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MINUTES of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 7th June 2017 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen


Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)
Councillor A. Johnson / Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth
Councillor S. Bunney / Councillor C. Turner
Councillor J. Bone / Councillor M.Harvey
Councillor K. Bridger
Councillor T. Smith

In attendance: Faye Lambkin-Smith –Town Clerk

4 Members of the Public

Bethany – From the Market Rasen Mail

County Councillor Lewis Strange

Community Beat Manager, Lincolnshire Police

1.  Mayor’s opening remarks

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the Council meeting.

2.  To accept Apologies for absence

Apologises were conveyed and accepted from Councillor Kenning.


3.  Public Participation

Community Beat Manager from Lincolnshire Police presented incident stats for May 2017.

A question was raised by a member regarding what is classed as noise nuisance.

The Community Beat Manager explained that the Police have no powers to deal with Environmental Health issues; this is dealt with by the District Council.

A Councillor raised concerns that there have been quite a few road accidents just outside the Town.

The Community Beat Manager explained that there has been no particular increase in crime in the Market Rasen area.

The Council thanked the Beat Manager for his attendance and stats.

a)  Presentation from Lincolnshire County Councillor Lewis Strange – Councillor Strange thanked the Town Council for inviting him to this Town Council meeting and explained that he has met with the Town Clerk this week. Councillor Strange further explained his background and that he is happy to address any issues raised by his 20 parishes which he represents, approx 9, 200 electors.

Councillor Strange reported that he also works alongside Councillor Smith as is also a District Councillor.

Members of the public raised questions regarding the amount of public money spent on the market matter.

The Chairman of the Council provided the members of public present with details on settlement costs, along with the interest costs paid.

Concerns were raised by a member of public with the settlement figure announced by the Chairman of the Council.

Members of the public further commented that no sound reasons have been provided by the Council not to grant the market traders a further licence.

The Council stated that there are no actions pending or other intentions to suspend the licence.

Concerns were raised by a member of public regarding a grant application. The Council assured this member of public that all has been checked out and is above board.

Questions were raised by a member of the public regarding the insurance for the Bric A Brac market. Concerns were also raised regarding the putting up and taking down of the bouncy castle for this event.

A Councillor reported that insurance has been covered properly by the Town Council office and voiced that the Town Council are trying to run an event for the town.

4.  To resolve on co-opting Jennifer Bone onto Market Rasen Town Council

It was RESOLVED to co-opt Jennifer Bone onto Market Rasen Town Council, Jennifer Bone duly signed the acceptance of councillor form and was provided with a meeting pack by the Town Clerk.


5.  Councillors Reports

a)  Councillor Bridger raised concerns regarding cars being parked on the Market Place over the weekend (Gardener’s Weekend).

b)  Councillor Lakin-Whitworth reported that Lincolnshire County Council are only cutting the grass verges twice a year now due to budget cuts in County.

The Chairman of the Council made a suggestion for the public to adopt a verge and the press reporter was asked to make an article on this in the Market Rasen Mail. The Council agreed to discuss this further at their next Council meeting.

Action Point: Town Clerk to include Provision of Grass Cutting Services on the Council Agenda for Wednesday 5th July 2017.

6.  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for dispensation in relation to Disclosible Pecuniary Interests. .

Councillor Matthews declared a pecuniary interest in Accounts Payment BP901, for expenses on behalf of the Council.

7.  To approve Notes of meeting of Annual Council Meeting held on the 3rd May 2017

It was RESOLVED that Annual Council Minutes of 3rd May 2017 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting, subject to the below amendment.

·  P1, agenda item 1 be amended to read “Councillor Matthews was nominated to be Town Mayor/Chairman” and “It was resolved that Councillor Matthews to be elected Town Mayor/Chairman for the 2017/18 Civic Year”.

