Georges Emergency Procedures Manual.doc
Version 1.0
March 2011
Revisions List / Section /Page / Revision by: Name
& Initials
Number / Date
Chief Warden
/ 0407 955 659
Medical Emergency / 000 (from any mobile phone)
2Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)
2.1Warden Structure and Identification
2.2Duties of the ECO
2.3The Role of ECO Members
2.3.1Chief Warden & Deputy Chief Warden
2.3.2Floor Wardens
2.3.4First Aid
2.3.6Indemnity of Emergency Control Organisation Personnel
3Emergency Procedures
3.1Fire – Code Red
3.1.1Staff Response
3.1.2ECO Response Wardens
3.1.3Moving in Smoke
3.1.4Identifying and reporting potential fire hazards
3.2Medical - Code Blue
3.2.1Injured person/s – Trained First Aider
3.2.2Injured person/s – Un-Trained person rendering assistance
3.3.1Staff Response
3.3.2ECO Response calls
3.3.3Bomb threat may occur in the following forms: calls bomb or substance threat Threats
3.3.4Suspect Object is found Park
3.3.5Emergency Procedures
3.3.6Bomb Threat – Response
3.4Internal Incident/Emergency - Code Yellow
3.4.1Staff Response
3.4.2ECO Response Warden
3.4.3Gas Leak
3.4.4Water Leaks or Flooding
3.4.6Storms and Storm Damage
3.4.7Chemical Spills
3.4.9Building Damage
3.4.10Power outages or blackouts
3.4.12Motor Vehicle Accidents
3.4.13Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR). Biological
3.5External Incident/Emergency - Code Brown
3.5.1Staff Response
3.5.2ECO Response
3.6Evacuation - Code Orange
3.6.1Staff Response
3.6.2ECO Response Warden Wardens
3.6.3Building Evacuation Systems
3.6.4Evacuees Behaviour in Emergencies
3.6.5People with Disabilities
3.6.7Evacuation stairs and exits
3.6.8Assembly Area
3.6.9All Clear Decision to Building Services
3.7Personal Threat/Hold up etc – Code Black
3.7.1Staff Response the Intruder Departs
4Building Fire Protection Systems
4.1Fire alarm
4.2Fire fighting/detection/suppression equipment
Training Requirements
4.3.3Warden Training Occupants & Wardens
4.3.4Emergency Control Organisation Meetings
4.3.5Practice Evacuation Drill
5After Hours Instructions
6Bomb Threat Checklist
7Building Evacuation Incident Report Form
8Glossary of Terms
The aim of this manual is to make available to all occupants, as necessary and appropriate, information covering the full procedures for the safe movement of occupants of the building in an emergency situation.
All building occupants are required to participate in emergency planning and evacuation exercises and acknowledge the authority of appointed Wardens (Emergency Control Organisation) in emergency situations.
Instructions given by the Emergency Control Organisation will overrule normal management structure.
- This document circulation is strictly controlled
- It is available for study by any person who wishes to learn his/her duties and responsibilities.
- A record should be kept of the number of copies issued and to whom.
- No copy should be removed without receiver's signature and authorisation of the Chief Warden.
- No alteration or amendments are to be made without authorisation of the Chief Warden.
- All copies should be kept readily available, intact and in good condition at all times.
2Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)
The ECO is a structured body of people that organises an appropriate response to emergency situations.
A nominated Chief Warden assumes the responsibility of practical control during an emergency, until the emergency services arrive. This responsibility includes implementing emergency control procedures, training staff and generally monitoring the system and equipment.
The primary function of wardens is the protection of life in an emergency, by supporting and carrying out the delegated instructions of the Chief warden.
2.1Warden Structure and Identification
The GeorgesECO consists of the following personnel:
Helmet / Role / Position / Phone/ Chief Warden / Manager
/ 0407 955 659
/ Deputy Chief Warden / N/A
/ Floor Warden / N/A
/ Warden / N/A
2.2Duties of the ECO
The duties of the ECO are to:
- Establish and implement an emergency plan.
- Ensure that personnel are appointed to all positions on the ECO.
