St Mark’s C of E Primary Academy

Inspiring minds, achieving excellence, nurturing faith

Religious Education Policy

RE Policy

Statement of intent as a church school:

Our mission statement confirms our intention to create a positive community of learners by providing a clear Christian ethos within our school. We are also committed to ensuring that strong links exist between our school and St. Mark’s church.

This policy is intended to increase our knowledge, therefore strengthening our commitment to the Christian faith and also serve to promote tolerance and understanding of other faiths.


  • To provide opportunities for pupils to explore and express their own beliefs
  • To enable pupils to understand and reflect upon the religious, spiritual beliefs, practices, insights and experiences that are expressed in humanity’s search for the meaning of life
  • To encourage the spiritual growth of each individual
  • To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children’
  • To prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life’

Strategy for Implementation:


  • All children are entitled to 45 minutes of RE in KS1 and 1 hour 10 minutes in KS2 each week, regardless of religious belief.

Teaching and Learning

  • We follow the Southwark Diocese Syllabuswhich has been revised from September 2016 and includes learning from and learning about other faiths and religions
  • R.E. is taught in a variety of ways, which include, practical tasks, written activities, through links to PSHCE and Collective Worship themes; it may also include visits by some Year groups.

Assessment and Learning

  • From September 2016 RE will be assessed by the class teacher half termly against the T1 and T2 attainment targets linked to each unit of work outlined in the new syllabus. In addition a summative assessment will be made using the R.E. tracker on O-track; it will also be reported upon in the end of year report to parents.

Continuity and Progression

  • Learning intentions on the major religions are built upon in each Key Stage


  • RE is taughtweekly in class

Learning Resources

  • R.E. resources are available in the resource cupboard, located in the lobby area; suggested resources are also available via the SDBE curriculum links, and in the R.E. Teacher resources folder on the Teachershare drive.
  • During the year each class is required to carry out at least one visit to a place of worship.
  • Southwark Diocese has produced a programme of educational visits for Primary schools, and Croydon has complied a Directory of places of worship and speakers who will come to the school.
  • A synopsis of “Christian Values for schools” can be found via the following Diocesan link:


  • Marcelle Gilder is the RE Co-ordinator

Extension or Extra-curricular activities

  • Collective worship takes place in St Mark’s Church every Wednesday, led by Mother Roxanne Hunte or Mother Susan.
  • Mother Roxanne attends and take parts in other community events in the school
  • Additional services are held in the Church at different times in the year e.g. Pentecost, Christmas
  • In addition to Collective Worship different faith related opportunities are available for children, such as the afterschool Bible Study Group which is run on a weekly basis and is well attended.
  • RE is also taught cross curricular and linked to Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Emotional Education.
  • Many of our children attend local churches.
  • From 2016-2017 a R.E. theme day is envisaged to take place once a term.

Staff development and Training opportunities

  • Staff are made aware of courses run by the Southwark Diocesan Board, and the REACH 2 Academy trust, and other sources. There are also opportunities for development through staff meetings.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • RE is monitored and evaluated by the RE Co-ordinator

Equal Opportunities

  • Children may be withdrawn from RE if a parent personally requests so. However, being a Faith school we would encourage children to take part fully in the life of the school, and as such would request a discussion with any Parent following such a request.
  • Although major religions are covered, other minor religions may come up in discussion during the scheme of work.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and collective worship as identified in the Education Act 1944 and in subsequent legislation.

St Marks Primary is a REACH 2 Church of England Primary Academy, where Christian values and principles underpin the whole curriculum. In order to preserve the distinctiveness of this church school community, we encourage everyone to be involved in the religious education and collective worship aspect of the school. Parents who have concerns about this should discuss them with the Chair of Governors and the Headteacher before their children are admitted to the school.

Revised12th July2016 M.E. Gilder/K.Wilson