Cache County School District Professional Services Selection Committee seeks a statement of interest and qualifications from qualified architectural firms for architectural services for the following projects with their respective estimated construction budgets:

New High School in Millville,estimated enrollment: 1640$40,000,000

New High School in North Logan, estimated enrollment: 1450$36,500,000

New Lewiston Elementary School, estimated enrollment 660$10,900,000

Summit Elementary Remodel$7,400,000

Providence Elementary Remodel$4,000,000

New Cache High School Building $2,800,000

Millville Elementary Remodel and Gymnasium Addition $2,700,000

Sunrise Elementary Gymnasium Addition$1,087,000

Alterations at White Pine, Cedar Ridge and Willow Valley Middle Schools$283,000

Cache County School District (CCSD) is preparing for a bond election to be held in November 2013. Key to successful bond preparations are reliable design and cost information for the new buildings and remodels. The District, therefore, is interested in selecting a firm than can provide existing or previously used high school, elementary and alternative high school designs for the projects listed above. Due to time and budget constraints, no site-specific, original building school designs will be considered.

CCSD does not anticipate any of the projects listed will be built until a bond election is successfully passed. Likewise, listing of these projects does not in any way bind CCSD to complete each project listed. Should the bond fail to be approved by a majority of voters in the County, the architectural firm’s services shall be terminated. No compensation will be given for any services that have been rendered by the firm up until that point.

Fee Determination

CCSD reserves the right to negotiate all fees according to Utah Procurement Code as outlined in the applicable rules found in R33-5-62. These fees will be negotiated at the time the opportunity is issued to the selected and most qualified firm. If fair and reasonable compensation, contract requirements, and/or contract documents cannot be agreed upon with the selected, most-qualified firm, CCSD shall advise that firm of the termination of negotiations. Upon failure of negotiations, CCSD will enter into negotiations with the next most qualified firm.

Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Any contract resulting from this SOIQ with any qualified architectural firm will be subject to

AIA Document B101 with CCSD modified terms and conditions.


Except as authorized by the Director of Support Services or as otherwise stated in this SOIQ or in any pre-proposal meeting, communication during the selection process includingquestions, interpretations or clarifications of this SOIQ shall be directed to Scott Rigby (435.792.7613) or Bruce Parker (435.792.7619).

The Cache County School District Professional Services Selection Committee will be composed of individuals from CCSD and others as may be deemed appropriate by the District.

Selection of firms who submit SOIQ proposals will be made through an evaluation process based on the evaluation criteria described below.

The process will involvetwo stages. SOIQ submittals will be screened and scored. A limited number of firms will then beshort listed and invited to participate in oral interviews. CCSD will attempt to negotiate a contract with the highest ranked firm following theinterview segment. Following is additional information relative to the selectionprocess:

  1. Mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting: To ensure sufficient information isavailable to firms preparing SOIQs, a mandatory pre-proposal meeting has been scheduled. The intent of this meeting is to have CCSD staff available to discuss the projects and answer any questions. Firms preparing SOIQs must attend and sign-in in order to have their submittals accepted.The pre-submittal conference will be held at:

Cache County School District Office

2063 North 1200 East

North Logan, Utah 84341

July11, 2013, 10:00 a.m.

  1. Architect’sSOIQ Submittal: specific requirements forsubmittals and scoring criteria are detailed in IV. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS below.In order to facilitate review, five (5) copies plus one (1) electroniccopy of the submittal must be provided. Sealed submittals must be received at:

Cache County School District

Support Services Director

Attn: Scott Rigby

2063 North 1200 East

North Logan, Utah 84341

Deadline for delivery (whether mailed or hand delivered) is:August 8, 2013, 11:00 a.m. MST

Late submittals will be rejected without consideration. CCSD assumes no responsibility for costs related to thepreparation of submittals.

