of the Stakeholders’ Meeting for results dissemination and
Project Partners Management and Working Meeting under the project
“Danube WATER integrated management” – WATER
Pleven, Bulgaria, 27 – 28.05.2015
The stakeholders’ regional meeting was organized by PP9; in the meeting was 54 participants, representing local agencies, public adinistration and universities.The start-up regional meeting was opened by Mr. Petar Dimitrov, director of the Danube River Basin Directorate in Pleven, who welcome participants and presenting the Directorate involvement in the Danube WATER activities.
Partners provided 10 presentations, regarding the main results in the project, insisting more on the Bulgarian partners important results as: contribution for improving the monitoring system, installing 10 automate stations on the Danube tributaries (INMH). Data collection is provided and data are posted on Internet, on a communication server (www.hidro.bg). This data are used for 6 main tributaries modelling and forecasting with 3 days lag time. INMH also produced 6 models for rivers Ogosta, Vit, Osam, Yantra, Lom and Isker. The forecasts are provided automatically for the forecasting platform for the Danube River (for INMHGA data preparation and Danube modelling and forecasts). Both data and forecasts are shared between the two institutions. PP10 will prepare the warnings documents for the Portal data dissemination. PP3-INHGA will assist INHGA for sharing and uploading data and forecasts.
PP11- EAMDR contributed with geodetic measurements for the harmonization of the water stages along the Danube, considering transformation from the Baltic Sea system to the European System. PP11 collaborates with PP4-UTCB, for both Danube sides continous data calibration and getting a unic, harmonized geodetic system.
PP12 ExEA contributed at the regional water quality laboratories intercalibration and have a contribution for the Guidelines will be further used for this activity between the two countries, at the border area, common contribution with the PP2-ANAR.
PP5, colaborates with PP6, PP7 and PpP13, for cleaning technology for d from Cernavoda and Kozloduy. It is an important research program to identify reactive substances, to clean the wastes and creating premisses of a cleaner enviornment and safter region.
The Project Partners Meeting, which was organized during the 27 May in the afternoon and during the 28 May, 2015 by the Lead Partner in cooperation with Project Partner 9 (Ministry of Environment and Waters – Danube River Basin Directorate, Bulgaria) took place within the premises of Project Partner 9. The main purpose of the meeting was to clarify the approach for successfully finalising the activities, making sure that the Audit can be contracted by LP and this could be adressed to the expected results, indicators and objectives will be reached. Within the project activities, and in connection with the financial reports will be provided by each of the 13 partners the information about the indicators.
The meeting was attended by representatives of all project partners excepting Project Partner no.7-UPB and Partner no.13, IRNE. The list of the participants as well as the agenda of the meeting and the presentation are attached to this Meeting Minutes.
27 May, 2015 – Project management
Project manager delivered to all Bulgarian partners the partnership Agreements signed in original. It was discussed about the conditions of the last payments and requests for validation of expensies. It was proposed that the audit verification to begin with Bulgarian partners, who do not contracted services and equipment in the last period of the project implementation. The audit will be during August, and will reflect all incurred expenses.
During the afternoon meeting LP discussion was guided for the final report preparation. The Annex 93 template was delivered to the partners, to get aquinted with the forms for reporting (digital format).
Some financial aspects were disucussed and the last aspects regarding the project rebudgeting were discussed for clarifing the stage of Addendum 5 LP will participate in BRCT meeting and calls for clarifying aspects for budget modification.
The indicators should be clear described and documents providing support for proving their full implementation should be prepared at the earliest proper time; the list of indicators is attached.
The list of articles, including the name of the publication, copy of the front page and of the content, any other proofing included in that publication will be delivered to LP till the end of May.
