Off-Site Learning Program for In-School Suspension or Suspension from School
Students suspended by the Instructional Leader and/or Operations Leader or their designee may be required to report to an Off-Site Learning Program located outside their school to serve the suspension and receive alternate instruction. In such cases, the Instructional Leader and/or Operations Leader or their designee shall give reasonable notice to the student and the student’s parents(s)/guardian(s).
Students who have lost the privilege of being in class with their peers must report to the Off-Site Learning Program (OSLP) to serve their consequence. Failure to report to the designated location in a timely manner will result in an absence, and students will need to report to the Off-Site Learning Program for an additional day to make-up the consequence. Students suspended to OSLP will not be allowed to return to their primary high school until they have fully served their suspension at OSLP.
For the 2015-16 school year, the Off-Site Learning Program will be supervised by the Dean of Off-Site Learning and will be located within Uncommon Collegiate Charter High School at 832 Marcy Ave, Brooklyn, New York. Students reporting to OSLP will receive alternate instruction aligned with the material being taught at their sending high school. Receiving alternate instruction at OSLP will be the primary approach for addressing behavioral or other infractions that result in In-School Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension.
I understand that if my child receives an out-of-school suspension or an in-school-suspension, he/she may be mandated to receive alternate instruction at the Uncommon Off-Site Learning Program and will not be allowed to return to class at Uncommon Collegiate Charter High School until his/her consequence is completed.
Parent Signature: ______
Date: ______
Parent Name: ______
Student Name: ______