Assessment Information Sheet

Cluster Area: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Career Pathway:
Collision Repair: Painting and Refinishing / Students must successfully pass the following three courses in order to sit for the End-of-Pathway Assessment:
·  47.56500 Introduction to Collision Repair
·  47.56600 Painting and Refinishing I
·  47.56700 Painting and Refinishing II
Credentialing Exam: / ASE Student Certification Exams:
·  Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
·  Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair
·  Mechanical and Electrical Components
·  Painting and Refinishing
A student may take one or all four of the above exams.
Testing Agency: / National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)
Exam Blueprint: / To view the competencies that will be tested in the ASE Collision Repair and Refinish exam series, go to the following link:
Exam Cost: / $35.00 per student for all four exams
Duration of Exam: / 2 hours
Number of Questions: / ·  Structural Analysis and Damage Repair: 40 questions
·  Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair: 40 questions
·  Mechanical and Electrical Components: 40 questions
·  Painting and Refinishing: 40 questions
Exam Cut-Score: / ·  Structural Analysis and Damage Repair: 22 out of 40
·  Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair: 22 out of 40
·  Mechanical and Electrical Components: 22 out of 40
·  Painting and Refinishing: 23 out of 40
Test Ordering Information: / To establish the high school location as a testing site, an order form must be completed and faxed to (703) 669-6125. An order form may be obtained at the following link:
To view testing policies for this exam go to the following link:
Proctoring Guidelines: / There are three user roles that must be designated by the school (or local system) for ASE testing. They include:
·  Site Administrator
·  Instructor
·  Proctor: The proctor may be a school administrative staff member or current or retired faculty member, but may not be a faculty member currently teaching motor vehicle technology. Students may not be proctors.
For a detailed description of each user role, go to the following link to obtain the ASE Student Certification On-line User’s Manual:
Testing Format: / On-line
Required Computer Software Specifications: / ASE Student Certification exams may be offered on any computer that meets the minimum technical and security requirements. The computer must be located in a computer lab or other appropriate testing location that provides for monitoring by the proctor, reasonable shielding from others, freedom from distractions, and comfort for the examinee. Specifications include:
·  Browser: Internet Explorer 8 or above
·  Resolution Detect: Screen Resolution: 1350 x 760
·  Javascript Detect: Javascript: Enabled
·  Pop-Up Blocker: Turned OFF (pop-ups allowed)
·  Acrobat 7 or higher is required to view reports
·  Email server must allow all non-student users to receive email communications from .
·  Non-student users must use a valid email address as their user name.
Test Availability: / Check web link for current school year testing dates:
Testing Agency Contact: / Name: Ben Phares
Title: Coordinator of Special Projects
Telephone Number: (703) 669-6642
Email Address:
ASE Student Certification Help Desk: 1-800-362-0544
GaDOE Contact for Credentialing: / Name: Mamie Hanson
Telephone Number: (404) 657-6279
GaDOE Contact for Curriculum Area: / Name: Chad Pruitt
Telephone Number: (404) 657-8308

Revised 7-1-2017