Thousand’s Upon Thousand’s

of Angels Available!

April 12, 2017

Dale & Jeannie Daly

Matthew tells us in his writing that a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus, following His crucifixion upon the Cross. Verse 59 and following states; “Joseph took the body….and placed it in his own tomb he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb.” Jesus, after being crucified was laid in that tomb and its doorway sealed by that massive stone.

We know the events that took place leading up to the crucifixion and the placing of the body of Jesus in the tomb, however, consider these thoughts. Before Jesus was crucified we know of the betrayal by Judas and the band of soldiers assigned the duty of bringing Him into custody. Matthew 27:27 in the NKJ tells us the “whole band of soldiers” came to arrest Him. As a reminder from last week’s CRA Moment, the Greek word for “a band of men” is ‘spira,’ which describes a military cohort or a group of 300 to 600 Romans soldiers. Think on this! After taking Jesus to Pilate’s courtyard, hundreds of soldiers filled the area where they “stripped him; put on him a scarlet robe; placed the crown of thorns upon his head; spit in his face; hit him with their fists; and then verbally expressed every foul, evil, curse word they could come up with as they mocked him, saying; “Prophesy to us, Christ! Who is the one who struck You?” Helpless was He? I think not!

Consider this about the power, might, and authority that Jesus had available to him and could call on if He so desired to take out each and every Roman soldier who was mistreating Him. However, his was a life of self-control and self-discipline! In Matthew 26:53 Jesus said to Peter; after he showed vim and vigor in the flexing of his own muscle; by taking action to cut off the Centurion’s right ear with his sword. Jesus said to him, “Do you not think that I cannot pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?” A “legion” is a military term the Roman army used that speaks of at least 6,000 soldiers, although the number could even be greater. Since “legion” refers to at least 6,000 soldiers, it also means a legion of angels would be the same number. However, Jesus said the Father would give Him “more than” twelve legions of angels if requested. Simple multiplication of 6,000 by twelve tells us that twelve legions of angels would be a minimum of 72,000 angels. However, Jesus said the Father would give Him “more than twelve legions”, therefore, there could potentially be additional thousands upon thousands available to Him if He were to make a request.

Angels are powerful! Remember in Isa. 37:36 it’s recorded that one solitary angel obliterated 185,000 of the enemy in one night. So, if one single angel had that kind of power, how much combined strength would there be in twelve legions of angels? Rick Renner in one of his books states:“One single angel obliterated 185,000 men in one night, which means a legion of 6,000 angels would be enough to destroy 1,110,000,000 men. That’s just the combined power of one legion of angels!” Consider this! If one angel took out 185,000, and that figure is multiplied by twelve legions, or at least 72,000 angels, we come up with the combined strength at the disposal of Jesus enough to annihilate at least 13,320,000,000 men, which is more than twice the number of people living on the earth right now! Jesus certainly didn’t need Peter’s undersized, puny sword for His help!

Which now brings us to Resurrection Sunday! Because He arose from the dead, Jesus has the power to fix any problem you’ll ever face! So, the next time you’re tempted to “grab a sword” and start swinging, take a few minutes to remind yourself that Jesus can handle the problem without your intervention! Matthew 28:12, “And, behold, there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.”JESUS IS ALIVE! His resurrection is not merely someone’s grand idea! He was literally raised from the dead by the power of God Almighty!The power of God exploded inside that tomb, flooded His corpse with life, and He arose!Even the earth itself reverberated and shook from the explosion as that angel rolled the stone from the entrance of the tomb, and Jesus physically walked through the entrance way alive!

Remember this: Jesus didn’t need the stone rolled away so He could get out of the tomb. The stone needed to be rolled away ‘so Mary and the disciples could get it’!

Resurrection Dayis no legend or fairy tale! The truth of this account of Jesus and all that took place on Resurrection Day, is the very foundation of our faith!


Psalm 20:7

Dale & Jeannie

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Branson West, MO 65737

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