Books about Vaccines
“What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations,” by Stephanie Cave, M.D. and Deborah Mitchell
“The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child,” by Robert Sears, M.D.
“Raising a Vaccine Free Child,” by Wendy Lydall
“The Vaccine Answer Book: 200 Essential Answers to Help You Make the Right Decisions for Your Child,” by Jamie Loehr, M.D.
“The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization,” 12th Edition, by Tim O’Shea
"Vaccine Epidemic" by Louise Kuo Habakus, M.A., Director, Center for Personal Rights and Mary Holland, J.D., Research Scholar, NYU School of Law, Co-founder and Board Member of Center for Personal Rights. An excellent book with which to begin! Each chapter is written by a different author, and expertly covers the many issues associated with vaccines.
“The Age of Autism” by Dan Olmsted (career journalist and editor of the Web site Age of Autism) and Mark Blaxill (former senior partner at The Boston Consulting Group, now a managing partner at 3LP Advisors, father of a teenage daughter with autism, who has written widely on the scientific controversies surrounding autism). These 2 men were in Sacramento this past fall, and gave an excellent presentation regarding their well-researched theory that we are currently in “the age of autism.” This “age” has a definitive start date, and an unfortunate similarity to other cases in history of missed mercury poisoning. Another must-read for those interested in vaccine-related issues!
“Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines – The Truth Behind a Tragedy” by Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath. Rick and I have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Wakefield on a couple of occasions. He is certainly not the villain and fraud that the media has made him out to be. He is a brilliant and caring doctor and man who has sacrificed so much for questioning the status quo and the powers that be to shed light on issues concerning vaccine safety.
“Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?” by Neil Z. Miller, a medical research journalist who began to investigate vaccines after the birth of his son. This is a fairly short “primer” that can be read quickly, and is even available at places like Whole Foods.
“Evidence of Harm” by David Kirby, career journalist. This book was a first of its kind, taking a carefully researched look at the connection between vaccines and autism. It is an excellent read.