·  P4, agenda item 15g be amended to read “It was resolved for Councillor Bridger, Councillor Turner, The Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor to sit on the Festival Hall Steering Group”

·  P7, agenda Item 38 b) to read “ Councillor Bunney suggested that we look at giving Paul Hiley some sort of personal card which formally gives Paul Hiley thanks with the minute detail, same arrangement to Dr Telfer”

8.  Matters arising from the Minutes

Annual Council Minutes of the 3rd May 2017 were reviewed and discussed.

The Council reported that a further meeting has been arranged with Eve Fawcett-Moralee, Commercial Economic & growth Director for West Lindsey District Council on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 2.00pm in the Committee Room of the Festival Hall. County/District Councillor Strange was invited to come along to this meeting as County and District Councillors form part of the Steering Group with West Lindsey District Council.

9.  Chairman’s announcements.

·  Attended an Army Charity Event.

·  Had a productive meeting with Lincs FM - discussion took place on having an outside broadcaster at the Christmas Market & Mayor’s Charity Event.

·  Had a great meeting with Flights for Life(One of the Mayor’s nominated charities).

·  Attended meeting with Bridge McFarland Solicitors

·  Attended a meeting with Mr Perkins from Perkins George Mawer & Co to discuss the contractual future of the Market Place.

·  Went to the Circus on Mill Road Playing Field.

·  Attended part of the Band Concert.

·  Saw the refurbishment of the Kitchen at Market Rasen Cricket Club.

·  Opened the new Tapas bar.

10.  Town Clerk’s Report - Please see PAPER A which the Town Clerk previously distributed with the agenda pack. From the Town Clerk’s report the following was discussed.

·  A discussion took place on Festival Hall storage and the suggestion of a shed was mentioned by the Town Clerk. Quotes for shed to be presented to the next Festival Hall Steering Group meeting.

·  The Footfall scheme was discussed. Town Clerk announced that the two businesses on board are Garnets and The Advocate Arms Hotel.

·  The Council discussed the hedge at the Old Police Station and agreed that the suggestion to go half with the Town Council seemed reasonable providing the Council know the cost before the work is done.

·  The Bric A Brac Market was discussed.

a)  To consider request from a Personal Trainer to use De Aston Field to hold outdoor fitness classes/boot camp.

The Council discussed request presented by the Town Clerk. The Council agreed to defer the decision to the Finance and Facilities Committee as a further meeting is needed with the personal trainer, and scrutiny of insurances. Councillor Turner voiced an interest to attend the next meeting.

Action Point: 1)Town Clerk to arrange for the Finance and Facilities Officer to include as agenda item for the Finance & Facilities Committee meeting on the 21st June 2017 2) Town Clerk to arrange a further meeting.

b)  To discuss and resolve on Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) Subscription Membership

It was RESOLVED to approve SLCC subscription membership in principle but to have a conversation with the Town Clerk first before signing up.

c)  To discuss and consider admin support offered by CLIP.

Councillor Johnson reported on meeting held with CLIP on a work experience placement.

It was RESOLVED for the Town Clerk to inform CLIP that unfortunately the Town Council are unable to offer CLIP a formal placement in the Town Council’s office environment as the Council could not see this working. However the Council would really like a further discussion with CLIP on how they could work with the Town Council in a different way on this.

Action Point|: Town Clerk to contact CLIP and arrange meeting.

11.  Receive the Report of the County Councillor (if any)

County Councillor Strange reported on road traffic and car parking charges.

12.  Receive the Report of the District Councillors.

District Councillor Strange reported on the following:

·  Street Lighting – This to be discussed at a future meeting.

·  Grass Cutting Services

·  Lincolnshire Ambulance Service – Looking at increasing the response times.

·  Rase Lane – The County Council are looking at working with a member of public at repairing the pot holes on Rase Lane.

·  Building communication with rail services.

A Councillor reported that an electric box on the car park at Mill Road has been fitted which is attached to the parking charges machine.

County and District Councillor Strange was thanked for his reports.

District Councillor Smith reported the following:

·  West Lindsey District Council are looking at the planning of developments.

·  WLDC are setting up a new IT system for dealing with 106 agreements.

