The Warwick
April 2013
April 2013
Nottingham Armed Forces day 2013Nottingham is to host the Armed Forces Day National Event this year with a parade through the city centre and a day of celebrations at Victoria Embankment on Saturday 29th June.
Cathy Forman
West Midlands Area RBL Admiral Nurse
The Royal British Legion, in partnership with the charity Dementia UK, are now in the second year of a five-year plan of rolling the Admiral Nurse Service out nationally. Currently, the Legion has Admiral Nurses in Lancashire and the West Midlands. Admiral Nurses are community-based specialist mental health nurses who work with carers and families of a person with dementia right from the point of diagnosis and beyond.
Admiral Nurses evolved in the 1990’s following a family’s experience in the mid 1980’s that were caring for their husband and father who had vascular dementia – Mr Joseph Levy. They felt there was little support available to them as a family and in the 1990’s a proposal for a specialist nurse was worked up by a group of carers and professionals. Mr Levy was a keen yachtsman who was fondly nicknamed ‘Admiral Joe’ – hence the name Admiral Nurse was adopted. Admiral Nurse Services were initially developed in London, but have since spread to Hertfordshire, Kent, Yorkshire, Northwest, West Midlands, NE Lincolnshire and Southampton.
Dementia is a collection of symptoms and there are over a 100 different types. It’s almost always of long duration, usually progressive and often irreversible. Common to all dementias are a decline in memory, orientation, concentration, insight, decision making, judgement, language and functional impairment. Behavioural changes can range from sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression and wandering. There are currently 800,000 people in the UK affected by dementia. More than 16,000 people under 65 are known to have dementia. It affects one person in 20 aged over 65 and one person in 5 over 80. Much of the support given to people with dementia will continue to
be provided through unpaid carers – the critical role
played by carers has been acknowledged by successive governments but the demands on carers cannot be underestimated.
What Admiral Nurses do
- Offer skilled assessment of the needs of family carers and people with dementia
- Provide education and information about dementia - medications used and non-pharmacological approaches to care ( e.g. life story work, reminiscence therapy)
- Promoting the health of family carers to prevent stress, depression and anxiety
- Work with the wider family unit– listen and enable family carer’s to express their wishes and views about the services they receive
- Help family carers develop skills to assist with care giving and promote positive approaches to living with dementia
- Pre and post-diagnostic support
- Post bereavement support
- Work collaboratively with professionals and organisations to co-ordinate care
Find out more
If you have not yet had a visit from our Admiral Nurse Team in the West Midlands, or would like to invite an RBL Admiral Nurse to your meetings to find out more about the service, please call on 0121 456 9491.
Normandy Day UK
Coventry based charity Normandy Day UK will be submitting a grant application to make a short film to help celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day in 2014. The project aims to engage current or former Coventry & Warwickshire members of the armed forces in two things:
a. undertaking research with local secondary schools to pinpoint the key ingredients for peace in Europe since WW2
b. telling their stories about their experiences of armed conflict in the form of interviews that may be used for the film.
The film will also interview policy makers and influential people at a national level and aims to show how the sacrifice of a few in WW2 and in subsequent conflicts has secured peace for many in the UK and Europe
We would love to hear from current or former armed forces personnel, from WW2 onwards, who might have a story to tell about armed forces life that could be left as a legacy for the future. We would also like to hear from armed forces personnel who might like to help research the film.
If you think you might be interested, you are invited to email Andy Duncan at with your contact details, putting the word 'film' in the subject box. Your details will of course be kept confidential. We will inform you of progress on the grant application and contact you if and when it is approved. The project will take place during autumn and winter 2013/14."
County Chairman
Maj C H Parnham CStJ, TD
It is with great regret that we record the death of Mr Bill Malin, ex Royal Navy and Chairman of the Alcester Branch RBL for many years. Bill served Alcester in many roles and was known far and wide. We wish his family all the best for the future and many thanks. Major Bob Woodfield MBE, late Grenadier Guards has now taken over as Chairman in Alcester. I first met Bob in 1977 at Dungannon in County Tyrone and I am sure he will do the British Legion very proud.