- Arrange for the conduct of evacuation exercises, review effectiveness of same and arrange for improvements to procedures where necessary.
- Keep building occupants informed of the means of reporting emergencies, the location of escape routes and assembly areas
The ECO will meet every six months, or at a lesser period if considered necessary.
It should be clearly understood that the primary duty of the ECO is to ensure, as far as practicable, the safety and the orderly evacuation of staff and students and NOT to combat emergencies.
2.3The Role of ECO Members
2.3.1Chief Warden Deputy Chief Warden
Responsible for all matters relating to:
- Emergency preparedness in the building.
- Complete evacuation control during an emergency condition.
Whenever possible, arrangements should be made between the Chief Warden and Deputy to ensure that they are not absent from the building at the same time.
The Chief Warden and Deputy should have a thorough knowledge of the layout of the building and be competent in the operation of all emergency equipment in Georges B&B.
The Chief Warden may also act as the Communication Officer and should be competent in the use of all communication equipment in the building.
The Chief Warden maintains control of the emergency procedures 24 hours/day.
On becoming aware of an emergency the Chief Warden should take the following actions:
- respond immediately to an alarm, determine what emergency procedures should be implemented and bring the ECO promptly into operation;
- ensure that the appropriate emergency service has been notified;
- assume control of the building from the time the alarm is given until:
- the safety of the occupants is assured; or
- in the case of fire, the fire brigade arrives, at which time the senior fire officer will assume control, assisted, as necessary, by the Chief Warden.
- ensure that procedures are established for emergency services to be met on arrival, given all information available and, where necessary, plans of the building;
The Chief Warden should also:
- maintain an up-to-date list of Wardens, with their telephone numbers and locations in the building;
- arrange for training and supervision of Wardens;
- ensure the following equipment is readily available on each floor at all times: evacuation procedures and helmets;
- arrange trial evacuations for all occupants in the building; and
- arrange for regular testing of facilities and pursue the rectification of any faults.
Upon the "Evacuate” signal being sounded or emergency conditions being reported to you, proceed immediately to the upper level entrance and maintain control of the emergency until relieved by a Senior Fire Brigade Officer.
Determine which floors/areasareaffected by the emergency, and take the following action:
- Establish scope of emergency.
- Ensure Fire Brigade, Police and/or Ambulance has been called.
- If safe to do so, take appropriate action using emergency equipment (Fire Extinguishers/Fire Hose Reels.
- Ensure Wardens and/or Emergency personnel prevent persons from entering the building.
- Receive advice from Wardens as each floor is progressively cleared or Groups arrive at the Assembly Point.
- Ascertain if there are any mobility-impaired persons requiring assistance.
- On arrival of Fire Brigade, advise of situation, and if any mobility impaired persons require assistance.
- Ensure no re-entry to the building is affected until authorised by the Senior Emergency Services Officer.
- Assess damage and commence incident report.
Note:Upon the arrival of the Fire Brigade, all aspects of fire fighting and fire safety automatically comes under their control. Any request made by an Officer of the Fire Brigade must be complied with.
2.3.2Floor Wardens
Floor Wardens should be selected using the following criteria:
- An ability to organise others in an emergency.
- They should be persons who spend most of their time near or at their workstations.
- Be a person of a reliable nature.
Each floor will have a Floor Warden who, under the control of the Chief Warden, will be responsible for implementing all operations necessary to safeguard life and property on their floor. This also involves directing other Wardens in the event of an emergency.
Deputies are responsible for performing the duties of the Floor Warden in his/her absence and/or assisting in evacuation as required.