  1. Screening Panel/Short List: Submittals will be evaluated by the Cache County School District Professional Services Selection Committee. The selection committee will review and score the submittals. Firms ranked the highest will be invited to an oral interview.It is anticipated that three (3) firms will be interviewed.
  1. Oral Interviews. Oral interviews will be conducted on or aroundAugust 20,2013. The time and venue for interviews will be determined and this information willbe provided upon notification of selection for oral interviews. Key personnel fromthe firm and major consultants who will be directly involved with the projectshould attend the interview. The selection committee will, in particular, be interestedin knowing about the project approach proposed and in meeting the individualswho will act as the primary contacts with CCSD.
  1. Selection Criteria Weighting. SOIQs will be evaluated and scored by the Professional Services Selection Committee based on the following criteria.

15%Project Team

15%Management Plan

50%Prior Experience/Performance

15%Firm Capabilities

5%Office Location

  1. Final Determination.The selection committee will make a recommendation to the school board who will make the final determination.

Following is a detailed anticipated schedule of events for the SOIQ process and an outline ofthe schedule for the balance of the project.

AdvertisementJune20, 2013

SOIQ Document AvailableJune 20, 2013

Mandatory Pre-submittal ConferenceJuly 11, 2013 10:00 AM

Date Fax/Email Questions dueJuly 18, 2013 2:00 PM

Date Answers Due to all FirmsJuly 23, 2013 2:00 PM

SOIQ Submittal dueAugust 8, 2013 11:00 AM

Submittal ScreeningAugust 9-13, 2013

A/E Interview List ReleasedAugust15, 2013

A/E Oral Interviews (as scheduled)August20, 2013

Negotiation of A/E ContractAugust27, 2013

Contract Approval (projected)September, 2013

Anticipated Construction Start – FinishSpring 2014 – June 2017


Firms will be judged not only on their past experience for the type of work involved, but also on their ability to address issues critical to the success of the project requirements outlined in this SOIQ document. Following are elements that will be used to evaluate each firm's qualifications:


Identify the project principal, the project manager, key staff and sub-consultants.Present a brief discussion regarding how the team's qualifications and experiencerelate to the specific project.

Name, location and size of the firm.

Qualifications and relevant individual experience.

Unique knowledge of key team members relating to the project.

Key staff involvement in project management and on-site presence.

Note: Architectural firms and their employees, representatives, agents, consultants, subcontractors and sub-consultantsshall comply with the license laws of the State of Utah.


The Management Plan should be concise yet contain sufficient information for evaluation by the selection committee.For the project(s) and services outlined in the SOIQ document, describe how you plan to accomplish the following project control and management issues:

Budget Methodology/Cost Control

  • Establish and maintain estimates of probable cost within owner's establishedbudget.
  • Control consultant contract costs.
  • Coordinate value engineering activities.

Quality Control Methodology

  • Insure State procedures are followed.
  • Improve energy efficiency through the use of an integrated design process, life cycle costing, the use of an energy standard (ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1989)and the specification of energy efficient materials, systems and equipment.
  • Insure the project is designed for durability and maintainability.


  • Include the firm’s proposed schedule. The firm must illustrate that it can manage the required work to meet the established schedule(s).

Use this portion of your submittal to describe relevant experiences with the project type described in this SOIQ document and various services to be provided.

Include floor plan of the High School and Elementary School your firm is proposing as well as renderings and or photographs of the completed Schools that would aide in evaluation of the design. Such details should include, but not be limited to type of projects the firm has designed along with renderings and/or photographs of completed schools. Include any other information that would aid in the evaluation of the designs, such as cost, durability, energy efficiency, educational benefits, etc. Also, please include any information on any recent school remodel project that your firm has undertaken.

Demonstrated success on past projects of similar scope and complexity.


Note: Include the name and current telephone number of the owner’s projectmanager for the proposed High School and Elementary School.


Clearly identify the lines of authority and coordination.

Identify essential management functions.

Demonstrate that functions are effectively integrated. (E.g., delineate sub-consultants’ roles.)

Indicate present professional liability insurance coverage and if the firm is insurable to a minimum of $1,000,000 annual aggregate limit.

Note: Organization charts and graphs depicting your capacity may be included.


Describe where the prime and sub-consultants will do the key work elements of thisproject.

Indicate proximity of firm’s office as it may affect coordination with CCSD's projectmanager and the potential project location.

Indicate the firm's familiarity with the project area.

Describe the firm’s knowledge of the local labor and materials markets.