In addition, Mr Percy Smith who was the Secretary of the Ettington Branch RBL, ex Royal Navy and Veteran of the Convoys to Murmansk and Arch Angel has also recently passed away. Percy was well known as an expert gardener in South Warwickshire and will be greatly missed.
As County Chairman, I would like to invite all branches and members to send in any obituaries to me, which can then be included in “The Warwick”.
A successful Branch Chairman’s meeting in Bedworth took place on the 6th April 2013 and surprise surprise the numbers were slightly better than usual!
During March 2013, we had two functions observing the success of the Poppy Appeal. It’s worth recording that Cadets/Scouts/Youth Movements collected over £75,000 across Warwickshire – an increase of nearly 100% on last year. Two Gates and Wilnecote held a Poppy Awards evening and thanks are in order to Councillor Terry Dix.
We would also like to thank Sir Martin Dunn KCVO on his recent award and his assiduous encouragement and leadership in Warwickshire with the Pre-Service
Award Presentations.
I thank you all for your continued support and look forward to working with you in the future.
County Annual Parade and Service of Remembrance
This year’s Annual Parade and Service of Remembrance is being held at Leamington Spa on Sunday 14th July 2013 with the service being held in the All Saints Parish Church located on The Parade commencing at 2pm – please arrive no later than 1.50pm. Those wishing to take part in the march to the church should assemble at The Royal Naval Club on Adelaide Road by 1.15pm. Refreshments will be available at The Royal Naval Club following the service and return parade.
Community Fund Fundraiser
Lisa Wootton
For those of you who use Facebook, I have created a Warwickshire Poppy Appeal Facebook page and would appreciate it if you “like” the page so to increase interest;
If you are having trouble the page please let me know.
Philip Wilson
Membership Council Member Regional Representative
For those of you who have been tuning in and reading my previous quarterly updates in our County Newsletter will be aware that:
The Membership Council (MC) provides the Board of Trustees with a dedicated focus on the Royal British Legion Membership Organisation, in particular the needs of the members and the support they give to the Legion’s charitable work. The MC has clearly defined responsibilities and may also make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on matters of policy appertaining to Membership.
The MC is chaired by Martyn Tighe (Elected Trustee) and under his direction and guidance the MC is working with Bob Gamble Assistant Director Membership and Armed Forces Engagement and Marielle Postill, Head of Legion Membership to implement the Comradeship Strategy approved by the Board of Trustees in September 2012.
On the 4 February the National Chairman wrote to all formations providing important information appertaining to the Future of the Legion:
- Membership briefing on Pathway for Growth
- Small supply of leaflets outlining why we need the continued support of members as well as outlining new opportunities for volunteers.
- Draft of the proposed new Royal Charter.
- Detailed document outlining the proposed changes to the Charter explaining how the rules would be incorporated into a Membership Handbook.
- The Comradeship Strategy.**
- Changing the process of elections to the MC making it easier for branches to vote for a member to represent their region.
- Improvements to digital communications to drive down the cost of administration.
- Introduction of new digitally based for
- Developing a Leadership Course.
- Raising the profile of The Legion within the Community making it far more outward facing.
- Removing much of our bureaucracy with the creation of the Membership Handbook.
- Strengthening the ability of membership, through the Membership Council, to manage its own affairs.
** Comradeship is one of the four pillars of the Legion and is very much an important objective of Legion activity. To my mind Legion Branches are an integral part of our local communities and can with the right attitudes help to create:
- A sense of belonging and support with individuals who have a shared experience
- Providing the environment within which Comradeship can foster and grow.
Those of you who attended the County Chairman’s meeting on the 6 April with Warwickshire Legion Branches received an update from me on the Challenges We Face, including important issues discussed at the National Chairman’s meeting with all County Chairmen on the 12 March. The meeting on 6 April also received an update on Pathway for Growth from Annette Summers, RBL West Midlands Team Leader. Concerns raised by those present on the 6 April have since been discussed in the Midlands County Chairmen’s meeting on the 10 April. The main concern being information overload – the salient points not always being succinctly communicated by Branch Chairmen and Secretaries to those members present at Branch Meetings. Much of which is also available via the digital platform and the Legion Magazine. Please encourage your members to register their email addresses with the County Secretary so they can receive the County Newsletter electronically. Alternatively they can see the County Newsletter on the County website.