As part of their role, Floor Wardens should also:
- be thoroughly familiar with their floor; in particular, obscure areas which could be occupied during an emergency;
- be aware of all exits and alternative escape routes;
- be familiar with the location and operation of all emergency equipment;
- nominate a Warden who can act as Floor Warden in the Floor Warden's absence and sufficient Wardens to assist in an emergency; the Chief Warden should be informed of any changes to Wardens on their floor;
- be aware of any mobility-impaired persons who may require assistance in an emergency (see below); and
- ensure that occupants on their floor know:
- The names and location of Wardens;
- The action to take in an emergency;
- Evacuation procedures and exits;
- The location and correct operation of hose reels and portable fire extinguishers on their floor;
Floor Wardens are also responsible for fire protection facilities and arrangements on their floor by:
- Regularly inspecting their floor for hazards;
- Ensuring escape routes are kept clear at all times;
- Checking, at least once a month, that illuminated "Exit" signs remain serviceable; and
- Checking the "Fire Hydrant - Fire Extinguisher" cupboards regularly to ensure that the equipment is serviceable and readily accessible. Fire extinguishers should be tagged and tested every six months (check the tag for a date stamp).
Upon the outbreak of fire or any other emergency being reported to you, immediately:
1.Take control of your immediate area & evacuate all persons on the floor.
2.Investigate the report and, if fire is present, move staff away from the immediate area to a safe location (preferably the nearest fire stair).
3.Ensure the Fire Brigade has been notified.
4.If safe to do so, commence first aid/fire fighting with the use of fire extinguishers or fire hose reels.
5.If the fire is under complete control and extinguished, wait for the Fire Brigade to arrive. Follow their instructions.
Immediately the "Evacuation" signal is sounded on your floor;
1.Instruct all persons to assemble and evacuate in an orderly line by the nearest Fire Exit.
- Obtain assistance and ensure any mobility impaired persons are moved to the fire stairs, under control of a Warden.
- Ensure all doors are closed to minimise the spread of fire & smoke.
- Wear your safety helmet for identification purposes.
- Maintain control of assembled personnel: encourage calmness.
- Encourage persons with high-heeled shoes to remove them.
- Ensure toilets, storerooms, Bedrooms etc are cleared. Close doors as areas are cleared.
8.Advise your Floor Warden of any person not accounted for.
9.Do not re-enter the building until the "All Clear" is given by the Chief Warden or the Senior Officer of the responding Emergency Service.
The criteria for selecting Wardens are as per Floor Wardens.
Wardens under the control of the Floor Warden, are responsible for all people in an area of their floor; the responsibility for the movement of personnel down fire stairs or from a section of a floor containing a specific hazard or risks, e.g. computer room, banking chamber, storeroom. If possible, these officers should be supervisors of the area.
Wardens will be responsible for performing the duties of a Floor Warden in their absence and/or assisting in evacuation as required.
It should be clearly understood that the primary duty of Wardens is not to combat emergencies, but to ensure as far as practicable, the safety of the occupants and their orderly evacuation from the danger zone.
In preparation for an evacuation, Wardens should familiarise themselves with:
- The evacuation routes from the building and those to the assembly area; and
- Their floor location at the assembly area.
2.3.4First Aid
The possibility of a medical emergency has to be considered during the course of a normal working day.
Although not directly related to the operation of the building, management and staff must be prepared to take appropriate steps to assist the ill or injured.
If any person is made aware of a medical emergency, they should:
1.Dial 000 and advise Ambulance of details of the injured person, give:
Address: ...... 776 Arthurs Seat Road, Arthurs Seat
Nearest Cross Street:...... Seal Rock Avenue
Floor Number: ...... Your Floor Level
2.Dispatch a trained first aider to the scene, if available.
3.Based on their training, the first aider should render assistance to the injured and make them comfortable.
4.If the injury has resulted from a fall, DO NOT move the person and where possible do not leave them unattended.
5.The first aider will remain with the injured person until despatched from the site by the ambulance or such other time as deemed necessary.
Deputies mayto be appointed in respect of:
- Chief Warden
- Deputy Chief Warden
- Floor Wardens
- Wardens
2.3.6Indemnity of Emergency Control Organisation Personnel
Indemnity for Wardens & First Aiders is not available under Georges insurance cover.
3Emergency Procedures
(Please refer to your emergency flip charts)
Detailed procedures for the following emergency situations are detailed on this section.