28 May, 2015 – Working Meeting
All project activities were reviewed taking into account the need to accomplish the indicators provided by the subsidy contract and the changes concerning the responsible persons from both Romanian and Bulgarian Partners of each activity. The results of this review are included in the revised table of the responsibilities for the project activities. A summary is provided in the table below:
No. / Activity / BG PP Responsible / RO PP Responsible / Results/Indicators*1 /
Adopting the EU standards and contributing to the implementation of the acquis on collection, processing and analysis of data
/ Maria DAKOVA(DRBD Pleven)
/ Ruxandra BĂLĂET
/ REPORT on joint methodologies, joint standards for water monitoring
3 separate reports
1 article
2. / Implementing the Water Frame Directive (2000/60/EC) by a high standard monitoring program of the water status of the Danube river. / Mariana KANCHEVA
(DRBD Pleven)
/ Diana ACHIM
/ REPORT- Joint aligned databases with interfaces for data exchange and data sharing with the large public, as demanded by INSPIRE Directive
1 article
Guidelines for data base use
3. / Purchasing the necessary equipment / Milena GESHKOVA
(DRBD Pleven)
(PP5 – NEPA)
/ REPORT - draft
4. / Synchronise the methodologies for monitoring in Romania and Bulgaria and with the international regulations; / Yana VUTOVA
Teodor PANEV
Rossitsa GOROVA
- Revised bilateral agreement for establishing new monitoring standards.
- An adequate interface, which will be shared with the ICPDR and other river countries
- Dissemination of environmental data and Warnings flow
1 article
-Guidelines for data base use, for integrated monitoring and data exchange
5. / Inter-calibration of the regional water quality laboratories, in conformity with WFD implementation – adequate equipment acquisition, materials and consumables / Valeria GYOSHEVA
Teodor PANEV
(PP2 – ANAR)
Mary Jeanne Adler - LP
Silvia Neamtu - LP
-Joint aligned databases with interfaces for data exchange and data sharing with the large public, as demanded by INSPIRE Directive
- inter-calibration (inter-comparison) of water quality data
- articles and other mass media project appearance: 2
-Guidelines for data base use for water quality
6. / Comparable geodetic systems for water stages and for the landmarks for water level observation; / Bozidar YANKOV
Maya Yankova - NIMH / Prof. RUS Tiberiu – PP4
Prof. MOLDOVAN – PP4 / REPORT on the field work:
- Comparable geodetic systems for water stages and of the landmarks for water level observation
- One Romanian and Bulgarian systems comparable data
- 1 article
- One harmonized water level geodetic system
7. / Improving the methods of forecasting by developing a common model, and warning through increased accuracy and reliability based on modern means of communication between the two countries; / Dobri DIMITROV
Plamen NINOV
/ Marius MATREATA – PP3
Constantin MAGETZ – PP3
/ REPORT on:
- forecasting systems
- One common model for dispersion and warning system for Danube – stakeholders inventory for the dissemination platform
3 articles
Forecasting and dispersion model:2
Guidelines for models application:2
8. / Staff trained to operate the new equipment and work with the new software application for quality monitoring and diagnose; / Teodor PANEV-ExEA
Maya - NIMH
Bozhidar YANKOV –PP11
/ Prof. DROBOT – PP4
/ Increasing the capacity of the personnel from the ministries, national administrations and water directorates for using the GIS and spatial software of the modern equipment mapping the river bad, velocities and hydraulic works, as well as for pollution control and intervention (Large communities in flood risk areas, Water management authorities, Counties in Romania (8) and Bulgaria (7), International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River
- Trainings in GIS, digital cartographic products use, data base and equipment use: 4
200 participants
Number of articles and other mass media project appearance: 1
9. / Increased institutional capacity of the Agencies, Ministries and National Institutes / Elitsa Dyakova– PP9
Bozhidar YANKOV –PP11
/ Prof. DROBOT – PP4
10. / Spatial analysis for identification of the best areas for water accumulation, to recharge the groundwater and create the wet areas for fisheries and for ecological touristic activities; / Marin IVANOV – PP10
/ Joint identification and actions in operational water management in cross border areas – MAP & REPORT
1 article
Technical Report: 1
One layer in the geodatabase
11. / Low flows management guidelines for the two countries, for drought prevention in the Danube floodplain area; integrated exploitation of the reservoirs and of the wet areas reserves; / Vesselin ALEXANDROV –PP10
/ Silvia CHELCEA –PP3
Sorin Teodor Mihaita / REPORT on how to deal with uncertainties in the magnitude of changes causing low flow/draughts, including best practices
1 article
- Guidelines Low flows and drought estimation – data base structure for EWS and data exchange 1
12. / Elaboration of a new technology for wastewater processing and conditioning the liquid organic wastes radioactively contaminated from the nuclear power plants; / PP13 / PP6
PP8 / - The expected technologies have favorable implications on the environment and contribute to the rise of the safety degree of the nuclear activities from the both implied countries
- Radio active waste water decontamination technology- Joint technologies for liquid radioactive waste waters which will be applied
- Obtaining of a waste/matrix combination which will exhibit physical and chemical stability - This method will be applied by both nuclear power plants from Romania and Bulgaria.