Branch Property Trust Funds – Branch Briefings are being held within each Legion County for those Branches with such Trust funds outlining how the Legion intends to improve the way these are managed in future. All Branches with such funds have been invited to attend these briefings commencing with Warwickshire on the 6 April, since then I have chaired further briefings with Branches in other Counties within West Midlands Electoral Region. As time progresses more information will be made available to those Branches with such – any questions or concerns should initially be raised with your County Secretary funds.
By now you may be aware that I have been re-elected to the Membership Council for a further three year term commencing from the conclusion of this year’s Annual Conference. The duties and responsibilities of the MC are quite complex and include representing the members within the West Midlands Electoral Region (8 Counties).
As the Legion’s Champion for Training I am also the Chairman of the Legion’s Training Advisory Group (TAG) and have done so for the past year working closely with TAG members and senior Legion staff. What is required is a consistent, comprehensive programme of training (learning and development) for those of our members, volunteers and supporters who wish to attend courses to further their knowledge and how they in turn can help to encourage others to support the Legion’s four pillars, including the Poppy Appeal – which some might say is the fifth pillar. Please remember that Training starts with proper induction within Branches and Counties in the correct use of procedures as per the Management Handbook. The Legion has developed an Annual Training Programme covering a wide range of courses and if you have not seen these then ask your County Secretary for details.
The Membership Council next meets on the 25 April, following which we have National Conference at Llandudno in May at which I will be present. Before then there is much to do. The County Secretary has my email address should you wish to raise any question with me direct.
Annual Branch Accounts
I am very pleased to say that 31 Branches submitted their accounts by the preferred date of 30th November and I say a very many thanks for this excellent result. All the remaining accounts were received by the 28th December. As an RBL Independent Examiner I was asked to carryout the examination on 19 Branch Accounts.
Most Branches adhered to the request of attaching copies of all Bank Statements to their accounts and complete the RBL Disclosure Letter. Some continue to have the accounts audited after the AGM has been held which delays the submission of the accounts!!
County Website
We have a much improved new County web site and our Web Manager is Ian Read see
All Branches are encouraged to submit articles for inclusion under their own Branch name.
County Standard Bearer
All Branches are reminded that Standard Bearer instruction is held on the 3rd Sunday of each month but is now being held at Bramcote Barracks. All Standard Bearers are most welcome to come along and received guidance from the County Parade Marshall and County Standard Bearer however you must first make contact with the County Parade Marshall.
Retirement Planning
Hazel Carter is the current OIC of the Kineton ACF. Professionally she works in retirement planning and is willing to give advice to members one to one or attend a Branch meeting on request. I have enclosed a copy of her leaflet however please contact her on the phone number shown or by email to
Bulkington Armed Forces Day Parade
Sunday 30th June 2013
The Bulkington RBL Branch will be holding its Armed Forces Day Parade and Service on Sunday 30th June 2013. Any person wishing to participate including Standard Bearers should contact the Branch Chairman (Arthur Wilson) on 02476 315193.
Rugby No1
A forgotten Hero finally remembered
A memorial and unveiling of an inscription will take place on Saturday 1st June at 11.30 at Rugby War Memorial Gates, Whitehall recreation ground, Rugby for CSM Jennings of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. CSM Jennings who died while bravely trying to save his comrades’ lives during the Wormhoudt Massacre in May 1940 in France during the Second World War. All are welcome to pay your respects, especially all Standard Bearers.
WO1 Paul “Spider” Brenton
RBL Ice Hockey Marathon Challenge
Paul has already completed the Swindon 10Km and Gloucestershire Marathon dressed in full Ice Hockey Kit. The next part of his challenge is to complete the Shakespear Marathon on the 28th April 2013 during which he is attempting to break the Guinness World Record for Fastest Marathon dressed in Full Ice Hockey Kit (Male) which stands at 4hrs and 8 mins. If you are in the Stratford area on the 28th April please go along and give him some support or you can donate to his fundraising total at
April 2013