Dr. Dori Wagner
(Subject to change)
Summer 2009
PCM ENGL 1302-040 #35193
OFFICE: #2271 RVS, Bldg. A Office Hours: TTH 10:00-2:00
TELEPHONE: 223-6132
FAX: 512-223-6799 Since this fax is shared, And by appointment
be sure to clearly put my name on anything you send. E-mail:
Short Fiction Classic and Contemporary, Bohner & Grant, Prentice Hall, 6th edition
A dictionary (I prefer American Heritage)
· Symbolism A Comprehensive Dictionary, McFarland, Steven Olderr (available through www.amazon.com). This book is available in the reference section of many A.C.C. libraries.
· M.L.A. Stylebook or a Text that includes M.L.A. guidelines (you may be able to find info on web)
· The Elements of Style, Strunk & White, Longman, any edition. You can find this on Amazon or at Bevo’s Bookstore at Rio Grande (837-9565) or Northridge (477-2992) campuses.
This short book is a mainstay of grammar! And it’s only 10 bucks.
PREREQUISITE: A grade of “C” or higher in English 1301 or the equivalent is the prerequisite course for English 1302. Without this credit, you must withdraw from English 1302. The ACC computer system automatically checks prerequisites when you register, but not all credits are posted to the students’ records.
I will let you know if you must bring me proof of prerequisite. Prerequisite must be APPROVED by the deadline, or you must withdraw yourself from the course.
Make certain that I can clearly read your name and ENGL 1301 grade on the transcript that you send! Unofficial transcripts or grade sheets are fine. Grade sheets from the web usually do not have your names on them. Unfortunately, transcripts faxed from U.T. "black out" your name so that I can't see it. Some of you whizzes have figured out how to scan and attach ‘em.
On line lectures, activities, group discussion via discussion threads and virtual chats.
The discussion board will be your life-line to success. Please, participate! Your participation will be the “fudge factor” in final grades that hang in the balance.
GOALS: See Departmental Syllabus
Point Value Assignment
25% Analysis #1: Character/Conflict/Plot/Theme Paper
25% Analysis #2: Point of View and Research Papers
25% Analysis #3: Symbols Paper
25% Analysis #4: Movie Analysis
The grades will be given the following point values:
90% or above=A; 80% or above=B; 70% or above=C; 60% or above=D; 59% or lower=F.
**DEPARTMENTAL EXAM: In order to pass the course, you must pass the Departmental Exam with a minimum grade of “C.” The exam does not count in your final average, but if you do not pass it, you will receive an “F” in the course. (See “Departmental Syllabus for particulars.) In order to qualify to take the Departmental Exam, you must have a minimum average of 70% on the above 4 papers.
Many papers will have “Addends”—i.e., additional “mini-papers” or questions.
You do NOT need to submit an ENGL 1302 folder.
· Papers are due by midnight on the deadline date. Any paper not submitted by then is considered one day late.
· First day late: 10 points will be deducted
· Second day late: 20 points will be deducted
· Third day late: Any paper received on the third day late will receive a “0.”
You may submit drafts or partial drafts (even paragraphs) for review. The rules:
1. Put "for review" in the subject line
2. Give mea minimum of 4 days of lead time before the final deadline.
· Submit your papers by copying/pasting them within your e-mail. That way, I can give feedback quickly and get them back to you faster. I can not open attachments.
Directions for copying and pasting a document to an e-mail message, discussion board, etc.:
· Type your essay as usual in a word processing program like Word and save it.
· Click Edit on the tool bar with your mouse.
· Click Select All. Your entire document should not be highlighted.
· Click Edit again and then click Copy.
· Go to your e-mail, Blackboard, etc.
· Place the cursor on the top of the message area or text box, as if you are about to type. Then go back to Edit on your tool bar and click paste.
· Voila! Your document should now reappear.
· On the subject line of each e-mail, put your name, the course name and section number, and the paper name. I can not open e-mails without this info! For instance:
Jane Doe PCM ENGL 1302-nn (substitute section) Character/Conflict Paper.
· Single-spaced papers are fine. Just make sure that they are correctly formatted with separate paragraphs, etc.
· I am entirely serious about deadlines. If you miss a deadline, be prepared to receive a lower or failing grade. This means that business trips, etc., will not excuse you--it simply would not be fair to those students who rearranged their lives in order to meet the deadlines.
· I will try to return papers within 2-4 days
· Yes, you may submit papers early—I encourage that.
· Careful editing and proofreading will keep you on schedule. Papers are expected to be virtually free of error. I will not grade carelessly edited work. If you rely on spell check and grammar check, you probably will not pass the course.
· TALK WITH YOUR PEERS! Please, pretty please--get on the discussion board and converse. Ask questions, post ideas for themes, conflicts, symbols, etc. As long as you don’t post your entire paper, it’s fine. I check the board regularly and, when I see that you’re talking, I’ll give you as many hints and insights that I can.
· REMEMBER: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “STUPID” QUESTION! If you have a question, someone else is wondering about the same thing.
You are responsible for withdrawing yourself from the course if circumstances warrant. I do not withdraw students.
Plagiarism will result in an F in the course and a disciplinary action on your permanent record. And I can see it. Trust me. ANY TIME that you use an outside reference, it MUST be documented with correct M.L.A. style. See Departmental Syllabus for more particulars.
`Dear Ann Landers: Sum won tolled me wee wood knot knead two learn how too spell because computers wood dew it four us. Eye disagree. Dew ewe?
Dear St. Louis Park: Ewe our write. Thank ewe four a good clothes look at what "progress" has dun fore education.
STUDENT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: C.f., Departmental Syllabus.
ACC is an equal opportunity institution. If you have a disability or special need that may require accommodations in the classroom, please contact me outside of class to discuss your needs. You should also meet with the disability services counselor on the campus you attend.