3.1Fire – Code Red
Fire, smoke, electrical fires, etc /Prevention of fire is as important as the development of efficient means of fighting it. To this end the ECO and all occupants, should be acutely aware of the need to avoid dangerous practices and the danger to life and property in the event of fire getting out of control.
3.1.1Staff Response
- Alert others in the immediate vicinity of the fire (do not shout "Fire" - to do so may cause panic).
- Notify the nearest Warden or alternatively, if the alarm has not been activated, notify the Fire Brigade direct, dial 000 giving details:
- Address: ...... 776Arthurs Seat Road, Arthurs Seat
- Nearest cross street…………………….... Seal Rock Ave
- Level: ...... Your Floor Level
- If safe to do so and you have been trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers and hose reels, attempt to extinguish the fire.
- If the fire is severe, or is producing quantities of smoke, try to close the doors to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.
- Obey all instructions given by Wardens.
- If you are not involved with controlling the fire, keep away from the fire area. Your presence will be a hindrance to those persons attempting to deal with the emergency, further, it could endanger you.
- Assemble initially at a safe distance from the fire, preferably near to the door of the nearest available fire exit.
- Assist any mobility-impaired persons to the fire stairs, in the care of your Floor Warden.
- Advise your Floor Warden if there is anybody on your floor who has not moved to the assembly area near the fire stairs, and of any mobility impaired persons requiring assistance.
- If the fire or smoke situation warrants immediate evacuation, or upon hearing the evacuation signal proceed quickly and quietly, and in an orderly manner to the nearest available fire exit. When directed by your Warden, enter the fire stairs and ensure the door closes behind you if you are the last to enter.
- Report any person not accounted for to your warden.
- Staff should not attempt to obtain their personal effects from their desk etc., if they are not in that location. This action would contribute to the confusion, delay and disruption of the orderly and safe evacuation of the premises. It would also endanger you.
3.1.2ECO Response Wardens
Upon being notified of the outbreak of fire on your floor immediately:
- Investigate the report. Instruct the Wardens to check floor or area for fire outbreak or any other abnormal situation and, if necessary and appropriate, move staff away from the immediate area to a safe location on the floor, adjacent to the nearest safe fire stair.
- Ensure the Fire Brigade has been notified.
- Notify the Chief Warden, telephone 0407 955 659.
- If safe to do so, take appropriate action using emergency equipment (fire extinguishers/ hose reels).
- When the fire is under complete control and/or extinguished, wait for the Fire Brigade to arrive and follow their instructions.
Upon the outbreak of fire or any other emergency being reported to you, immediately:
1)Liaise with your Floor Warden and ensure that the Chief Warden’s directions, issued viathe Floor Warden, are carried out.
2)Proceed to your area of responsibility and take control.
3)Investigate the report and, if fire is present, move staff away from the immediate area to a safe location (preferably the nearest fire stair). Close doors, ensure toilets, storerooms etc are checked for occupants.
4)Ensure the Fire Brigade has been notified.
5)If safe to do so and have received the relevant training, take appropriate action using emergency equipment (fire extinguishers/fire hose reels).
6)If the fire is under complete control and extinguished, wait for the Floor Warden and Fire Brigade to arrive. Follow their instructions.
It should be clearly understood that the primary duty of Wardens is not to combat emergencies, but to ensure as far as practicable, the safety of the occupants and their orderly evacuation from the danger zone.
3.1.3Moving in Smoke
If you are trapped in a fire you probably will have to move through smoke. Smoke is a great risk to your health and life as it contains many poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide. To help temporarily eliminate some of these dangerous fumes - if you can, place a wet cloth in front of your mouth and nose. Understand that this will help for a little while but the fumes will still pass through and can cause harm to you. If you have to move through thick smoke, keep low to avoid the dense fumes.
Stay in touch with some point of reference, like the wall, edge of the room, staircase, etc., so you don't lose your sense of direction. If you feel that you are becoming overwhelmed by smoke or fumes - go down on your hands and knees, keep your mouth low and towards the floor, breathe the air at a level approximately two inches from the floor where there is cleaner air. This could save your life and allow you enough time to escape the fire.