Minutes of the Meeting
Of the Western Hudson Valley Professional Horsemen’s Association Inc.
Held on Monday, Oct. 26, 2015
At Denise’s House
The Meeting was called to order by the President, Annette Mohr at 6:40 P.M.
Annette Mohr Denise Dahms Monica Rauschenbach
Teri Karlewicz Jody Moraski Debbie Norris
Vanessa Karlewicz Mary Peres Karen Motley
Carla Barricella Debbie Norris Trish Dencker
Susan Clark Gary Clark
Minutes of Meeting held on Sep. 28, 2015:
The Minutes of the meeting held on Sep. 28, 2015 were presented and accepted as read.
Treasurer’s report:
Jody reported that as of Oct. 26, 2015 the balance in the checking account equaled $22,430.22 and the book value of the Vanguard Book value = $45,206.22. Net income for October = $9,296.66. The Net Income from the WHVPHA Finals HS = $6,781.00.
Jody reported that Diane Hatt is hopeful to be able to go home in the near future.
It was resolved that all proceeds from the raffles at the banquet will be given to Bonny Lass.
Debbie Norris has donated a custom, framed portrait to be raffled at the banquet as well, with all proceeds going to Bonny.
Pin Bush Equine has offered to reduce its bill to Bonny by $2,500.00. Mary will send a thank you letter to Herb, from the Board.
Host Farms:
The members of the Board reported that Debbie Corr and Britney Cooper have resigned from the WHVPHA and have relinquished their dates.
It was resolved that since there are no WHVPHA horse shows scheduled for December 2015 and January and February 2016, every host farm can apply to hold a fourth horses show during any of these three months.
Jody will contact Jessica Smith at Saddle River Equestrian in Chestnut Ridge, to determine whether she is still interested in joining the WHVPHA. It was agreed that she will need to be a member for one year before she will be allowed to host a horse show.
National PHA Finals Horse Show:
Everyone was in agreement that the National PHA Horse Show was a great success.
Points Keeping:
Owner of Horse:
Monica reported that the OrgPro program has been changed. The owner of the horse no longer needs to be a member for points to count.
Monica will contact Dave to request that Standings reflect total number of points, thus eliminating the confusion that ties have caused.
Review of the WHVPHA Finals Horse Show:
The following resolutions were adopted for next year:
1. The top 12 riders per class will be eligible to show at the Finals. This will be based upon total number of points per rider.
2. A rider will be eligible to show at the Finals and be eligible to receive an award at the yearend banquet, only if he or she has attended 4 WHVPHA horse shows.
A total of 8 ribbons will be awarded per class. Only Champion and Reserve will receive neck ribbons.
We will need to add a warm-up class for Pleasure.
Medal Classes:
All riders will be eligible to show at any height throughout the year in the Medal classes. However, for the purposes of the Finals Horse Show, each rider must choose to show at only one height.
Due to a number of trainer conflicts, which caused delays to the show, there was considerable discussion concerning the need to hire a steward for next year. It was suggested that a member of the WHVPHA assume this role. No formal resolution was adopted; therefore, this matter will be revisited next year.
2016 Date:
The WHVPHA Finals will be held on the same weekend in 2016.
We already have a contract with Karen Immerman to judge next year.
Order of Classes next year:
Hunter classes will be held in the morning.
Childrens’ classes will be held at the end of the day.
Order of Go:
The order of Go will be need to be determined in a more logical manner, based upon the type of class, type of rider and other scheduling concerns.
Warm-up Classes:
One Hunter warm-up class will be allowed for each rider.
The Warm-up will be combined for the PreChildrens’ Equitation and PreChildrens’ Hunter classes.
Rule Book:
Jody will revise the Rule Book to reflect the above changes.
Database of Email addresses of all members:
Monica reported that David, the programmer for OrgPro, has extracted the email addresses for all WHVPHA members. Terry offered to download the file to Excel.
Banquet: November 8, 2015 at 5 P.M. at the Villa Venezia
Mary, Monica and Terry reported that everything is ready for the banquet.
Election of Officers:
Al officers are running unopposed for their positions for the year 2016. Officers will be installed at the next meeting.
Karla and Christy Barricella sent a letter to the members , thanking them for their support of the Crystal Water horse shows and for assisting Diane during her illness.
Next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 14, 2015 at Denise’s house at 6:30 P.M.
We will be holding our annual Christmas party at this meeting.
Terry offered to arrange for the caterer.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 P. M.
Respectfully submitted, Nov. 13, 2015.
Denise Dahms
Recording Secretary, WHVPHA