S., Postol, L, and Klein, R.(2006, August). Local TV news coverage of Black and White Americans. Invited Presidential Symposium on research in media psychology, presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA

Klein, R.(2005, August). Presenting psychology to the public. In J. Bray(Chair). Scientists talking to the media. Invited symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington.

Klein, R., (2003, August). If the television program bleeds, memory for the advertisement recedes. In R. Klein (Chair): An invited address by Brad Bushman. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

Klein, R.,(2002, August). Plenary Town Hall Meeting: Media as psychology’s gatekeeper to the public. In R. Klein(Moderator): A plenary session on media effects, at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.

Klein, R. and Nacarrato, S.(2001, August). Broadcast news portrayal of minorities: Accuracy in

reporting. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Klein, R. and Bigante, T. (2000, August). School violence: Student beliefs about family, media, and school responsibility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Psychological

Association, Washington.

Klein, R., Heinle, A., & Keaton, N.(1999, August) The Clinton Scandal: College student reaction

to media coverage. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Boston.

Klein, R., Edwards, M., & Sledge, C. Reactions of ethnic groups to the 1998 home run race.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Boston, August, 1999.

Klein, R. and Croushore, L. Reactions of juvenile offenders to local TV news. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August, 1998.

Klein, R., and Spotts, K. Parasocial interaction and learning TV news: A pilot study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Chicago, 1997.

Older Publications:


Klein, R., Hapkiewicz, W., and Roden A. (Eds.), (1971). Behaviormodification in educational settings. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas.


Klein, R.,(1979). Modifying academic performance in the grade school classroom. In M. Hersen, R. Eisler, and P. Miller (Eds.) Progress in behavior modification, Vol. 8, New York: Academic Press.


Klein, R.D. The future of psychology and TV. The Amplifier, Newsletter, Division 46, American Psychological Association, 1993, 9, 11-13.

Klein, R.D. Psychology series set for PBS. The Amplifier. (Newsletter, Division 46, Media Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1990, 6, 1 & 4.

Shapiro, E., and Klein, R. Self-management of classroom behavior with retarded/disturbed children. BehaviorModification, l980, l, 83-97.

Klein, R., & Gory, E. The differential effects of non-contingent self-evaluation upon academic performance. In T. Brigham, R. Hawkins, J. Scott, and T. McLaughlin (eds.), Behavior analysis in education: Self-control and readinginstruction. Dubuque: Kandall/Hunt, l976

Klein, R. A brief research report on accuracy and academic performance, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, l975, l, l2l-l22.

Klein, R., & Schuler, C. Increasing academic performance through the contingent use of self-evaluation. LRDCPublication Series. l973/7.

Klein, R., & Barrett, L. & Grant, R. The measurement and development of "accuracy" in academic performance. LRDCPublication Series. l973/22.

Klein, R., & Mechelli, T. The systematic modification of on-task and task completion behavior in an elementary school child. LRDC Publication Series. l973/8.

Gentile, J.R., Roden, A., & Klein, R. An analysis of variance model for the intrasubject replication design. Journal ofApplied Behavior Analysis, l972, 5, l93-l98. (Reprinted as part of Monograph #4, l975).

Klein, R., Roden A., Gentile, J. R., Resnick, L., Reynolds, L., & Bachmeyer, R. The effects of a systematic manipulation of contingencies upon overt work behavior in a primary classroom. LRDC Publication Series. l972/l6.

Klein, R. Review of J. M. Stephen's, The psychology ofclassroom learning. The Quarterly - Western New York StudyCouncil, May, l967.

Older Conference Presentations.

Klein, R., Cox, R. and DiPadova, J. Reactions of senior citizens to local TV news. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, August, 1996.

Klein, R. Media psychologists confront critical issues. Invited address presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August, 1996.

Klein, R. Mastering Television. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, August, 1996.

Klein, R., Cox, R. and Rico, E. Learning disabled students and TV news. Paper presented a the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. New York, August, 1995.

Klein, R., Cox, R., and Costa, V. Reactions of international students to local TV news. Paper presented at annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Los Angeles, August, 1994.

Klein, R. Invited Address (Florence Kaslow, Chair). Media psychology in psychology's second century. A state of the art production. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, August, 1993.

Klein, R. News Video: Helpful or Harmful? Presented at the annual meeting of the International Visual Literacy Association. Pittsburgh, October, 1992.

Klein, R. and Cox, R. Audience reactions to local TV news: An extension. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Washington, August, 1992.

Klein, R. Presenting science news on TV. Panel member of workshop at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, August, 1991.

Klein, R., Pingel, L., Cox, R., Baker, C., Giordano, M., and Rusciewicz, G. Weather and television news: Do we care or comprehend? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, August, 1991.

Klein, R. On the air. Panel member of workshop at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Boston, August, 1990.

Klein, R., Cox, R., Russell, B., and Smith, D. Audience reactions to local TV news. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Boston, August, 1990.

Klein, R., Devaty, E., and Pingel, L. The Recall of Television News with Violent Content. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. New Orleans, August, 1989.

Klein, R. Psychologists on TV. Panel member of workshop at the mid winter meeting of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, January, 1989.

Klein, R., Kotzuk, S., Soergel, S., and Timura, K. Children's comprehension of TV news. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, August, 1988.

Klein, R., Learning and TV news. Invited address, Beaver County MH/MR Society, May, 1987.

Klein, R. Your research world in 90 seconds. Workshop presented at First Annual Conference on Child Psychology and the Media. Pittsburgh, June, l985.

Epstein, J., Gory, E., and Klein, R. Modeling: Dining room skills training complement to task analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August, l978.

Klein, R. Training teachers in behavior modification. In R. Garris (Chmn.) Special education programming as therapy:Instruction as a therapeutic mode for exceptional persons. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, San Francisco, March, l978.

Shapiro, E., Pallas, M., and Klein, R. Behavior modification: Disturbed/retarded children in a psychiatric hospital setting. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, August, l977.

Klein, R. An overview of behavioral assessment in applied settings. In E. Gory (Chair), Behavioral assessment: Analternative to standardized testing with treatment implications. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Pennsylvania Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children, Philadelphia, October, l976.

Gory, E., & Klein, R. An investigation of the relationship between prescribed tasks and curriculum embedded tests: Differential effects on rate of completion and accuracy due to selective reinforcement. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, August, l976.

Klein, R. Introductory comments on preparation for college teaching. In R. Klein (Chair), Preparing for collegeteaching: A course in avoidance learning. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Hershey, June, l976.

Klein, R., & Thompson, M. The use of an individualized motivation system to modify accuracy and rate on a computer-based number facts program. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, l976.

Klein, R., LaPresta, J., & Brissett, M. Interpreting frequency data on academic performance. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C., April, l975.

Reiss, D., Klein, R., & Reiss, E. The effects of the contingent use of recess activities on the academic performance of a third grade classroom. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, l974.

Klein, R., Barrett, A., & Lance, D. The acceleration of academic performance in students with reading disabilities: Two teacher-designed and executed studies. Paper presented at the meeting of the Third International Symposium on Learning Disabilities, Miami Beach, October, l973.