of innovative projects contest of International innovative camp.
1.General state.
1.1. The contest of thebest innovative projectcarried outin order to promoteinnovation system, as well assearch, selection andcreationof a databankof the best innovative projects andthe bestavailable technologiesfor futurecommercialization,the introductioninto practical use and attraction of investments.
1.2. In the contest the participants of international innovative camp take part.
2. Form of contest
2.1 There are the following branches of competition:
1. Bioenergy and eco-innovation
2. Information technologies
3. Social entrepreneurship.
4. Innovation.
Nomination of competition:
“The best innovative project”
“The best innovative idea”
“The project of thehigh social importance”
Prize fund of the competition: taking part in the international camp abroad, money prize from Tambov business-angels club.
2.2. The selection of the works is provided by the jury:
Didrich V.E. - doctor of technical sciences, professor of Tambov technical state university
Zelepukina N.A. - candidate of economics, head of the Department of cultural, sporting and recreation activities of Tambov state university
Kozodaev F.V. - deputy director of the NGO "Regional center of management and culture"
Shityakov V.K. - the head of Tambov regional department "OPORA ROSSII"
Yurina E.A. - doctor of economics, professor of Tambov state university
Kulyaev A.P. - MOSOBLBANK - chairman of jury
2.3. For taking part in the contest it is necessary to submitan applicationto the campheadquartersin accordance withthe requirements of section3 “Procedure for submissionto the contest”.
2.4. Submittedto the contestproject must comply withthe legislationof the RussianFederation.
2.5 The projects are is submitted to thecompetition commission.
2.6. The submission of the projectfroma group of authorsis allowed.
2.7.Deadline for submission ofprojects8.00 August 26, 2011
The results of the contest will be announced onAugust 26, 2011.
3. Procedure for submissionto the contest.
3.1. To participatein the contestit is necessary to submitthe following documents:
1. Application-annotation of the project (a briefdescription: the relevance of the project (innovative and business components), project goals and objectives, timelines and project plan,scheme of project management.
Innovative project
Approximate structure ofthe innovation project:
- Title
3.Analysis of the marketandthe situationin the industry.
4.The essence ofthe project and theindicators of economicandsocial impactof the project.
5.Marketing plan.
6.Production plan.
7.The investment climate andrisks.
8.OrganizationalPlan(Management andPersonnel).
9.Financial Plan.
3.2 Requirements for the project:
Projectsare submittedinoneprintedcopy andoneelectroniccopy.The textmust be printedon one side ofA4 pagesat 1.5-the interval,with marginson all sidesby2.5 cm anda mandatorypage numbers.In thecaptionsunderpictures and graphicsmust be madeto explainthe values of allcurves, letters, numbers and othersymbols.
3.3.Documents issuedwith disturbanceof these requirementswill not be accepted.
4. The maincriteria for projects evaluating:
1.The level ofreadinessforthe practical implementation ofthe projects
2.The realityof realization.
3.Relevance andoriginalityof the project.
4.The objective necessity ofimplementation.
5.Financial andeconomic feasibilityof the project.
6.Thoroughnessand completeness ofthe content.
7.Practical significance.
According to the competition committee will have a decision about winners with the help of open voting by majority of people.
5. Public defense of the project:
5.1 Public defense of the project conducted August 26, 2011by authors of projects.
5.2 For defense of the projects authors can use multimedia presentation
5.3 Time for the presentationof the projectno more than 5minutes.
5.4.The Commission have arighttonotadmitto thepublic defense the non-compliantprojectsornon-conformingstatus ofthe innovation project.