Number of articles and other mass media project appearance: 3
13. / Information dissemination mechanism for regional development of the border area; / Elitsa DYAKOVA / Mihai DRAGAN
Silvia NEAMTU - LP
Corina LUPU – ANPM
/ - Increasing the public awareness through information campaigns on the environmental protection and management in the cross-border area
4 regional meetings
500.000 persons reaching information
- Warnings will be disseminated, as well as environment data - Large panels for data dissemination will be installed in counties office; warnings will be disseminated, as well as information about the monitoring parameters
- Common simulation of intervention/ exercise
1 article - ANPM
14. / New procedures for cross-border collaboration established as a result of which the links and exchange of information between the relevant Bulgarian and Romanian authorities will be accelerated by designing a geo-portal. / Georgy Koshinchanov – INMH, Sofia
ANAR & DRBD – list of big abstraction from the Danube River
INHGA will apply adv-disp. model for leg time estimation / Mary Jeanne ADLER - LP
Mariana APOSTOL - ANPM / -Joint early warning and emergency response activities
- Increasing the public awareness through information campaigns on the environmental protection and management in the cross-border area
- Number of articles and other mass media project appearance: 1?
- Project portal:1
15. / Detailed analysis of the groundwater of the Danube. / Galya ANGELOVA
Rosita GOROVA / Ruxandra BĂLĂET
Rodica MACALET – PP3
/ REPORT on - models application, for groundwater, for integrated monitoring and data exchange
-Joint early warning and emergency response activities
2 articles
- Guidelines for models application, for groundwater, for integrated monitoring and data exchange: 1
16. / Project management / Mary Jeanne ADLER - LP
/ - Joint project implementation
- Number of meetings: 6
17. / Dissemination / Mary Jeanne ADLER - LP
/ -Increasing the public awareness through information campaigns on the environmental protection and management in the cross-border area
-Improved availability and dissemination of information on joint opportunities within the border area.
-Warnings and decision support system in case of floods and accidental pollutions.
-Improve the public awareness on environmental management and protection
Project web-site: 1
Project portal:1
Number of press conferences:2
Number of articles and other mass media project appearance: 4
Appearance on the web site per month 100
Brochure: 2
Newsletter: 4
Number of regional events: 4
Common database: 2
Number of trainings, seminaries: 4
Number of participants involved:50
Number of products raising awareness on water management and environmental protection:5
Number of joint management systems implemented: 2
The extent to which the eligible area is covered by awareness raising campaigns: 80-%
Administrative persons involved:20
18. / Audit / 30 August Financial Report for BG partners
30 Sept – financial report for Romanian partners
30 July first draft of the technical report
30 September final report
Some problems related to the reaching of indicators were debated by the partners and solving proposals were advanced, as follows:
- Letter of invitation for the minister of environment in Bulgaria, inviting the Bulgarian partners to the closing ceremony of the project in Romania, but also asking for a high level press conference in Bulgaria, for the example on the occasion of Danube Day;
- Establishing a procedure for the Romanian and Bulgarian authorities to place the flood and accidental pollution warnings on the project portal;
Important deadlines of final technical and financial reporting were again remembered to the partners representatives.
During the second day working meeting, partners’ discussion concentrated on Guidelines production:
1. PP3 in collaboration with PP10 will finalize the Low flows for drought manageemnt Guidelines This was given to PP10 for last revision and for a Bulgarian extended abstract production. Four more exemplars were given to PP2, PP 9, PP11 and PP12 for final review and contributions. The remarks are waited till 1st of June. After this data, the Guidelines will be given to be printed and for CDs production.