HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: PM-3-30

SUPPORT SERVICESRevised: June 2006

--OF GREY-BRUCE--Effective Date: 01/04/99

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Information will be collected and compiled on a regular basis in order to provide an ongoing profile of the program. This information will be used to fulfill Ministry of Health requirements and for evaluation purposes. For Day Away purposes a unit of service is defined as one full day of attendance per client. Participants must be present 6 hours including transportation time and be provided with one meal to be counted as one unit of service. A half day attendee must be present 3 hours and may or may not have a meal. If a client attends for more than 3 hours but less than 6, this will be counted as half a unit. Two half days count as one unit of service.


1.A daily record will be kept of the client attendance and mode of transportation on the billing sheet. This will be the responsibility of the Program Manager or Team Leader. Included on the Day Away Billing Sheet (Form DA-12) should be an indication of any observers attending the program. If a client is attending the program for extended hours, the hours will be noted on the sheet.

2.A daily record of the volunteers in attendance (Form DA-13 Day Away Volunteer Record) as well as the hours spent will be kept by the Recreationist/ Program Activities Coordinator.

3.The Family Support Counsellor, or Family Care Coordinator will be responsible for keeping a monthly tally of information pertaining to referrals, family support and community outreach on the statistical form (Form DA-14 Day Away Statistical Record). The comments column can be used to indicate the names of clients referred, admitted, waiting, etc. These names will not be transcribed on to the report submitted to the board for confidentiality purposes.

4.This statistical information will be forwarded to the Secretary/Scheduler with a copy to Programs director by the fifth day following month end. The information will be compiled and forwarded to the Executive Director as per ADM-6-30 (Collection of Statistics). A copy will be sent to the program.