·  Will be in attendance at Car Parking Feedback meeting on the 10th June 2017 and meeting with Eve Fawcett-Moralee on the 13th June 2017.

13.  Accounts for Payment The Town Clerk distributed PAPER B at the meeting to all members (copy attached to signed minutes).

A Councillor questioned the description of BP901 as was concerned about the amount going to HMRC.

The Town Clerk explained that the description was incorrect.

A Councillor queried BP895 as this payment seemed high. The Town Clerk provided the Councillor with details of this invoice payment.

The Council briefly discussed the Bric A Brac finances. It was agreed that a breakdown of costs for the market is needed so that the Council understand how much the Bric A Brac market has cost to run.Action Point: Town Clerk to ask the Finance and Facilities Officer to create a spreadsheet of costs.

It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts of £9202.21.

14.  To note general correspondence

The Town Clerk distributed PAPER C. Please see PAPER C for full details. .

·  Email from Market Trader

·  Email from Parishioner- No 52 bus route through Market Rasen.

The Town Clerk reported that the Council have received a letter from a parishioner advising us that the bus route to Lincoln will no longer be stopping at Tesco’s purpose built bus stop. Therefore are asking for the Town Council’s comments and support on this.

It was RESOLVED for the Town Clerk to send a letter to Stagecoach, along with a copy of the letter to the parishioner and Tesco’s fighting and pushing for this bus route to continue.

Action Point: Town Clerk to send a letter to Stagecoach, along with a copy to Tesco’s and the parishioner.

·  Letter from Middle Rasen resident – Bus Shelter – Market Place.

The Town Clerk reported that the Council have received a letter in connection with the mis use of the bus shelter near the Market Place, people are smoking in the shelter and not respecting others. There is no signage to indicate this is a no smoking area. Lincolnshire County Council have been made aware but they indicate that this is a Police matter and that there are no rules where smoking cannot be permitted as this area is open.

It was RESOLVED to report this matter to the Police and send a letter to Lincolnshire County Council to see if something can be done or even some signage displayed.

Action Points: 1) Town Clerk to report matter to Lincolnshire Police. 2) Town Clerk to send a letter to Lincolnshire County Council.

15.  To receive any items of importance to report from Committee Meetings. .

The Town Clerk reported that planning permission has been refused for 17-21 King Street, Market Rasen.

16.  Progress reports from Projects Groups (Project Leader will bring this for discussion if clarification is required by the Council)

a)  Festival Hall

To discuss and resolve on any recommendations made by the Festival Hall Steering Group.

The Chairman of the Festival Hall Steering Group reported that a volunteer has come forward to run a Youth Club in the Festival Hall, for younger people aged 8-14. This would be an experiment and will be looking for parents to come forward to help run this youth club. The Festival Hall Stakeholders group have agreed to give this ago for a few weeks (September to October) to see how it goes. If this youth club proves to be a success then a management committee will need to be formed.

b)  De Aston Field – No report.


17.  Feedback from monthly surgery

Feedback from monthly surgery Saturday, 6th May and 3rd June was received. The following was noted:

·  Street Lighting

·  Car Parking Charges

·  Pigeons

·  George Street junction – mirrors were suggested.

·  The Bridge – volume of traffic.


18.  Progress reports from meetings

No progress reports. .

19.  To discuss and resolve on forming a Flood & Emergency Planning Working Group (to decide on membership of group)

It was RESOLVED for the Flood and Emergency Planning to be dealt with by Full Council.

The Council raised that it is important for all staff members to be aware that the Festival Hall is down as a site in event of any flood and emergency.

20.  Annual Governance Statement 2016/17

It was RESOLVED for the Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 to be duly signed by the appropriate members/officer.

21.  Accounting Statements 2016/17

It was RESOLVED for the Accounting Statements 2016/17 to be duly signed by the appropriate members/officer.

22.  Skate Park Feedback, 3rd June 2017

Councillor Bunney prepared a paper on the Market Rasen Skate Park Project and reported on the content.